Постоянство расстояний между узлами на вершинах вдоль сложенных горизонтальных сегментов на диаграмме `TikZ`

Постоянство расстояний между узлами на вершинах вдоль сложенных горизонтальных сегментов на диаграмме `TikZ`

На следующей TikZдиаграмме я изобразил расширяющийся граф — последовательность простых графов. Несоответствие в этой диаграмме — это расстояния между последовательными шагами в расширении. Для первых четырех шагов я просто уменьшил -координату yна 3каждой из вершин. Многолинейный узел под вершиной четвертого графа помешал этому. Я просто поместил последний граф 6 cmпод четвертый граф. Это неприлично.

Как определить длину между (label_for_Vertex_b.south)и (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b.north)и использовать это расстояние для расположения дроби (2n+1)/2на последнем графике, а из этого узла провести последнюю горизонтальную линию?




\begin{tikzpicture}[nodes={inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize,
execute at begin node={\setlength\abovedisplayskip{0.75ex}%
shorten/.style={shorten >=#1,shorten <=#1}]

%A sequence of graphs is drawn, starting with the vertex with the b-label b.

%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b.
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\draw (-4,-3) -- (-2,-3);
\draw[fill] (-4,-3) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,-3) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,-3) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,-3) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,-3) +(0,-0.25)$){$b - 1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,-3) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
%An arrow is drawn to the next diagram.
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex \textit{b}} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b);

%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-1.
\draw (-4,-6) -- (-2,-6) -- (0,-6);
\draw[fill] (-4,-6) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,-6) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,-6) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,-6) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,-6) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,-6) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,-6) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) at ($(0,-6) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,-6) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);

%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-n.
\draw (-4,-9) -- (-2,-9) -- (0,-9) (2,-9) -- (5,-9);
\draw[fill] (-4,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\node at (1,-9){$\ldots$};
\draw[fill] (2,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (5,-9) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(0,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\node[anchor=south, green] (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses) at ($(1,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(2,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(2,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(5,-9) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(5,-9) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\more vertices} (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses);
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of last two vertices and the label of the mediants of these vertices.
\draw[-latex, dashed, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=3mm, shorten >=1mm] ($(3.5,-9) +(60:2)$) -- (3.5,-9);
\path node[anchor=south, align=center, text width={width("future vertex")}]
at ($(3.5,-9) +(60:2)$){future mediant\\for vertex\[\dfrac{2n+1}{2}\]};
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
\coordinate (label_for_Edge) at ($(3.5,-9.5) +(0,-0.75)$);
\draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] (3.5,-9) -- (label_for_Edge);
\node[anchor=north, align=center, inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize] (actual_label_for_Edge) at (label_for_Edge)
{$\begin{aligned} &\text{Present edge label of} \\[-1.5ex]
&\quad 2\bigl[(b-n)+(b-(n+1))\bigr] \\[-1.5ex]

\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);

\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=30pt, shorten >=7.5pt] (label_for_Edge.south) -- ($(label_for_Edge.south) +(0,-4)$);

%Here is the vertex placed at the broken edge.
\draw (-4,-15) -- (-2,-15) -- (0,-15) (2,-15) -- (5,-15);
\draw[fill] (-4,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (-2,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (0,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\node at (1,-15){$\ldots$};
\draw[fill] (2,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] ({(2+5)/2},-15) circle (1.5pt);
\draw[fill] (5,-15) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(0,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(0,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(2,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(2,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
\node[anchor=north] at ($(5,-15) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(5,-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
%A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
\draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] ({(2+5)/2},-15) -- ({(2+5)/2},-16);
\node[anchor=north] at ({(2+5)/2},-16){$2^{2}b-(n+1)2$};
\node[anchor=south] (Last_Farey_Fraction_in_diagram) at ($({(2+5)/2},-15) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2n+1}{2}$};

%Extra code to display distances I want between graphs.
\draw[|<->|, green] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b) -- (label_for_Vertex_b);
\node[green, anchor=west] at ($($(label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b)!0.5!(label_for_Vertex_b)$) +(0.1,0)$){\textit{D}};
\draw[|<->|, green] ($(actual_label_for_Edge.south) +(0.5,0)$) -- ($(Last_Farey_Fraction_in_diagram.north) +(0.5,0)$);
\node[green, anchor=west] at ($($(actual_label_for_Edge.south) +(0.6,0)$)!0.5!($(Last_Farey_Fraction_in_diagram.north) +(0.6,0)$)$){\textbf{Want this to be \textit{D}}};




Чтобы сдвинуть целые блоки, вы можете поместить их в scopes,


Это позволяет сместить последний блок на 3 см ниже южного анкера краевой метки.




\begin{tikzpicture}[nodes={inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize,
execute at begin node={\setlength\abovedisplayskip{0.75ex}%
shorten/.style={shorten >=#1,shorten <=#1}]

%A sequence of graphs is drawn, starting with the vertex with the b-label b.

%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b.
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b - 1$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 %An arrow is drawn to the next diagram.
 \draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
 {Blow-up of\\vertex \textit{b}} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b);

 %Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-1.
 \draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
 \node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);

%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-n.
 \draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0) (2,0) -- (5,0);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node at (1,0){$\ldots$};
 \draw[fill] (2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (5,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=south, green] (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses) at ($(1,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(5,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(5,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
 \draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
 {Blow-up of\\more vertices} (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses);
 %A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of last two vertices and the label of the mediants of these vertices.
 \draw[-latex, dashed, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=3mm, shorten >=1mm] ($(3.5,0) +(60:2)$) -- (3.5,0);
 \path node[anchor=south, align=center, text width={width("future vertex")}]
 at ($(3.5,0) +(60:2)$){future mediant\\for vertex\[\dfrac{2n+1}{2}\]};
 %A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
 \coordinate (label_for_Edge) at ($(3.5,-0.5) +(0,-0.75)$);
 \draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] (3.5,0) -- (label_for_Edge);
 \node[anchor=north, align=center, inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize] (edge label) at (label_for_Edge)
 {$\begin{aligned} &\text{Present edge label of} \\[-1.5ex]
 &\quad 2\bigl[(b-n)+(b-(n+1))\bigr] \\[-1.5ex]

\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);

\path ($(0,0|-edge label.south)+(0,-3)$) coordinate(auxp);
 %Here is the vertex placed at the broken edge.
 \draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0) (2,0) -- (5,0);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node at (1,0){$\ldots$};
 \draw[fill] (2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] ({(2+5)/2},0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (5,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(5,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(5,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
 %A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
 \draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] ({(2+5)/2},0)
 -- ({(2+5)/2},-1);
 \node[anchor=north] at ({(2+5)/2},-1){$2^{2}b-(n+1)2$};
 \node[anchor=south] (f2n) at ($({(2+5)/2},0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2n+1}{2}$};
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=30pt, shorten >=7.5pt] 
(label_for_Edge.south) -- (f2n.north);


введите описание изображения здесь

Как уже упоминалосьздесь, вы, возможно, получите большую выгоду, используя positioningдля позиционирования блоков относительно друг друга. Этот ответ написан в предположении, что есть некоторые причины, по которым вы не хотите использовать positioning.

Вот еще одна попытка сделать вас счастливыми. Хитрость в том, чтобы поместить эти слои в pics и поместить ("поддельные") фотки в матрицу.

Вертикальное расстояние между этими слоями/фотографиями полностью фиксировано column sep.

Если вы хотите добавить аннотации, которые не должны изменять размер этих изображений, используйте либо один из них, overlayлибо добавьте их вне матрицы. Примеры для обоих можно найти в MWE




\begin{tikzpicture}[nodes={inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize,
execute at begin node={\setlength\abovedisplayskip{0.75ex}%
shorten/.style={shorten >=#1,shorten <=#1},

%A sequence of graphs is drawn, starting with the vertex with the b-label b.

\matrix[row sep=4.5em]{%<- this defines the difference between pics
%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b.
\draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
\node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
\node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
\draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) coordinate(lcompare);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] (bcompare) at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b) at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b - 1$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 %Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-1.
 \draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
 \node[anchor=south] (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1) at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
%Here is the blow-up of the vertex labeled b-n.
 \draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0) (2,0) -- (5,0);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node at (1,0){$\ldots$};
 \draw[fill] (2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (5,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=south, green] (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses) at ($(1,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(5,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(5,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
 %A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of last two vertices and the label of the mediants of these vertices.
 \draw[-latex, dashed, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=3mm, shorten >=1mm,overlay] ($(3.5,0) +(60:2)$) -- (3.5,0);
 \path node[anchor=south, align=center, text width={width("future
 at ($(3.5,0) +(60:2)$){future mediant\\for vertex\[\dfrac{2n+1}{2}\]};
 %A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
 \coordinate (label_for_Edge) at ($(3.5,-0.5) +(0,-0.75)$);
 \draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] (3.5,0) -- (label_for_Edge);
 \node[anchor=north, align=center, inner sep=0, font=\scriptsize] (edge label) at (label_for_Edge)
 {$\begin{aligned} &\text{Present edge label of} \\[-1.5ex]
 &\quad 2\bigl[(b-n)+(b-(n+1))\bigr] \\[-1.5ex]
 %Here is the vertex placed at the broken edge.
 \draw (-4,0) -- (-2,0) -- (0,0) (2,0) -- (5,0);
 \draw[fill] (-4,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (-2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (0,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node at (1,0){$\ldots$};
 \draw[fill] (2,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] ({(2+5)/2},0) circle (1.5pt);
 \draw[fill] (5,0) circle (1.5pt);
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-4,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-4,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{0}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(-2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-1$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(-2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{1}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(0,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-2$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(0,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(2,0) +(0,-0.25)$){\textit{b-n}};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(2,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n}{1}$};
 \node[anchor=north] at ($(5,0) +(0,-0.25)$){$b-(n+1)$};
 \node[anchor=south] at ($(5,0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{n+1}{1}$};
 %A "pin" is drawn between the midpoint of the edge between the last two vertices and its label.
 \draw[draw=gray, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=1mm, shorten >=1mm] ({(2+5)/2},0)
 -- ({(2+5)/2},-1);
 \node[anchor=north] at ({(2+5)/2},-1){$2^{2}b-(n+1)2$};
 \node[anchor=south] (f2n) at ($({(2+5)/2},0) +(0,0.25)$){$\dfrac{2n+1}{2}$};
%An arrow is drawn to the next diagram.
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
 {Blow-up of\\vertex \textit{b}} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b);
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-2) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
 {Blow-up of\\more vertices} (label_for_phantom_Farey_Fraction_at_ellipses);
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten=7.5pt] (label_for_Vertex_b-1) to[bend right=30] node[midway, left=1.5mm, align=center]
{Blow-up of\\vertex $b - 1$} (label_for_Farey_Fraction_at_Vertex_b-1);
\draw[-latex, line width=0.8pt, shorten <=30pt, shorten >=7.5pt] 
(label_for_Edge.south) -- (f2n.north);

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