когда я делаю это:
\textbf{KPI} & \textbf{Description} \endhead
\rowcolor{darkgrey} \textbf{The percentage of health and safety trained managers and employees in the workplace} & \begin{itemize}
\item The percentage of trained managers for occupational health and safety in the institute.
\item The percentage of trained employees for occupational health and safety in the institute.
\end{itemize} \\
\textbf{Frequency of health and safety committee meetings} & \begin{itemize}\item The number of health and safety committee short meetings per month.
\item The number of health and safety committee general meetings per year.
\end{itemize} \\
\rowcolor{darkgrey} \textbf{Frequency of inspection} & \begin{itemize}
\item Number of inspections per year.
\item Frequency of observation of unsafe behaviors.
\end{itemize} \\
\textbf{Frequency of auditing} &
\item Number of health and safety management system auditing per year.
\end{itemize} \\
\rowcolor{darkgrey} \textbf{Health and safety management team members commitments} &
\item Number of deliverables per team member.
\item Number of participants in the committee meetings.
\end{itemize} \\
\textbf{Number of precaution procedures} &
\item Frequency of early warnings.
\item Number of first aid kits and fire drills.
\item Number of trained employees for first aid kits and fire drills.
\end{itemize} \\
Я понял это
! LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item.See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.Type H <return> for immediate help.... \end{tabularx}
как я могу решить это? Я использую
Я предлагаю немного иную компоновку вашей таблицы. Как вы видите из вашего примера, текст в первом и второмстолбецне находится на одной базовой линии, что считается плохой типографикой. Кроме того, все вертикальные и горизонтальные линии не нужны, когда вы используете затенение. Кроме того, вы получаете белые линии, разбросанные вокруг, потому что ни \rowcolor
и booktabs
-правила, ни booktabs
-правила и вертикальные линии несовместимы. Если ваша таблица является частью документа, текст не будет выровнен по левому и правому полю, не очень хорошо.
Код для отмены пробела над элементами списка адаптирован из кода Дэвида Карлайла вэтот ответ.
Вот мое предложение, и если вам интересно, я могу объяснить различные шаги.
\usepackage{lmodern, microtype}
\newcommand{\listbox}[1]{\parbox[t]{\dimexpr(\linewidth-\tabcolsep)}{\mbox{}\vspace{-\normalbaselineskip\relax}\begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=1em,]#1\end{itemize}}}
%%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
KPI && \textbf{Description} \\
The percentage of health and safety trained managers and employees in the workplace & &
\listbox{\item The percentage of trained managers for occupational health and safety in the institute
\item The percentage of trained employees for occupational health and safety in the institute} \par\\
Frequency o health and safety committee meetings &&
\listbox{\item The number of health and safety committee short meetings per month
\item The number of health and safety committee general meetings per year} \par\\
\rowcolor{darkgrey}Frequency of inspection & &
\listbox{\item Number of inspections per year
\item Frequency of observation of unsafe behaviors} \par\\
Frequency of auditing & &
\listbox{\item Number of health and safety management system auditing per year} \par\\
\rowcolor{darkgrey}Health and safety management team members commitments & &
\listbox{\item Number of deliverables per team member
\item Number of participants in the committee meetings} \par\\
Number of precaution procedures & &
\listbox{\item Frequency of early warnings
\item Number of first aid kits and fire drills
\item Number of trained employees for first aid kits and fire drills} \par\\
Еще одно возможное решение...
- с использованием
списков пакетовitemize
внутри таблиц приспособлены для использования в таблицах - для горизонтальных линий в таблице используются линии, определенные в
пакете - для столбца со списками определяется новый тип столбца
(см. MWE ниже)
- больше верхних вертикальных пробелов в ячейках достигается с помощью пакета
и нижних с помощью настроекitemize
в таблице - удалены неиспользуемые фрагменты кода и исправлены определения типов столбцов
\setlist[itemize]{nosep, % <-- new list setup
label=\textbullet,%% <===
after=\vspace{-0.8\baselineskip} %% <===
}% end of AtBeginEnvironment
\newcolumntype{I}{>{\csname @minipagetrue\endcsname%
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{>{\bfseries\RaggedRight}S{p{48mm}} I}%% <===
KPI & \multicolumn{1}{>{\bfseries}l}{Description} \\
The percentage of health and safety trained managers and employees in the workplace
& \item The percentage of trained managers for occupational health and safety in the institute.
\item The percentage of trained employees for occupational health and safety in the institute.
Frequency of health and safety committee meetings
& \item The number of health and safety committee short meetings per month.
\item The number of health and safety committee general meetings per year.
Frequency of inspection
& \item Number of inspections per year.
\item Frequency of observation of unsafe behaviors.
Frequency of auditing
& \item Number of health and safety management system auditing per year.
Health and safety management team members commitments
& \item Number of deliverables per team member.
\item Number of participants in the committee meetings.
Number of precaution procedures
& \item Frequency of early warnings.
\item Number of first aid kits and fire drills.
\item Number of trained employees for first aid kits and fire drills.
Изменив свой \endhead
на \\
и добавив необходимые пакеты (плюс изменив тип столбца на , X
чтобы tabularx «работал»), эта ошибка исчезла:
\textbf{KPI} & \textbf{Description} \\
\rowcolor{darkgrey} \textbf{The percentage of health and safety trained managers and employees in the workplace} & \begin{itemize}
\item The percentage of trained managers for occupational health and safety in the institute.
\item The percentage of trained employees for occupational health and safety in the institute.
\end{itemize} \\
\textbf{Frequency of health and safety committee meetings} & \begin{itemize}\item The number of health and safety committee short meetings per month.
\item The number of health and safety committee general meetings per year.
\end{itemize} \\
\rowcolor{darkgrey} \textbf{Frequency of inspection} & \begin{itemize}
\item Number of inspections per year.
\item Frequency of observation of unsafe behaviors.
\end{itemize} \\
\textbf{Frequency of auditing} &
\item Number of health and safety management system auditing per year.
\end{itemize} \\
\rowcolor{darkgrey} \textbf{Health and safety management team members commitments} &
\item Number of deliverables per team member.
\item Number of participants in the committee meetings.
\end{itemize} \\
\textbf{Number of precaution procedures} &
\item Frequency of early warnings.
\item Number of first aid kits and fire drills.
\item Number of trained employees for first aid kits and fire drills.
\end{itemize} \\