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\LRH{F. Wang et~al.}

\RRH{Metadata Based Management and Sharing of Distributed Biomedical








\title{Metadata Based Management and Sharing of Distributed Biomedical Data}

\authorA{Fusheng Wang}
\affA{Department of Biomedical Informatics,\\ Emory University,\\ Atlanta, GA, USA \\
Fax: +1 \qquad E-mail: [email protected]}
\authorB{Fusheng Wang}
\affB{Department of Biomedical Informatics,\\ Emory University,\\ Atlanta, GA, USA \\
Fax: +1 \qquad E-mail: [email protected]}

\authorC{Peiya Liu}
\affC{Department of Integrated Data Systems, Siemens Corporate
Research \newline 755 College Road East, Princeton 08540, USA}




\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Myneni and Patel}{2010}]{myneni10col}
Myneni, S. and  Patel, V.L. (2010) 'Organization of biomedical data
for collaborative scientific research: a research information
management system', {\it International Journal of Information
Management}, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp.256--264



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