Как определить узлы для уменьшения их длины с помощью среды `tikzpicture`

Как определить узлы для уменьшения их длины с помощью среды `tikzpicture`

Это дополнение к предыдущему вопросу:Как вставить раздел факультативных предметов в диаграмму.

Что я хочу

Я хотел быуменьшить длину тех узлов, которые имеют только один столбец окружения matrixTiкz-пакет, но с сохранением того же расстояния между узлами.Если возможно, сделайте это также автоматически (это совсем не обязательно, просто знайте, какие команды необходимы):

Что я хочу

Что я наделал


Весь следующий исходный код принадлежитсуроквневероятный принятый ответ на прилагаемый вопрос. Я только модифицировал узлы и тому подобное.


text field/.style={text height=1.5ex,align=center,rounded corners},
nonfillable title field/.style={text height=2ex,text depth=0.3em,anchor=south,text 
fillable title field/.style={text height=3.14ex,text depth=0em,anchor=south,text 
pics/fillable subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
{\hspace*{-0.5em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-day,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0.15em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-month,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-year,width=2em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=4,bordercolor={1 1 1}]{}~};
\node[nonfillable title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {#1};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
pics/nonfillable subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
\node[nonfillable title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {#1};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
pics/fillable elective subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
{\hspace*{-0.5em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-day,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0.15em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-month,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-year,width=2em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=4,bordercolor={1 1 1}]{}~};
\node[fillable title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {\hspace*{-0.34em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-electivesubject,width=4.5cm,charsize=8pt,height=.5cm,bordercolor={1 1 1}]{}};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
pics/nonfillable elective subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
\node[nonfillable title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
 manoooh/.style={column sep=-1.75cm,row sep=5mm},
 manooohE/.style={column sep=-2.25cm,row sep=5mm,anchor=south},
 electives/.style={column sep=-7.25cm,row sep=5mm},
 fit sep/.initial=4pt,  % change width of node (big rectangle shape)
 fit dist/.initial=3cm, % change node distance (big rectangle shape)
 inlay top sep/.initial=24pt,
 matrix top sep/.initial=24pt,
}  % From https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/478723/152550

\makeatletter% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/85531/121799

\thispagestyle{empty}   % To suppress page number
\fill[white,fill=orange] (0,0) rectangle (\paperwidth,-2cm) node[midway,align=center,font=\Huge] {\bfseries Some text here\\\LARGE More text here};

\typeout{Please\space recompile\space your\space file!}
\typeout{Please\space recompile\space your\space file!}
\typeout{Please\space recompile\space your\space file!}

 % step 1: add the matrices, name them mat0, mat1 etc.
 \begin{scope}[local bounding box=matrices] 
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat0) at (0*\mymatdist,{\LstMatShifts[0]}) {
        & \pic[local bounding box=A] (A) {nonfillable subject={Subject A}}; & \\
        & \pic (B) {nonfillable subject={Subject B}}; & \\
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat1) at (1*\mymatdist,{\LstMatShifts[1]}) {
        & \pic (C) {nonfillable subject={Subject C}}; & \\
        & \pic (D) {nonfillable subject={Subject D}}; & \\
        & \pic (E) {nonfillable subject={Subject E}}; & \\
        & \pic (F) {nonfillable subject={Subject F}}; & \\
        & \pic (G) {nonfillable subject={Subject G}}; & \\
        & \pic (H) {nonfillable subject={Subject H}}; & \\
        & \pic (I) {nonfillable subject={Subject I}}; & \\
        & \pic[draw=red] (J) {nonfillable subject={Subject J}}; & \\
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat2) at (2*\mymatdist,{\LstMatShifts[2]}) {
        & \pic[draw=red] (K) {nonfillable subject={Subject K}}; & \\
        & \pic (L) {nonfillable subject={Subject L}}; & \\
        & \pic (M) {nonfillable subject={Subject A}}; & \\
        & \pic (N) {nonfillable subject={Subject N}}; & \\
        & \pic (O) {nonfillable subject={Subject O}}; & \\
        & \pic (P) {nonfillable subject={Subject P}}; & \\
        & \pic (Q) {nonfillable subject={Subject Q}}; & \\
        & \pic (R) {nonfillable subject={Subject R}}; & \\
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat3) at (3*\mymatdist,{\LstMatShifts[3]}) {
        & \pic[draw=red] (S) {nonfillable subject={Subject S}}; & \\
        & \pic (T) {nonfillable subject={Subject T}}; & \\
        & \pic (U) {nonfillable subject={Subject U}}; & \\
        & \pic (V) {nonfillable subject={Subject V}}; & \\
        & \pic (W) {nonfillable subject={Subject W}}; & \\
        & \pic (X) {nonfillable subject={Subject X}}; & \\
        & \pic (Y) {nonfillable subject={Subject Y}}; & \\
        & \pic (Z) {nonfillable subject={Subject Z}}; & \\
  \matrix[manooohE,column sep=8pt] (matE3) at (3*\mymatdist,\mymatbottom) {
        \pic (L3E1) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}}; &
        \pic (L3E2) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}}; \\
    \matrix[manoooh] (mat4) at (4*\mymatdist,{\LstMatShifts[4]}) {
        & \pic[draw=red] (AA) {nonfillable subject={Subject AA}}; & \\
        \pic (AB) {nonfillable subject={Subject AB}}; & & \pic (AC) {nonfillable subject={Subject AC}}; \\
        & \pic (AD) {nonfillable subject={Subject AD}}; & \\
        & \pic (AE) {nonfillable subject={Subject AE}}; & \\
        & \pic (AF) {nonfillable subject={Subject AF}}; & \\
        & \pic (AG) {nonfillable subject={Subject AG}}; & \\
    \matrix[manooohE] (matE4) at (4*\mymatdist,\mymatbottom) {
        \pic (L4E1) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}}; \\
    \matrix[manoooh] (mat5) at (5*\mymatdist,{\LstMatShifts[5]}) {
        & \pic (AH) {nonfillable subject={Subject AH}}; & \\
        & \pic (AI) {nonfillable subject={Subject AI}}; & \\
        & \pic[draw=red] (AJ) {nonfillable subject={Subject AJ}}; & \\
        & \pic (AK) {nonfillable subject={Subject AK}}; & \\
    \matrix[manooohE] (matE5) at (5*\mymatdist,\mymatbottom) {
        & \pic (L5E1) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}}; & \\
        & \pic (L5E2) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}}; & \\
        & \pic (L5E3) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}}; & \\
        & \pic (L5E4) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}}; & \\
        & \pic (L5E5) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}}; & \\
 \foreach \X in {0,...,5} %<- if you have more or less matrices, adjust 3       
  \ifnodedefined{matE\X}{% has inlay
   \path let \p1=($(mat\X.north east)-(mat\X.south west)$),
    \p2=($(matE\X.north east)-(matE\X.south west)$)
       \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/inlay top sep}+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/matrix top sep},%
     \pgfmathsetmacro{\myshift}{(\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/inlay top sep}+\y2)/2}
     \xdef\LstMatShifts{\myshift pt}
     \xdef\LstMatShifts{\LstMatShifts,\myshift pt}
     \fi};}{% no inlay
    let \p1=($(mat\X.north east)-(mat\X.south west)$)  in 
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\myheight}{max(\y1+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/matrix top sep},\myheight)} 
  at (mat\X |-matrices.north) (L\X) {Level $\X$};
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]
   % the fit parameters determine the shape of the background rectangles
   \node[fit=(L\X) (mat\X) (matrices.south-|mat\X.south),inner ysep=5mm,
   minimum width=\mymatdist-\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}/2,
   fill=orange!30,rounded corners=50pt](F\X){};
 %\typeout{height1:\myheight} % 
 sep}+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}}
 \foreach \X in {0,...,5} %
 {\ifnodedefined{matE\X}{\path let \p1=($(mat\X.north)-(mat\X.south)$),
      \n1={max(abs(\y1)/2+abs(\y2)+2*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/inlay top sep},\mymatbottom)}
     in \pgfextra{\xdef\mymatbottom{\n1}}
     node[anchor=south east,xshift=-3cm,font=\LARGE\bfseries] (El\X)
      at (matE\X.north){Electives};
  \begin{scope}[on background layer]      
    \node[fit=(matE\X) (El\X)] (FE\X){};
    \fill[blue!30,rounded corners=30pt] (\X*\mymatdist-
    \mymatdist/2+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}/4+10pt,0|-FE\X.north)
    rectangle (\X*\mymatdist+
    \mymatdist/2-\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}/4-10pt,0|-FE\X.south);
 \immediate\write\@mainaux{\xdef\string\mymatdist{\mydist pt}\relax}

 % now add the arrows 
 \foreach \X in {C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J} {
    \draw[very thick,blue,-latex] (A-Title) to[out=0,in=180] (\X-Title);
    \draw[very thick,red,-latex] (B-Title) to[out=0,in=180] (\X-Title);
 \foreach \X in {L,O} {
    \draw[very thick,orange,-latex] (C-Title) to[out=0,in=180] (\X-Title);
 \foreach \X in {K,N,O,Z} {
    \draw[very thick,green,-latex] (D-Title) to[out=0,in=180] (\X-Title);



Что я наделал



Предложение с утиными (т.е. несуществующими ;-) объяснениями.


text field/.style={text height=1.5ex,align=center,rounded corners},
nonfillable title field/.style={text height=2ex,text depth=0.3em,anchor=south,text 
fillable title field/.style={text height=3.14ex,text depth=0em,anchor=south,text 
pics/fillable subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
{\hspace*{-0.5em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-day,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0.15em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-month,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-year,width=2em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=4,bordercolor={1 1 1}]{}~};
\node[nonfillable title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {#1};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
pics/nonfillable subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
\node[nonfillable title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {#1};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
pics/fillable elective subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
{\hspace*{-0.5em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-day,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0.15em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-month,width=1em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=2,bordercolor={1 1 1}]~~/\hspace*{-0em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-year,width=2em,charsize=7pt,maxlen=4,bordercolor={1 1 1}]{}~};
\node[fillable title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {\hspace*{-0.34em}\TextField[align=1,name=#1-electivesubject,width=4.5cm,charsize=8pt,height=.5cm,bordercolor={1 1 1}]{}};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
pics/nonfillable elective subject/.style={code={%
\node[text field] (-TF) 
\node[nonfillable title field] (-Title) 
at ([yshift=0.4em]-TF.north) {};
\draw[rounded corners] (-TF.south west) |- (-Title.south west)
|- (-Title.north east) -- (-Title.south east) -| (-TF.south east)
 -- cycle;
\draw ([xshift=4pt]-Title.south west) -- ([xshift=-4pt]-Title.south east);
 manoooh/.style={column sep=-1.75cm,row sep=5mm},
 manooohE/.style={column sep=-2.25cm,row sep=5mm,anchor=south},
 electives/.style={column sep=-7.25cm,row sep=5mm},
 fit sep/.initial=4pt,  % change width of node (big rectangle shape)
 fit dist/.initial=40pt, % change node distance (big rectangle shape)
 inlay top sep/.initial=24pt,
 matrix top sep/.initial=24pt,
 manoooh curve/.style={to path={let \p1=($(\tikztotarget)-(\tikztostart)$) 
 in (\tikztostart) .. controls ($(\tikztostart)+(#1*\x1,0)$)
 and ($(\tikztotarget)+(-#1*\x1,0)$) .. (\tikztotarget)}},
 manoooh curve/.default=0.3
}  % From https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/478723/152550

\makeatletter% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/85531/121799

\thispagestyle{empty}   % To suppress page number
\fill[white,fill=orange] (0,0) rectangle (\paperwidth,-2cm) node[midway,align=center,font=\Huge] {\bfseries Some text here\\\LARGE More text here};

\typeout{Please\space recompile\space your\space file!}
\typeout{Please\space recompile\space your\space file!}


 % step 1: add the matrices, name them mat0, mat1 etc.
 \begin{scope}[local bounding box=matrices] 
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat0) at ({\LstMatXShifts[0]},{\LstMatYShifts[0]}) {
         \pic[local bounding box=A] (A) {nonfillable subject={Subject A}};  \\
         \pic (B) {nonfillable subject={Subject B}};  \\
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat1) at ({\LstMatXShifts[1]},{\LstMatYShifts[1]}) {
         \pic (C) {nonfillable subject={Subject C}};  \\
         \pic (D) {nonfillable subject={Subject D}};  \\
         \pic (E) {nonfillable subject={Subject E}};  \\
         \pic (F) {nonfillable subject={Subject F}};  \\
         \pic (G) {nonfillable subject={Subject G}};  \\
         \pic (H) {nonfillable subject={Subject H}};  \\
         \pic (I) {nonfillable subject={Subject I}};  \\
         \pic[draw=red] (J) {nonfillable subject={Subject J}};  \\
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat2) at ({\LstMatXShifts[2]},{\LstMatYShifts[2]}) {
         \pic[draw=red] (K) {nonfillable subject={Subject K}};  \\
         \pic (L) {nonfillable subject={Subject L}};  \\
         \pic (M) {nonfillable subject={Subject A}};  \\
         \pic (N) {nonfillable subject={Subject N}};  \\
         \pic (O) {nonfillable subject={Subject O}};  \\
         \pic (P) {nonfillable subject={Subject P}};  \\
         \pic (Q) {nonfillable subject={Subject Q}};  \\
         \pic (R) {nonfillable subject={Subject R}};  \\
  \matrix[manoooh] (mat3) at ({\LstMatXShifts[3]},{\LstMatYShifts[3]}) {
         \pic[draw=red] (S) {nonfillable subject={Subject S}};  \\
         \pic (T) {nonfillable subject={Subject T}};  \\
         \pic (U) {nonfillable subject={Subject U}};  \\
         \pic (V) {nonfillable subject={Subject V}};  \\
         \pic (W) {nonfillable subject={Subject W}};  \\
         \pic (X) {nonfillable subject={Subject X}};  \\
         \pic (Y) {nonfillable subject={Subject Y}};  \\
         \pic (Z) {nonfillable subject={Subject Z}};  \\
  \matrix[manooohE] (matE3) at ({\LstMatXShifts[3]},\mymatbottom) {
        \pic (L3E1) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}}; & &
        \pic (L3E2) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}}; \\
        & \pic (L3E3) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}};  & \\
    \matrix[manoooh] (mat4) at ({\LstMatXShifts[4]},{\LstMatYShifts[4]}) {
        & \pic[draw=red] (AA) {nonfillable subject={Subject AA}}; & \\
        \pic (AB) {nonfillable subject={Subject AB}}; & & \pic (AC) {nonfillable subject={Subject AC}}; \\
        & \pic (AD) {nonfillable subject={Subject AD}}; & \\
        & \pic (AE) {nonfillable subject={Subject AE}}; & \\
        & \pic (AF) {nonfillable subject={Subject AF}}; & \\
        & \pic (AG) {nonfillable subject={Subject AG}}; & \\
    \matrix[manooohE] (matE4) at ({\LstMatXShifts[4]},\mymatbottom) {
        \pic (L4E1) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}}; \\
    \matrix[manoooh] (mat5) at ({\LstMatXShifts[5]},{\LstMatYShifts[5]}) {
         \pic (AH) {nonfillable subject={Subject AH}};  \\
         \pic (AI) {nonfillable subject={Subject AI}};  \\
         \pic[draw=red] (AJ) {nonfillable subject={Subject AJ}};  \\
         \pic (AK) {nonfillable subject={Subject AK}};  \\
    \matrix[manooohE] (matE5) at ({\LstMatXShifts[5]},\mymatbottom) {
         \pic (L5E1) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}};  \\
         \pic (L5E2) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}};  \\
         \pic (L5E3) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}};  \\
         \pic (L5E4) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}};  \\
         \pic (L5E5) {nonfillable elective subject={Subject}};  \\
 \draw[-latex] (I-Title) to[manoooh curve] (AK-Title);
 \foreach \X in {0,...,5} %<- if you have more or less matrices, adjust 3       
  at (mat\X |-matrices.north) (L\X) {Level $\X$}; 
  \ifnodedefined{matE\X}{% has inlay
   \node[xshift=1em,anchor=south west,font=\LARGE\bfseries,opacity=0] (matEl\X) at (matE\X.north west) {Electives};
   \path let \p1=($(mat\X.north east)-(mat\X.south west)$) in
   node[fit=(matE\X) (matEl\X),inner ysep=5mm,fill=blue!30,rounded
   corners=40pt,minimum width=\x1-2*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit sep},
   inner xsep=\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit sep}](F\X){};
   \node[xshift=1em,anchor=south west,font=\LARGE\bfseries] 
   (matEl\X) at ([xshift=1.3em]F\X.west|-matEl\X.center) {Electives};
   \path let \p1=($(mat\X.north east)-(mat\X.south west)$),
    \p2=($(F\X.north east)-(F\X.south west)$),
    \n1={max(abs(\y1)/2+abs(\y2)/2+0*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/inlay top sep},\mymatbottom)}
        \pgfmathsetmacro{\groupwidth}{\groupwidth+max(\x1,\x2)/2+\lastwidth/2+2*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit sep}+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}}
       \pgfmathsetmacro{\lastwidth}{max(\x1,\x2)+8*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit sep}}
         \pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/inlay top sep}+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/matrix top sep},%
       \pgfmathsetmacro{\myshift}{(\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/inlay top sep}+\y2)/2}
       \xdef\LstMatYShifts{\myshift pt}
       \xdef\LstMatYShifts{\LstMatYShifts,\myshift pt}
       \xdef\LstMatXShifts{\LstMatXShifts,\groupwidth pt}
   % the fit parameters determine the shape of the background rectangles
   \node[fit=(L\X) (mat\X) (matrices.south-|mat\X.south)
   (matE\X) (matEl\X),inner ysep=8mm,inner xsep=4*\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit sep},
   fill=orange!30,rounded corners=50pt](F\X){};
   \end{pgfonlayer}}{% no inlay
    let \p1=($(mat\X.north east)-(mat\X.south west)$),
        \pgfmathsetmacro{\groupwidth}{\groupwidth+\x1/2+\lastwidth/2+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/fit dist}}
       \pgfmathsetmacro{\myheight}{max(\y1+\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/matrix top sep},\myheight)} 
       \xdef\LstMatXShifts{\LstMatXShifts,\groupwidth pt}
   % the fit parameters determine the shape of the background rectangles
   \node[fit=(L\X) (mat\X) (matrices.south-|mat\X.south),inner ysep=8mm,
   fill=orange!30,rounded corners=50pt](F\X){};

 % now add the arrows 
 \foreach \X in {C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J} {
    \draw[very thick,blue,-latex] (A-Title) to[out=0,in=180] (\X-Title);
    \draw[very thick,red,-latex] (B-Title) to[out=0,in=180] (\X-Title);
 \foreach \X in {L,O} {
    \draw[very thick,orange,-latex] (C-Title) to[out=0,in=180] (\X-Title);
 \foreach \X in {K,N,O,Z} {
    \draw[very thick,green,-latex] (D-Title) to[out=0,in=180] (\X-Title);



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