Подогнать таблицу под ширину страницы

Подогнать таблицу под ширину страницы

Я пытаюсь втиснуть таблицу по ширине страницы, но у меня не получается. Я пытался повторить эти посты, но безуспешно. Я совсем новичок в Latex.

\textbf{Field} & \textbf{Meaning} & \textbf{Type}\\
lineRef & Reference to the Line in question & ID\\
datedVehicleJourneyRef & Reference to DatedServiceJourney-ID for the corresponding \newline object in the timetable data & ID\\
operatorRef & Reference to Operator in question & ID\\
date & Date of the journey & date \\
originName & Name of the first stop of the departure & String \\
vehicleRef & Reference to the vehicle & ID \\
stopPointRef & Reference to the stop & ID \\
order & The sequential order of the stop & Integer \\
aimedArrivalTime & Originally planned arrival time & dateTime  \\
actualArrivalTime & Actual arrival time & dateTime \\
expectedArrivalTime & Estimated arrival time of the journey according to the prediction & dateTime \\
yhat & The difference between expected and the actual arrival time & Integer \\
timeTableDiff & The difference between the originally planned and the actual arrival time\\

The extracted fields from the raw nested JSON data.


Вот решение, которое использует tabularxсреду для включения автоматического разрыва строки и автоматического отступа висячего элемента в средней колонке. Для улучшения визуального интереса я предлагаю добавить немного вертикального пробела после 4–5 строк; в таблице ниже есть три таких визуальных разрыва группировки.

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% columm type with automatic line breaking and hanging indentation:


\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l L l @{}}
Field & Meaning & Type \\
lineRef       & Reference to the Line in question & ID\\
datedVehicleJourneyRef & Reference to DatedServiceJourney-ID 
   for the corresponding object in the timetable data & ID\\
operatorRef   & Reference to Operator in question & ID\\
date          & Date of the journey & date \\
originName    & Name of the first stop of the departure & String \\
vehicleRef    & Reference to the vehicle & ID \\
stopPointRef  & Reference to the stop & ID \\
order         & The sequential order of the stop & Integer \\
aimedArrivalTime & Originally planned arrival time & dateTime  \\
actualArrivalTime & Actual arrival time & dateTime \\
expectedArrivalTime & Estimated arrival time of the journey 
   according to the prediction & dateTime \\
yhat          & The difference between expected and 
   the actual arrival time & Integer \\
timeTableDiff & The difference between the originally planned 
   and the actual arrival time\\

\caption{The extracted fields from the raw nested JSON data.}



Взгляните на следующий код:




\textbf{Field} & \textbf{Meaning} & \textbf{Type}\\
lineRef & Reference to the Line in question & ID\\
datedVehicleJourneyRef & Reference to DatedServiceJourney-ID for the corresponding \newline object in the timetable data & ID\\
operatorRef & Reference to Operator in question & ID\\
date & Date of the journey & date \\
originName & Name of the first stop of the departure & String \\
vehicleRef & Reference to the vehicle & ID \\
stopPointRef & Reference to the stop & ID \\
order & The sequential order of the stop & Integer \\
aimedArrivalTime & Originally planned arrival time & dateTime  \\
actualArrivalTime & Actual arrival time & dateTime \\
expectedArrivalTime & Estimated arrival time of the journey according to the prediction & dateTime \\
yhat & The difference between expected and the actual arrival time & Integer \\
timeTableDiff & The difference between the originally planned and the actual arrival time\\

The extracted fields from the raw nested JSON data.

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