Номера строк конфликтуют с заметками на полях на четных страницах книги

Номера строк конфликтуют с заметками на полях на четных страницах книги

У меня небольшая проблема с заметками на полях, которые накладываются на номера строк на четных страницах книги. Я хотел бы настроить поля так, чтобы заметки оставались там, где они есть. Я думаю, это означает, что мне нужно увеличить внешние поля и marginparsep на четных страницах.

Ниже приведен минимальный рабочий пример:




Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginpar{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.


Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginnote{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.



Меня больше всего интересует, как повлиять на геометрию на четных страницах. Спасибо,


Здесь есть 2 проблемы:

  1. Ширина marginparменьше, чем нужно для размещения заметок на полях. Это можно исправить, задав ширину с помощью geometry.
  2. Номера строк и ноты конкурируют за одну и ту же территорию.

Есть 2 очевидных решения. Одно из них — перевернуть номера страниц так, чтобы они были противоположны заметкам на полях:




    Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginpar{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.

    Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginnote{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.



перевернутые числа

Преимущество этого решения заключается в симметрии.

В качестве альтернативы вы можете изменить выравнивание заметок на полях, увеличив их размер, marginparчтобы разместить номера строк и примечания при необходимости:


заново выровненные заметки на полях

Я бы также рекомендовал не выравнивать текст внутри заметок, так как это не будет работать хорошо при такой узкой ширине. Использование ragged2eтакже может помочь.


Вы можете увеличить marginparsepиспользуемый geometryпакет:

\usepackage[marginparsep=7mm]{geometry}   %% adjust 7mm at will





Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginpar{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.


Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginnote{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.



введите описание изображения здесь

Вы можете также поместить \raggedrightвнутрь \parboxи отрегулировать marginparwidthдля вашего удобства.




Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginpar{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{\raggedright Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.


Here is some text that has line numbers, the text is not important, but it needs to have a few lines otherwise it won't demonstrate the issue I would like to figure out. I don't just want a plug in solution\marginnote{\fbox{\parbox{10ex}{\raggedright Here is a margin note, I think}}}, I'd really like to understand how to get the \texttt{geometry} package to act differently on odd and even pages.



введите описание изображения здесь

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