Почему мое электронное письмо появляется на странице до начала моей статьи?

Почему мое электронное письмо появляется на странице до начала моей статьи?

Почему мое электронное письмо появляется на странице раньше, чем начинается статья?





%Extra things that are included for simplicity.

\newcommand{\PCir }{\mathrm{PCir }}
% Used for displaying a sample figure. If possible, figure files should
% be included in EPS format.
% If you use the hyperref package, please uncomment the following line
% to display URLs in blue roman font according to Springer's eBook style:
% \renewcommand\UrlFont{\color{blue}\rmfamily}

\title{Outer approximations of core points for integer programming\thanks{Supported by NSERC grant RGPIN-2015-04955}}
%\titlerunning{Outer approximations of core points}
% If the paper title is too long for the running head, you can set
% an abbreviated paper title here
\author{Naghmeh Shahverdi\and
David Bremner}

%\authorrunning{ David Bremner and Naghmeh Shahverdi }
% First names are abbreviated in the running head.
% If there are more than two authors, 'et al.' is used.
%\institute{University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, E3B 5A3 , Canada \\

\email{\{ nshahver,bremner \}@unb.ca}}
\maketitle              % typeset the header of the contribution

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