Ошибка массива пакетов: недопустимый pream-токен (\caption): использован `c'

Ошибка массива пакетов: недопустимый pream-токен (\caption): использован `c'

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Package array Error: Illegal pream-token (\caption): `c' used."

Пожалуйста, помогите мне это исправить. Спасибо.

    \caption{Table 1: Features comparison} 
    \label{tab:my_label} \\
        Authors &  Topic & Scalability & Comparison & Theoretical Value & Application\\
        \cite{alzahrani2018detection}Alzahrani et al. 2018 & DDoS attack & No & No & No & \\
        \cite{biggio2011support}Biggio et al. 2011 & Adversarial attack & No & No & No & \\
        \cite{biggio2012poisoning}Biggio et al. 2012 & Poisoning attacks & No & No & No & \\
        \cite{chen2018detecting}Chen et al. 2018 & Activation clustering & No & No & No & \\
        \cite{fredrikson2015model}Fredrikson et al. 2015 & Inversion attacks & No & No & No & \\
        \cite{fredrikson2014privacy}Fredrikson et al. 2014 & Inversion attacks & No & No & No & \\
        \cite{goodfellow2014explaining}Goodfellow, et al. 2014 &  &  &  &  & \\
        \cite{gu2017badnets}Gu, et al. 2017 &  &  &  &  & \\
        \cite{hu2021artificial}Hu, et al. 2021 &  &  &  &  & \\
        \cite{jaszcz2022aimm}Jaszc, et al. 2022 &  &  &  &  & \\
        \cite{alzahrani2018detection}Alzahrani et al. 2018 & DDoS attack & No & No & No & \\
        \cite{biggio2011support}Biggio et al. 2011 & Adversarial attack & No & No & No & \\
        \cite{biggio2012poisoning}Biggio et al. 2012 & Poisoning attacks & No & No & No & \\
        \cite{chen2018detecting}Chen et al. 2018 & Activation clustering & No & No & No & \\
        \cite{fredrikson2015model}Fredrikson et al. 2015 & Inversion attacks & No & No & No & \\
        \cite{fredrikson2014privacy}Fredrikson et al. 2014 & Inversion attacks & No & No & No & \\
        \cite{goodfellow2014explaining}Goodfellow, et al. 2014 &  &  &  &  & \\
        \cite{gu2017badnets}Gu, et al. 2017 &  &  &  &  & \\
        \cite{hu2021artificial}Hu, et al. 2021 &  &  &  &  & \\
        \cite{jaszcz2022aimm}Jaszc, et al. 2022 &  &  &  &  & \\
\end{document} %This is the error location


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    % headers and footers
    \caption{Comparison of features} \label{tab:my_label} \\
    Authors &  Topic & Scalability & Comparison & Theoretical Value & Application\\
    \multicolumn{6}{l}{\tablename\ \thetable, continued} \\[1ex]
    Authors &  Topic & Scalability & Comparison & Theoretical Value & Application\\
    \multicolumn{6}{r}{\footnotesize (continued on next page)}\\
    % body of table
    \cite{alzahrani2018detection}Alzahrani et~al.\ 2018 & DDoS attack & No & No & No & \\
    \cite{biggio2011support}Biggio et~al.\ 2011 & Adversarial attack & No & No & No & \\
    \cite{biggio2012poisoning}Biggio et~al.\ 2012 & Poisoning attacks & No & No & No & \\
    \cite{chen2018detecting}Chen et~al.\ 2018 & Activation clustering & No & No & No & \\
    \cite{fredrikson2015model}Fredrikson et~al.\ 2015 & Inversion attacks & No & No & No & \\
    \cite{fredrikson2014privacy}Fredrikson et~al.\ 2014 & Inversion attacks & No & No & No & \\
    \cite{goodfellow2014explaining}Goodfellow et~al.\ 2014 & & & & & \\
    \cite{gu2017badnets}Gu et~al.\ 2017 & & & & & \\
    \cite{hu2021artificial}Hu et~al.\ 2021 & & & & & \\
    \cite{jaszcz2022aimm}Jaszc et~al.\ 2022 & & & & & \\
    \cite{alzahrani2018detection}Alzahrani et~al.\ 2018 & DDoS attack & No & No & No & \\
    \cite{biggio2011support}Biggio et~al.\ 2011 & Adversarial attack & No & No & No & \\
    \cite{biggio2012poisoning}Biggio et~al.\ 2012 & Poisoning attacks & No & No & No & \\
    \cite{chen2018detecting}Chen et~al.\ 2018 & Activation clustering & No & No & No & \\
    \cite{fredrikson2015model}Fredrikson et~al.\ 2015 & Inversion attacks & No & No & No & \\
    \cite{fredrikson2014privacy}Fredrikson et~al.\ 2014 & Inversion attacks & No & No & No & \\
    \cite{goodfellow2014explaining}Goodfellow et~al.\ 2014 & & & & & \\
    \cite{gu2017badnets}Gu et~al.\ 2017 & & & & & \\
    \cite{hu2021artificial}Hu et~al.\ 2021 & & & & & \\
    \cite{jaszcz2022aimm}Jaszc et~al.\ 2022 & & & & & \\



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