этот код строится на основе данного решенияздесь изображение добавляется в заголовки. В коде изШаблон Legrande Orange представлен здесь,программист использует переключатель, чтобы \chapterimage{chapter_head_1.pdf}
менять изображения, появляющиеся в заголовках глав.
Существует ли аналогичный подход, который можно использовать для переключения изображений глав заголовков, используя аналогичный подход «переключения» к коду, приведенному ниже, вместо повторного ввода и изменения окружений \fancyhead[O]
и \fancyhead[E]
для каждой главы?
Вот исходный код:
\usepackage[left=1.5cm, right=1.5cm, bindingoffset=1.5cm, headheight=120pt, top={120pt+10mm}]{geometry}
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]%
\fill[gmitblue] (current page.north west) rectangle ($(current page.north east)+(0,-\hdheight)$);
\draw[line] ([yshift=-\hdheight]current page.north west) -- ([yshift=-\hdheight]current page.north east);
\node[anchor=south west, text width=11.5cm, text=white, font=\fontsize{.7cm}{1.5cm}\selectfont\bfseries] at ($(current page.north west)+(.5\hdheight,-\hdheight)$) {\raggedleft\rightmark};
\node[anchor=south west, text width=2cm, text=white, font=\fontsize{2cm}{1.5cm}\selectfont\bfseries] (oddpagenum) at ($(current page.north west)+(.5\hdheight,-\hdheight)$) {\thechapter};
\node[anchor=south west, text width=11.5cm, text=white, font=\fontsize{.5cm}{1.5cm}\selectfont\bfseries] (chapter) at (oddpagenum.south east) {\quad TOPIC TO BE DISCUSSED};
\node[anchor=north east, inner xsep=5mm] at (current page.north east) {\includegraphics[height=120pt]{example-image-a}};
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]%
\fill[gmitblue] (current page.north west) rectangle ($(current page.north east)+(0,-\hdheight)$);
\draw[line] ([yshift=-\hdheight]current page.north west) -- ([yshift=-\hdheight]current page.north east);
\node[anchor=south east, text width=7cm, text=white, font=\fontsize{.7cm}{1.5cm}\selectfont\bfseries] (evenpagenum) at ($(current page.north east)+(-.5\hdheight,-\hdheight)$) {\raggedleft\rightmark};
\node[anchor=north west, inner xsep=5mm] at (current page.north west) {\includegraphics[height=120pt]{example-image-b}};
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]%
\fill[gmitblue] (current page.south west) rectangle ($(current page.south east)+(0,.5in)$);
\node[anchor=south west, text=white, font=\Large\bfseries, minimum size=.5in] at (current page.south west) {\thepage};
\node[anchor=south, text=white, font=\large, minimum size=.5in] at (current page.south) {\leftmark};
\node[anchor=south east, text=white, font=\large, minimum size=.5in, inner xsep=5mm] at (current page.south east) {\today};
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]%
\fill[gmitblue] (current page.south west) rectangle ($(current page.south east)+(0,.5in)$);
\node[anchor=south west, text=white, font=\large, minimum size=.5in, inner xsep=5mm] at (current page.south west) {\today};
\node[anchor=south, text=white, font=\large, minimum size=.5in] at (current page.south) {\leftmark};
\node[anchor=south east, text=white, font=\Large\bfseries, minimum size=.5in] at (current page.south east) {\thepage};
\title{A reasonably long title}
\author{The author}
\titlespacing*{\chapter} {0pt}{20pt}{40pt}
%have a different header image here
\chapter{Problem 1}
\section{Problem 1}
\section{Solution 1}
%have a different header image here - say like the "example-image-d" and "example-image-e" images
\chapter{Problem 2}
\section{Problem 2}
Вы можете использовать макросы или блоки вместо \includegraphics[…]{…}
в определении заголовка нечетной и четной страницы. И вы можете определить команду для изменения этих макросов или блоков. В следующем примере я использую блоки, потому что настройка блоков один раз и их многократное использование быстрее, чем многократное расширение макросов:
\usepackage[left=1.5cm, right=1.5cm, bindingoffset=1.5cm, headheight=120pt, top={120pt+10mm}]{geometry}
% #1 - optional argument added to the optional argument of both \includegraphics
% #2 - name of even/left side page head image
% #3 - name of odd/right side page head image
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]%
\fill[gmitblue] (current page.north west) rectangle ($(current page.north east)+(0,-\hdheight)$);
\draw[line] ([yshift=-\hdheight]current page.north west) -- ([yshift=-\hdheight]current page.north east);
\node[anchor=south west, text width=11.5cm, text=white, font=\fontsize{.7cm}{1.5cm}\selectfont\bfseries] at ($(current page.north west)+(.5\hdheight,-\hdheight)$) {\raggedleft\rightmark};
\node[anchor=south west, text width=2cm, text=white, font=\fontsize{2cm}{1.5cm}\selectfont\bfseries] (oddpagenum) at ($(current page.north west)+(.5\hdheight,-\hdheight)$) {\thechapter};
\node[anchor=south west, text width=11.5cm, text=white, font=\fontsize{.5cm}{1.5cm}\selectfont\bfseries] (chapter) at (oddpagenum.south east) {\quad TOPIC TO BE DISCUSSED};
\node[anchor=north east, inner xsep=5mm] at (current page.north east) {\usebox\headimageodd};
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]%
\fill[gmitblue] (current page.north west) rectangle ($(current page.north east)+(0,-\hdheight)$);
\draw[line] ([yshift=-\hdheight]current page.north west) -- ([yshift=-\hdheight]current page.north east);
\node[anchor=south east, text width=7cm, text=white, font=\fontsize{.7cm}{1.5cm}\selectfont\bfseries] (evenpagenum) at ($(current page.north east)+(-.5\hdheight,-\hdheight)$) {\raggedleft\rightmark};
\node[anchor=north west, inner xsep=5mm] at (current page.north west) {\usebox\headimageeven};
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]%
\fill[gmitblue] (current page.south west) rectangle ($(current page.south east)+(0,.5in)$);
\node[anchor=south west, text=white, font=\Large\bfseries, minimum size=.5in] at (current page.south west) {\thepage};
\node[anchor=south, text=white, font=\large, minimum size=.5in] at (current page.south) {\leftmark};
\node[anchor=south east, text=white, font=\large, minimum size=.5in, inner xsep=5mm] at (current page.south east) {\today};
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]%
\fill[gmitblue] (current page.south west) rectangle ($(current page.south east)+(0,.5in)$);
\node[anchor=south west, text=white, font=\large, minimum size=.5in, inner xsep=5mm] at (current page.south west) {\today};
\node[anchor=south, text=white, font=\large, minimum size=.5in] at (current page.south) {\leftmark};
\node[anchor=south east, text=white, font=\Large\bfseries, minimum size=.5in] at (current page.south east) {\thepage};
\title{A reasonably long title}
\author{The author}
\titlespacing*{\chapter} {0pt}{20pt}{40pt}
\chapter{Problem 1}
\section{Problem 1}
\section{Solution 1}
\chapter{Problem 2}
\section{Problem 2}
Примечание: Я не могу использовать example-image-d
, потому что пакет mwe
предоставляет только example-image-a
до example-image-c
. Поэтому я использовал example-image
вместо example-image-c
и еще раз example-image-a
и example-image-c
. Но я думаю, вы поймете, как использовать его с разными изображениями.