У меня очень ограниченные навыки работы с LaTeX. Пытаюсь сделать таблицу, которая выглядит так, но не могу понять, как:
Попытка использовать закладки для горизонтальных линий, табу для работы с шириной столбцов (мне нужно сделать еще несколько таблиц для диссертации).
\caption{Interpretive and critical research paradigms for design research (adopted from \citealt{crouch2012doing})
\begin{tabu} to 1.0\linewidth { | X[l] | X[l] | X[l] | }
Research Paradigm & Interpretive & Critical \\
Epistemology / Ontology & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}It is only possible to represent aspects of social reality.\\ Researcher is a subjective observer.\\ The world is open to interpretation.\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}The world is characterised by inequalities because the lifeworld is systemically colonised.\\ Ideology is all-pervasive.\\ Knowledge implies action.\end{tabular} \\
Researcher’s role & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Engage with other people’s lives\\ Enable the ‘voices’ of others to be heard\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}Critically observe design practices\\ Engage with other people’s lives\\ Initiate or facilitate change\end{tabular} \\
Research purpose & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}To explore the habitus of designers and users, in,interaction with the field\\ To interpret design practices, objects and systems\\ To understand how the designer or the user engages with design practices, objects and systems\end{tabular} & \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}To disrupt, emancipate, transform the habitus and field of design\\ To explore how the user is affected by design practices, objects and systems\\ To change design practices, objects and systems\end{tabular} \\
Underlying values & Plurality
Может ли кто-нибудь мне подсказать?
Способ с табличным и p
столбчатым типом:
\author{Konstantinos Leledakis}
\date{March 2019}
\caption{Interpretive and critical research paradigms for design research (adopted from \ldots%\citealt{crouch2012doing}
\begin{tabular}{ l p{3.4cm} p{3.4cm} }
\textbf{Research Paradigm}
& \textbf{Interpretive}
& \textbf{Critical} \\\midrule
Epistemology / Ontology
& It is only possible to represent aspects of social reality. Researcher is a subjective observer. The world is open to interpretation.
& The world is characterised by inequalities because the lifeworld is systemically colonised. Ideology is all-pervasive. Knowledge implies action. \\\hline
Researcher’s role
& Engage with other people’s lives Enable the ‘voices’ of others to be heard
& Critically observe design practices Engage with other people’s lives Initiate or facilitate change \\\hline
Research purpose
& To explore the habitus of designers and users, in,interaction with the field To interpret design practices, objects and systems To understand how the designer or the user engages with design practices, objects and systems
& To disrupt, emancipate, transform the habitus and field of design To explore how the user is affected by design practices, objects and systems To change design practices, \\\hline
objects and systems &
Underlying values
& Plurality \\
PS: p
тип столбца создан для таких случаев и обеспечивает автоматические "переносы строк" в содержимом ячеек столбца. Вы можете использовать m
вместо p
для вертикального центрирования ячеек каждой строки.
PS2: Просто показываю способ... но, честно говоря, я бы внес больше улучшений в таблицу, чтобы получить красивую таблицу. Но я думаю, что это то, что вам нужно в данный момент для изучения «Как».
Вот код для таблицы, которая занимает несколько страниц (я уменьшил ее длину). Он использует пакеты caption
, tabularx
, longtable
и tabu
(это позволяет сделать заголовок таблицы на первой странице и нижний колонтитул на последней странице отличными от всех других верхних/нижних колонтитулов, например, «продолжено с предыдущей страницы» и «продолжено на следующей странице»). (некоторые другие пакеты, связанные с таблицами
% \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
\usepackage{longtable, tabu}
\usepackage{booktabs, caption, apacite}
\usepackage{hhline, blindtext}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{p{1.7cm} | p{2.5cm} | p{4cm} | X}
\caption{Literature on Industrial Diversification (Overview) \label{overview_industrial}}\\
\hline \hline
Study &Sample, Data & Specifications &Results \\ \hline \hline \endfirsthead%
%\caption{Literature on Industrial Diversification (Overview, continued from previous page) }\\
\multicolumn{4}{l}{Continued from previous page}\\
\hline \hline
Study &Sample, Data Source & Specifications &Results \\ \hline \hline \endhead%
\multicolumn{4}{r}{Continued on next page}\\
\textbf{Research Paradigm}
& \textbf{Interpretive}
& \textbf{Critical} \\ \hline \hline
Epistemology / Ontology
& It is only possible to represent aspects of social reality. Researcher is a subjective observer. The world is open to interpretation.
& The world is characterised by inequalities because the lifeworld is systemically colonised. Ideology is all-pervasive. Knowledge implies action. \\\hline
Researcher’s role
& Engage with other people’s lives Enable the ‘voices’ of others to be heard
& Critically observe design practices Engage with other people’s lives Initiate or facilitate change \\ \hline
Research purpose
& To explore the habitus of designers and users, in,interaction with the field To interpret design practices, objects and systems To understand how the designer or the user engages with design practices, objects and systems
& To disrupt, emancipate, transform the habitus and field of design To explore how the user is affected by design practices, objects and systems To change design practices, \\ \hline
\textbf{Research Paradigm}
& \textbf{Interpretive}
& \textbf{Critical} \\ \hline \hline
Epistemology / Ontology
& It is only possible to represent aspects of social reality. Researcher is a subjective observer. The world is open to interpretation.
& The world is characterised by inequalities because the lifeworld is systemically colonised. Ideology is all-pervasive. Knowledge implies action. \\\hline
Researcher’s role
& Engage with other people’s lives Enable the ‘voices’ of others to be heard
& Critically observe design practices Engage with other people’s lives Initiate or facilitate change \\ \hline
Research purpose
& To explore the habitus of designers and users, in,interaction with the field To interpret design practices, objects and systems To understand how the designer or the user engages with design practices, objects and systems
& To disrupt, emancipate, transform the habitus and field of design To explore how the user is affected by design practices, objects and systems To change design practices, \\ \hline
\textbf{Research Paradigm}
& \textbf{Interpretive}
& \textbf{Critical} \\ \hline \hline
Epistemology / Ontology
& It is only possible to represent aspects of social reality. Researcher is a subjective observer. The world is open to interpretation.
& The world is characterised by inequalities because the lifeworld is systemically colonised. Ideology is all-pervasive. Knowledge implies action. \\\hline
Researcher’s role
& Engage with other people’s lives Enable the ‘voices’ of others to be heard
& Critically observe design practices Engage with other people’s lives Initiate or facilitate change \\ \hline
Research purpose
& To explore the habitus of designers and users, in,interaction with the field To interpret design practices, objects and systems To understand how the designer or the user engages with design practices, objects and systems
& To disrupt, emancipate, transform the habitus and field of design To explore how the user is affected by design practices, objects and systems To change design practices,
\\ \hline
something &something something
&sample text
&\begin{minipage}[t][]{\linewidth}\begin{itemize} \item first element in list
\item second one
\item and so on
\\ \hline \hline
я хотел бы использоватьtabularx
(как предложено@Мари. П.в его ответе +1) вместо tabu
пакета, правила изbooktabs
пакета (как использовать@koleygrв своем ответе +1), ragged2e
пакет для лучшего заполнения имеющегося пространства в ячейках и makecell
пакет для заголовков столбцов и дополнительного вертикального пространства в ячейках.
Поскольку вы не предоставляете никакой информации о том, какой класс документа вы используете и о макете страницы в ваших документах, я выбираю article
и определяю макет страницы с помощью geometry
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, tabularx}
\captionsetup[table]{position=above, skip=0.5ex}
\author{Konstantinos Leledakis}
\date{March 2019}
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
\caption{Interpretive and critical research paradigms for design research (adopted from \ldots%\citealt{crouch2012doing}
% \small
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{} P{21mm} L L @{}}
\thead[lb]{Research\\ Paradigm}
& \thead[b]{Interpretive}
& \thead{Critical} \\
Epistemology/ Ontology
& It is only possible to represent aspects of social reality. Researcher is a subjective observer. The world is open to interpretation.
& The world is characterised by inequalities because the lifeworld is systemically colonised. Ideology is all-pervasive. Knowledge implies action. \\
Researcher’s role
& Engage with other people’s lives Enable the ‘voices’ of others to be heard
& Critically observe design practices Engage with other people’s lives Initiate or facilitate change \\
Research purpose
& To explore the habitus of designers and users, in,interaction with the field To interpret design practices, objects and systems To understand how the designer or the user engages with design practices, objects and systems
& To disrupt, emancipate, transform the habitus and field of design To explore how the user is affected by design practices, objects and systems To change design practices,
objects and systems
& Underlying values
& Plurality \\
который дает:
Вы также можете рассмотреть возможность использования шрифта меньшего размера, например \small
. В этом случае заполнение ячеек будет лучше и может получиться так, что строк текста будет меньше.