Текст слева, рисунок С ПОДПИСЬЮ справа

Текст слева, рисунок С ПОДПИСЬЮ справа

Я пытаюсь получить текст в левой части документа, а рисунок в правой части документа. К сожалению, все еще есть некоторые проблемы: В первом примере надписи отличаются (шрифт, пробелы, тип) от надписей основного текста. Во втором примере не отображается подпись. Я не смог найти никакого решения до сих пор и был бы очень благодарен за любую помощь с вашей стороны!

1) Пример

   10L-bach of water that flows through the device, it dispenses a dose of 3 mL of NaOCl solution into a mixing chamber. The chlorinated water is then flushed by an automatic siphon into a storage reservoir and dispensed via a tap \citep{Amin2016}.
Difficulties experienced with the application of this device
      \caption{Bild rechts}

2) Пример


     \noindent {\textbf{Zimba}}\\
    The Zimba device is connected to handpumps. For every 10L-bach of water that flows through the device, it dispenses a dose of 3 mL of NaOCl solution into a mixing chamber. The chlorinated water is then flushed by an automatic siphon into a storage reservoir and dispensed via a tap \citep{Amin2016}.
    Difficulties experienced with the application of this device
    are the variations in dosing due to clogging of the regulator \citep{Pickering2015}. Moreover, the Zimba dispenser uses a non-standard low concentration NaOCl solution (0.4\%), which requires dilution before filling.
       \caption{Zimba \citep{Amin2016}}



Похоже, вы пытаетесь сделать что-то, что реализовано пакетом wrapfig. Вот простой пример:


        \caption{Bild rechts}

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\begin{tabular} {p{6cm} p{5cm}}
   10L-bach of water that flows through the device, it dispenses a dose of 3 mL of NaOCl solution into a mixing chamber. The chlorinated water is then flushed by an automatic siphon into a storage reservoir and dispensed via a tap .
Difficulties experienced with the application of this device
    \end{minipage}\hfill} &
    I would like to say that I do not have any pictures, text or table. % \includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]
%      \caption{Bild rechts}

 \begin{tabular} {p{6cm} p{5cm}}
     \noindent {\textbf{Zimba}}\\
    The Zimba device is connected to handpumps. For every 10L-bach of water that flows through the device, it dispenses a dose of 3 mL of NaOCl solution into a mixing chamber. The chlorinated water is then flushed by an automatic siphon into a storage reservoir and dispensed via a tap.
    Difficulties experienced with the application of this device
    are the variations in dosing due to clogging of the regulator . Moreover, the Zimba dispenser uses a non-standard low concentration NaOCl solution (0.4\%), which requires dilution before filling.
    \end{minipage}} & 


       Some thing is missing here
       %\caption{Zimba \citep{Amin2016}}


% пожалуйста, скомпилируйте с полным текстом. Надеюсь, это будет вам полезно. Я скомпилировал и увидел, что это работает.

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