bigfoot с опцией «para» не может подсчитывать сноски на страницу

bigfoot с опцией «para» не может подсчитывать сноски на страницу

Я набираю большой и сложный документ с десятками тысяч сносок. Некоторые из этих сносок существенны, а многие другие очень короткие.

Поэтому мне нужно использовать нумерацию сносок «на странице», с чем perpageпакет прекрасно справляется.

Я также хотел бы разместить короткие заметки внутри одного абзаца, где это удобно, в то время как длинные сноски имеют свой собственный абзац. Пакет bigfootс \DeclareNewFootnote[para]{default}этим справляется отлично.

Однако мне пришлось потрудиться, чтобы заставить эти два поведения работать вместе: если абзацы в примечаниях разбиты правильно, сноски на страницу не учитываются.

Вот MWE.



Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 



Решение было принято после измененной версии предложения Хариша:



Я использую \AtBeginDocumentetc., а не оригинал, \DeclareNewFootnote[para]{default}следуя предложению автора пакета.в своих комментариях к посылке.Однако для моих целей оба варианта подходят.


Не самая лучшая идея позволять другим пакетам обрабатывать то, что bigfootхорошо работает само по себе: всегда есть риск, что они могут помешать работе bigfoot.

footmiscможет в наши дни использовать perpageсебя, поэтому принятый ответ вполне может сработать.

В любом случае, ваша проблема, похоже, полностью создана вами: ваш MWE загружается, perpageфактически ничего с ним не делая ( perpageтолько предоставляет возможности для изменения счетчиков в целом, но не затрагивает существующие счетчики). bigfoot.dtxСам файл содержит некоторый минимальный пример правильного использования, perpageя думаю.

EDIT BY LOCKSTEP: В примере автора \MakePerPage{footnotedefault}необходимо добавить.



Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 

Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Short.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} Here is some paragraph text.\footnote{Here is quite a long, really very quite long, long footnote. It's actually very long if you take the time to read the whole thing.} 


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