Биографии авторов журналов Inderscience

Биографии авторов журналов Inderscience

Я хотел бы создать документ, следуя шаблонам Indersciences. Проблема в следующем: биографии авторов должны быть на титульном листе и в верхней части второй страницы, но при компиляции следующего кода отображается только часть биографии, относящаяся к титульному листу. Титульный лист представляет собой одну колонку, заканчивающуюся после биографий. Остальная часть документа от Введения представляет собой две колонки...


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\JOURNALNAME{\TEN{\it Int. Journal, Vol. \theVOL, No. \theISSUE, \thePUBYEAR\hfill\thepage}}%

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\LRH{Author 1 et~al.}

\RRH{inderscience journal}







\title{paper Inderscience template}

\authorA{Author 1*}
\affA{Department of Computer Science,\\ University 1,\\ City 1, Country1 \\
E-mail: [email protected]\\
*Corresponding author}
\affB{Department of Computer Science,\\ University2,\\ City 2, Country2 \\
E-mail: [email protected]}
\affC{School of Informatics and Computer Science,\\ University3,\\ City 3, \\Country3 \\
E-mail: [email protected]}

 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper,    
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
 this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 
this is the abstract of this paper, this is the abstract of this paper, 

\KEYWORD{latex, paper, Inderscience}
\REF{to this paper should be made as follows: Author1., Author2. and Author3.(xxx) paper Indersciencetemplate', \it {Int. J. of XXXXXXX}, Vol..~x, No.~x, pp.xxx--xxx.}


  Author1 is  blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla   
\noindent Author2 blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla 
\noindent Author3 blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla blablabla 



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Для более подробного объяснения: я хотел бы получить что-то вроде

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введите описание изображения здесь

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