Я хочу написать между пунктами, то есть после одного пункта, я хочу добавить 2 небольших предложения под ним. Посмотрите мой код, и то, что я хочу, приведено ниже:
\section{\textcolor{blue}{Testing Nilpotence in linear time}}
Given a group $G$ in the form of mutiplication table, we want to check to decide divides the order of $G$}. Algorithm for testing nilpotence is given below. \\
\item Compute the prime factorization of $n= p_1^{\alpha_1} \times p_2^{\alpha_2} \cdots p_i^{\alpha_i}$. \\
\item Determine the order of all elements in $G$. \\
\item For $1 \le i \le r$, check if $\mathcal{N}(p_i^{\alpha_i}) \neq p_i^{\alpha_i}$ then $G$ is not nilpotent. \\
\item Else output that $G$ is nilpotent
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\newcommand\aside[1]{\par\quad{\footnotesize(#1)}\par} % or "\small", if you prefer
\section{\color{blue}Testing Nilpotence in linear time}
Given a group $G$ in the form of multiplication table, we want to check to
decide [...] divides the order of $G$. An algorithm for testing nilpotence
is given below.
\item Compute the prime factorization of $n = p_1^{\alpha_1} \times
p_2^{\alpha_2} \cdots \times p_i^{\alpha_i}$.
\aside{Each $p_i^{\alpha_i}$ is the highest power}
\item Determine the order of all elements in $G$.
\aside{It can be done easily}
\item For $1 \le i \le r$, check if $\mathcal{N}(p_i^{\alpha_i}) \neq
p_i^{\alpha_i}$. If true, $G$ is not nilpotent.
\item Else, conclude that $G$ is nilpotent.
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\section{\textcolor{blue}{Testing Nilpotence in linear time}}
Given a group $G$ in the form of multiplication table, we want to check to decide divides the order of $G$. Algorithm for testing nilpotence is given below. %\\ had to be removed
\item Compute the prime factorization of $n= p_1^{\alpha_1} \times p_2^{\alpha_2} \cdots p_i^{\alpha_i}$. % "\\" had to be removed
{\small(small text in the next line)}
\item Determine the order of all elements in $G$. % "\\" had to be removed
{\small(small text in the next line)}
\item For $1 \le i \le r$, check if $\mathcal{N}(p_i^{\alpha_i}) \neq p_i^{\alpha_i}$ then $G$ is not nilpotent. % "\\" had to be removed
{\small(small text in the next line)}
\item Else output that $G$ is nilpotent