Преобразовать изображение в код (TikZ? PSTricks?)

Преобразовать изображение в код (TikZ? PSTricks?)

У меня есть ... pdf-файл, содержащий рисунки графиков, например, следующие:

введите описание изображения здесь

введите описание изображения здесь

Теперь второй график не так уж и сложно нарисовать на TikZ (я предполагаю... надеюсь? У меня нет никакого опыта, кроме рисования схем!), но вот такие фигуры, как на первой картинке, меня больше беспокоят. Я хочу перерисовать их в коде (например, в TikZ или любом другом пакете), чтобы они выглядели в более высоком качестве, чем если бы я просто сделал скриншот и выложил его в свой документ LaTeX.

Есть ли какие-либо инструменты, которые могут автоматически преобразовывать такие изображения в код? Он не должен быть идеальным, я могу подправить его по мере необходимости, я просто хотел бы, чтобы был хотя бы базовый код, чтобы мне не приходилось начинать каждый раз заново. Даже примеры, найденные в сети, не очень соответствуют чему-то вроде первой картинки, и я бы предпочел не просматривать горы примеров/pdf-файлов/инструкций, чтобы нарисовать что-то относительно простое. Так как же мне легко справиться с чем-то вроде первого рисунка в коде, т. е. преобразовать его в компилируемый код? Любая помощь будет оценена по достоинству!


Я бы рекомендовал комбинацию инструментов:

  1. Инкскейп
  2. svg2tikz

После установки Inkscape вы можете поместить svg2tikz в свой ./config/inkscape/extensionsкаталог и перезапустить программу, чтобы получить эту функциональность. Теперь вам просто нужно преобразовать растровое изображение в вектор. Inkscape имеет эту встроенную функциональность (версия 0.48).

Пошаговая инструкция:

  1. Импортировать растровое изображениеFile->Import
  2. Выберите растровое изображение и выберитеPath->Trace Bitmap
  3. Настройте параметры по своему вкусу, в зависимости от изображения, мои параметры были
    • одиночное сканирование, порог яркости 0,8
    • подавить крапинку на 6px
    • Сглаживание углов на 1.00
    • Оптимизировать пути в 5.00
  4. Выберите новый созданный путь. Вы можете выбрать Path->Simplifyна этом этапе, но я считаю алгоритм упрощения Inkscape слишком агрессивным.
  5. Вы также можете захотеть разделить путь на области, используя Path->Break Apart. Это вызовет некоторую растерянность, когда у вас есть белое на черном, как в '0' или 'B'. Вам следует выбрать подпути, которые вам действительно нужны, и заново объединить их, используя Path->Exclusion.
  6. Подправьте изображение. Я бы рекомендовал заменить буквы/цифры настоящим текстом, а также, возможно, заменить оси одинарными штриховыми линиями. Это значительно уменьшит общий размер вашего пути tikz.
  7. Экспортируйте графику с помощью Extensions->Export->Export to TiKZ path Результаты приведены ниже.

Я сделал пару изменений, чтобы соответствовать лимиту SE в 40 000 символов. Я заменил текст перед экспортом, а затем вручную добавил метки осей. Я опубликовал только код для первого, но поместил оба выходных изображения ниже. Процедура та же самая. Я также обрезал десятичный выходной файл экспорта до 2 цифр (вместо 4) с помощью grep.

Первый участок Второй участок

\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.80pt, x=0.8pt,yscale=-1, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
\path[fill=black] (232.51,182.05) .. controls (232.30,182.11) and
  (232.06,183.60) .. (231.95,186.49) .. controls (231.51,198.05) and
  (231.46,200.52) .. (231.65,200.89) .. controls (231.87,201.33) and
  (231.69,215.09) .. (231.26,230.25) .. controls (231.19,232.65) and
  (231.12,235.49) .. (231.09,236.55) .. controls (231.07,237.61) and
  (230.99,238.98) .. (230.91,239.59) .. controls (230.69,241.43) and
  (230.58,251.83) .. (230.79,252.21) .. controls (230.90,252.41) and
  (230.90,253.38) .. (230.81,254.55) .. controls (230.71,255.65) and
  (230.70,256.73) .. (230.78,256.96) .. controls (230.86,257.18) and
  (230.83,257.64) .. (230.72,257.97) .. controls (230.52,258.54) and
  (230.29,268.70) .. (230.08,285.80) .. controls (230.03,289.37) and
  (229.94,294.78) .. (229.88,297.82) .. controls (229.81,301.03) and
  (229.85,303.56) .. (229.96,303.85) .. controls (230.18,304.43) and
  (230.19,305.41) .. (230.09,310.53) .. controls (229.99,315.08) and
  (229.91,314.90) .. (232.14,314.92) .. controls (233.01,314.93) and
  (240.76,315.02) .. (249.36,315.12) .. controls (257.95,315.23) and
  (265.13,315.24) .. (265.30,315.15) .. controls (265.89,314.83) and
  (276.85,314.87) .. (295.36,315.24) .. controls (304.98,315.44) and
  (316.76,315.40) .. (317.35,315.17) .. controls (317.75,315.01) and
  (318.37,315.01) .. (319.54,315.17) .. controls (320.43,315.29) and
  (321.55,315.35) .. (322.02,315.30) .. controls (322.49,315.25) and
  (324.84,315.29) .. (327.24,315.38) .. controls (337.41,315.77) and
  (367.58,316.06) .. (368.62,315.78) .. controls (368.93,315.70) and
  (371.46,315.70) .. (374.26,315.78) .. controls (382.09,316.02) and
  (391.74,316.19) .. (405.73,316.35) .. controls (412.77,316.44) and
  (418.71,316.45) .. (418.94,316.39) .. controls (419.16,316.33) and
  (422.54,316.27) .. (426.45,316.27) .. controls (433.48,316.25) and
  (434.07,316.21) .. (434.07,315.65) .. controls (434.07,314.92) and
  (424.25,314.56) .. (421.25,315.18) .. controls (420.35,315.36) and
  (419.95,315.37) .. (419.56,315.19) -- (419.04,314.95) --
  (419.04,311.68) .. controls (419.04,308.49) and (418.56,306.69) ..
  (418.51,309.68) .. controls (418.40,315.63) and (418.89,315.06) ..
  (414.12,314.98) .. controls (411.97,314.94) and (409.47,314.94) ..
  (408.58,314.96) .. controls (407.68,314.99) and (406.40,315.00) ..
  (405.73,314.99) .. controls (398.61,314.88) and (388.32,314.74) ..
  (381.32,314.64) .. controls (370.87,314.50) and (372.12,315.00) ..
  (372.12,310.97) .. controls (372.12,308.76) and (372.05,307.61) ..
  (371.90,307.51) .. controls (371.47,307.25) and (371.36,307.89) ..
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  (343.18,314.51) .. controls (341.27,314.30) and (332.88,314.07) ..
  (328.38,314.10) .. controls (325.00,314.13) and (325.21,314.37) ..
  (325.21,310.55) .. controls (325.21,308.04) and (325.16,307.42) ..
  (324.94,307.42) .. controls (324.55,307.42) and (324.41,308.51) ..
  (324.40,311.42) -- (324.39,313.88) -- (322.92,314.00) .. controls
  (322.11,314.07) and (320.76,314.20) .. (319.93,314.30) .. controls
  (319.05,314.40) and (317.54,314.40) .. (316.37,314.30) .. controls
  (315.26,314.20) and (306.27,314.06) .. (296.41,313.97) .. controls
  (279.41,313.83) and (278.45,313.80) .. (278.20,313.45) .. controls
  (278.00,313.19) and (277.93,312.28) .. (277.94,310.18) .. controls
  (277.95,307.42) and (277.85,306.69) .. (277.51,306.90) .. controls
  (277.42,306.96) and (277.34,308.35) .. (277.32,310.00) .. controls
  (277.30,311.65) and (277.23,313.15) .. (277.17,313.35) .. controls
  (277.07,313.66) and (276.54,313.71) .. (272.14,313.82) .. controls
  (262.94,314.05) and (247.71,313.93) .. (235.55,313.52) --
  (232.30,313.42) -- (232.05,312.89) .. controls (231.85,312.46) and
  (231.86,312.03) .. (232.10,310.65) .. controls (232.26,309.72) and
  (232.43,308.22) .. (232.48,307.32) .. controls (232.58,305.32) and
  (232.90,303.32) .. (233.28,302.25) .. controls (233.43,301.80) and
  (233.67,300.79) .. (233.82,300.01) .. controls (233.96,299.23) and
  (234.15,298.50) .. (234.23,298.39) .. controls (234.31,298.28) and
  (234.43,297.82) .. (234.49,297.37) .. controls (234.55,296.92) and
  (234.79,295.83) .. (235.04,294.93) .. controls (235.28,294.04) and
  (235.56,292.76) .. (235.66,292.09) .. controls (235.77,291.42) and
  (236.12,289.96) .. (236.44,288.84) .. controls (236.76,287.72) and
  (237.09,286.49) .. (237.17,286.11) .. controls (237.46,284.77) and
  (238.11,284.28) .. (238.69,284.98) .. controls (239.25,285.66) and
  (239.52,285.30) .. (239.03,284.53) .. controls (238.14,283.10) and
  (238.15,282.98) .. (239.41,281.70) .. controls (240.59,280.50) and
  (240.84,279.46) .. (240.25,278.16) .. controls (240.13,277.90) and
  (240.25,277.81) .. (240.84,277.71) .. controls (242.04,277.52) and
  (242.14,277.32) .. (242.14,275.39) .. controls (242.14,273.98) and
  (242.23,273.53) .. (242.58,272.96) .. controls (242.95,272.36) and
  (243.00,272.05) .. (242.91,270.70) .. controls (242.82,269.35) and
  (242.88,269.01) .. (243.29,268.14) .. controls (243.56,267.59) and
  (243.77,267.01) .. (243.77,266.85) .. controls (243.77,266.34) and
  (244.85,263.47) .. (245.23,262.97) .. controls (245.43,262.71) and
  (245.60,262.38) .. (245.60,262.24) .. controls (245.60,261.54) and
  (246.20,261.48) .. (246.80,262.12) .. controls (248.00,263.41) and
  (248.45,262.76) .. (247.32,261.35) .. controls (246.30,260.06) and
  (246.48,259.07) .. (247.93,257.96) .. controls (248.32,257.66) and
  (248.64,257.25) .. (248.64,257.06) .. controls (248.64,256.54) and
  (249.14,256.21) .. (249.70,256.35) .. controls (251.38,256.77) and
  (253.18,253.92) .. (252.10,252.54) .. controls (251.33,251.57) and
  (252.61,248.90) .. (254.40,247.73) .. controls (254.84,247.44) and
  (255.20,247.02) .. (255.26,246.71) .. controls (255.70,244.56) and
  (255.97,244.45) .. (257.39,245.78) .. controls (257.95,246.30) and
  (258.49,246.67) .. (258.60,246.60) .. controls (258.85,246.45) and
  (258.59,245.93) .. (258.02,245.42) .. controls (256.58,244.11) and
  (257.57,241.92) .. (259.71,241.67) .. controls (260.77,241.56) and
  (260.80,241.53) .. (261.00,240.36) .. controls (261.13,239.62) and
  (261.24,239.46) .. (261.79,239.28) .. controls (263.39,238.76) and
  (263.72,238.29) .. (263.65,236.63) -- (263.57,235.13) --
  (264.69,234.10) .. controls (265.66,233.21) and (265.89,233.09) ..
  (266.51,233.16) .. controls (267.12,233.23) and (267.37,233.10) ..
  (268.22,232.35) .. controls (269.44,231.26) and (269.87,231.25) ..
  (270.88,232.28) .. controls (272.28,233.71) and (272.72,233.24) ..
  (271.39,231.73) .. controls (270.38,230.58) and (270.38,230.33) ..
  (271.39,229.34) .. controls (271.93,228.81) and (272.20,228.37) ..
  (272.20,228.01) .. controls (272.20,227.61) and (272.49,227.22) ..
  (273.37,226.47) .. controls (275.32,224.81) and (275.21,224.87) ..
  (275.63,225.25) .. controls (276.11,225.69) and (276.09,225.69) ..
  (277.08,224.87) .. controls (278.17,223.95) and (280.12,224.56) ..
  (280.12,225.81) .. controls (280.12,225.91) and (280.26,225.99) ..
  (280.43,225.99) .. controls (280.88,225.99) and (280.80,225.65) ..
  (280.12,224.67) .. controls (279.22,223.36) and (279.27,223.18) ..
  (280.38,223.64) .. controls (281.97,224.31) and (283.54,222.70) ..
  (283.30,220.65) .. controls (283.15,219.39) and (284.87,218.12) ..
  (285.27,219.18) .. controls (285.47,219.70) and (285.96,219.53) ..
  (286.94,218.58) .. controls (288.01,217.54) and (288.29,217.57) ..
  (289.33,218.81) .. controls (290.48,220.18) and (290.89,219.50) ..
  (289.77,218.09) .. controls (288.80,216.87) and (288.85,216.60) ..
  (290.23,215.68) .. controls (291.51,214.83) and (294.39,213.33) ..
  (295.17,213.10) .. controls (295.60,212.98) and (298.19,211.84) ..
  (300.53,210.74) .. controls (301.35,210.36) and (303.57,209.69) ..
  (304.90,209.43) .. controls (305.29,209.36) and (305.80,209.17) ..
  (306.03,209.03) .. controls (306.26,208.88) and (306.94,208.63) ..
  (307.55,208.46) .. controls (308.16,208.29) and (308.86,208.09) ..
  (309.10,208.01) .. controls (309.46,207.90) and (309.63,208.02) ..
  (310.06,208.70) .. controls (311.15,210.43) and (313.49,209.97) ..
  (314.04,207.93) .. controls (314.27,207.06) and (314.71,206.69) ..
  (315.54,206.69) .. controls (315.82,206.69) and (316.36,206.43) ..
  (316.72,206.11) .. controls (317.09,205.79) and (317.71,205.48) ..
  (318.10,205.42) .. controls (319.66,205.19) and (323.64,204.35) ..
  (326.53,203.64) .. controls (328.78,203.08) and (329.70,202.94) ..
  (330.07,203.08) .. controls (330.46,203.22) and (330.89,203.10) ..
  (332.25,202.44) .. controls (333.17,201.99) and (334.18,201.62) ..
  (334.48,201.62) .. controls (334.78,201.62) and (335.63,201.51) ..
  (336.36,201.39) -- (337.69,201.15) -- (338.10,201.73) .. controls
  (339.62,203.85) and (340.95,203.87) .. (342.17,201.79) .. controls
  (342.93,200.49) and (343.44,200.30) .. (346.57,200.09) .. controls
  (347.72,200.02) and (349.30,199.82) .. (350.09,199.67) .. controls
  (352.41,199.20) and (353.37,199.28) .. (354.18,199.99) .. controls
  (355.18,200.87) and (355.84,200.79) .. (357.22,199.59) .. controls
  (357.76,199.12) and (358.10,199.02) .. (359.66,198.89) .. controls
  (364.49,198.50) and (366.67,198.38) .. (368.85,198.37) .. controls
  (370.15,198.36) and (372.39,198.25) .. (373.85,198.13) .. controls
  (378.10,197.78) and (379.63,197.71) .. (385.42,197.63) .. controls
  (388.44,197.59) and (391.64,197.47) .. (392.53,197.36) .. controls
  (396.04,196.93) and (397.84,196.81) .. (398.42,196.98) .. controls
  (398.75,197.07) and (399.32,197.15) .. (399.67,197.15) .. controls
  (400.14,197.15) and (400.47,197.33) .. (400.91,197.84) .. controls
  (402.22,199.32) and (403.18,199.29) .. (404.65,197.71) --
  (405.60,196.69) -- (411.96,196.87) .. controls (418.84,197.06) and
  (422.74,197.03) .. (423.90,196.77) .. controls (424.30,196.68) and
  (425.40,196.67) .. (426.35,196.75) .. controls (428.57,196.93) and
  (429.77,196.23) .. (428.72,195.36) .. controls (428.38,195.07) and
  (414.15,194.74) .. (409.18,194.91) .. controls (405.89,195.02) and
  (404.87,194.94) .. (404.16,194.51) .. controls (403.30,193.98) and
  (402.37,193.99) .. (401.67,194.55) .. controls (401.16,194.95) and
  (400.84,195.00) .. (398.17,195.05) .. controls (396.22,195.08) and
  (394.91,195.20) .. (394.29,195.41) .. controls (393.52,195.66) and
  (391.66,195.73) .. (384.20,195.80) .. controls (379.18,195.85) and
  (374.43,195.99) .. (373.64,196.11) .. controls (372.86,196.23) and
  (370.30,196.37) .. (367.96,196.43) .. controls (365.61,196.49) and
  (362.99,196.65) .. (362.12,196.78) .. controls (360.41,197.04) and
  (357.96,196.83) .. (356.75,196.32) .. controls (355.89,195.96) and
  (355.73,196.17) .. (356.36,196.80) .. controls (357.47,197.91) and
  (357.09,199.41) .. (355.68,199.55) .. controls (354.58,199.66) and
  (354.18,199.12) .. (354.34,197.71) .. controls (354.46,196.71) and
  (354.43,196.56) .. (354.16,196.67) .. controls (353.99,196.73) and
  (353.84,196.87) .. (353.84,196.98) .. controls (353.84,197.50) and
  (352.24,197.81) .. (348.94,197.92) -- (345.57,198.02) --
  (345.20,197.43) .. controls (343.76,195.12) and (342.07,195.09) ..
  (340.98,197.36) .. controls (340.38,198.61) and (339.56,199.10) ..
  (337.76,199.27) .. controls (336.94,199.35) and (336.15,199.52) ..
  (336.00,199.65) .. controls (335.24,200.28) and (333.48,200.18) ..
  (332.40,199.45) .. controls (331.50,198.84) and (331.25,198.76) ..
  (330.60,198.89) .. controls (329.80,199.04) and (329.72,199.10) ..
  (329.02,200.17) .. controls (328.24,201.36) and (327.69,201.63) ..
  (325.40,201.92) .. controls (324.23,202.07) and (322.82,202.33) ..
  (322.26,202.50) .. controls (321.70,202.67) and (320.41,202.91) ..
  (319.38,203.05) -- (317.51,203.30) -- (316.79,202.66) .. controls
  (315.58,201.61) and (313.50,202.13) .. (313.14,203.59) .. controls
  (312.94,204.37) and (312.49,204.82) .. (311.73,204.98) .. controls
  (311.38,205.06) and (310.57,205.38) .. (309.93,205.70) .. controls
  (309.29,206.02) and (308.52,206.29) .. (308.20,206.29) .. controls
  (307.89,206.30) and (307.09,206.53) .. (306.42,206.81) .. controls
  (305.75,207.09) and (304.53,207.49) .. (303.71,207.71) .. controls
  (302.88,207.93) and (301.64,208.38) .. (300.96,208.71) .. controls
  (298.94,209.69) and (298.22,209.73) .. (297.30,208.86) .. controls
  (295.71,207.36) and (293.53,208.56) .. (293.53,210.94) .. controls
  (293.53,211.59) and (293.09,212.00) .. (292.10,212.28) .. controls
  (291.82,212.36) and (291.37,212.63) .. (291.09,212.89) .. controls
  (289.67,214.18) and (287.65,214.78) .. (286.57,214.23) .. controls
  (285.68,213.78) and (285.49,213.93) .. (285.91,214.74) .. controls
  (286.73,216.32) and (282.35,218.58) .. (280.85,217.35) .. controls
  (279.07,215.90) and (277.44,216.89) .. (277.36,219.49) .. controls
  (277.33,220.48) and (277.26,220.79) .. (277.05,220.73) .. controls
  (275.98,220.42) and (275.79,220.44) .. (275.95,220.83) .. controls
  (276.35,221.79) and (276.30,221.88) .. (275.15,222.77) .. controls
  (274.51,223.25) and (273.70,223.83) .. (273.34,224.06) .. controls
  (272.98,224.28) and (272.09,225.00) .. (271.38,225.66) .. controls
  (269.76,227.13) and (269.39,227.28) .. (268.44,226.89) .. controls
  (267.27,226.40) and (265.57,227.07) .. (265.21,228.16) .. controls
  (265.14,228.36) and (264.73,228.79) .. (264.30,229.11) --
  (263.51,229.69) -- (263.44,231.38) .. controls (263.35,233.66) and
  (262.96,234.21) .. (261.09,234.71) .. controls (260.44,234.88) and
  (260.11,235.13) .. (259.67,235.79) .. controls (259.13,236.59) and
  (259.02,236.65) .. (258.05,236.71) .. controls (256.69,236.79) and
  (256.59,236.95) .. (256.44,239.21) .. controls (256.25,241.99) and
  (255.82,242.42) .. (254.33,241.32) .. controls (253.20,240.49) and
  (251.60,240.92) .. (250.93,242.24) .. controls (250.47,243.15) and
  (250.59,247.26) .. (251.08,247.56) .. controls (251.76,247.99) and
  (251.10,249.45) .. (249.20,251.71) .. controls (248.78,252.21) and
  (248.44,252.71) .. (248.44,252.82) .. controls (248.44,252.93) and
  (247.93,254.09) .. (247.30,255.40) .. controls (245.49,259.15) and
  (245.13,259.49) .. (244.35,258.18) .. controls (243.91,257.43) and
  (243.43,257.26) .. (243.24,257.78) .. controls (243.17,257.96) and
  (243.41,258.41) .. (243.85,258.89) .. controls (244.80,259.94) and
  (244.77,260.24) .. (243.67,261.32) .. controls (242.83,262.14) and
  (242.75,262.31) .. (242.74,263.25) .. controls (242.73,263.81) and
  (242.64,264.77) .. (242.53,265.39) .. controls (242.42,266.00) and
  (242.28,266.81) .. (242.21,267.17) .. controls (242.09,267.89) and
  (240.98,268.84) .. (240.27,268.84) .. controls (239.64,268.84) and
  (238.96,269.71) .. (238.81,270.71) .. controls (238.64,271.88) and
  (238.69,271.87) .. (235.14,271.86) .. controls (231.11,271.85) and
  (231.21,272.33) .. (231.91,256.98) .. controls (232.01,254.90) and
  (231.97,253.96) .. (231.77,253.36) .. controls (231.55,252.69) and
  (231.56,251.09) .. (231.79,244.09) .. controls (231.94,239.44) and
  (232.08,234.92) .. (232.10,234.05) .. controls (232.16,231.89) and
  (232.65,231.66) .. (237.17,231.68) .. controls (238.84,231.69) and
  (239.42,231.43) .. (238.81,230.96) .. controls (238.33,230.60) and
  (237.81,230.57) .. (237.23,230.89) .. controls (236.49,231.28) and
  (234.03,231.26) .. (233.07,230.85) -- (232.22,230.49) --
  (232.31,227.27) .. controls (232.35,225.51) and (232.44,222.21) ..
  (232.50,219.94) .. controls (232.90,205.61) and (232.91,205.06) ..
  (232.76,200.70) .. controls (232.62,196.52) and (232.87,191.43) ..
  (233.23,190.99) .. controls (233.56,190.58) and (233.56,190.53) ..
  (233.25,190.17) .. controls (232.96,189.85) and (232.90,189.27) ..
  (232.90,186.21) .. controls (232.90,183.36) and (232.72,181.99) ..
  (232.51,182.05) -- cycle(237.74,190.27) .. controls
  (235.42,190.26) and (234.44,190.40) .. (234.86,190.67) .. controls
  (235.28,190.94) and (239.56,190.80) .. (239.66,190.52) .. controls
  (239.71,190.35) and (239.15,190.28) .. (237.74,190.27) --
  cycle(402.66,194.93) .. controls (403.87,194.86) and
  (404.81,196.27) .. (403.96,197.41) .. controls (403.58,197.92) and
  (402.57,198.04) .. (402.03,197.66) .. controls (401.40,197.21) and
  (401.36,195.45) .. (401.96,195.12) .. controls (402.20,195.00) and
  (402.43,194.94) .. (402.66,194.93) -- cycle(340.42,199.38) ..
  controls (341.53,199.38) and (342.10,201.18) .. (341.25,202.02) ..
  controls (340.37,202.91) and (338.82,202.32) .. (338.82,201.09) ..
  controls (338.82,200.51) and (339.88,199.38) .. (340.42,199.38) --
  cycle(315.20,202.71) .. controls (315.24,202.72) and
  (315.28,202.73) .. (315.32,202.74) .. controls (316.50,203.08) and
  (317.04,204.51) .. (316.27,205.27) .. controls (315.44,206.10) and
  (313.84,205.42) .. (313.84,204.24) .. controls (313.84,203.47) and
  (314.59,202.66) .. (315.20,202.71) -- cycle(281.15,219.55) ..
  controls (282.26,219.50) and (283.28,221.59) .. (282.31,222.20) ..
  controls (280.99,223.04) and (279.96,222.62) .. (280.61,221.52) ..
  controls (280.88,221.05) and (280.92,220.81) .. (280.76,220.65) ..
  controls (280.40,220.29) and (280.49,219.73) .. (280.93,219.60) ..
  controls (281.00,219.57) and (281.08,219.55) .. (281.15,219.55) --
  cycle(266.57,228.02) .. controls (267.02,228.02) and
  (268.19,229.36) .. (268.11,229.78) .. controls (267.98,230.48) and
  (266.55,230.25) .. (266.13,229.46) .. controls (265.87,228.98) and
  (266.16,228.02) .. (266.57,228.02) -- cycle(261.57,235.37) ..
  controls (261.80,235.37) and (262.06,235.42) .. (262.32,235.52) ..
  controls (263.27,235.88) and (263.14,237.87) .. (262.14,238.25) ..
  controls (261.57,238.47) and (261.33,238.39) .. (260.77,237.81) ..
  controls (259.71,236.70) and (260.33,235.37) .. (261.57,235.37) --
  cycle(258.62,237.56) .. controls (259.87,237.56) and
  (260.62,239.58) .. (259.70,240.49) .. controls (259.28,240.91) and
  (257.72,240.92) .. (257.38,240.51) .. controls (256.62,239.59) and
  (257.47,237.56) .. (258.62,237.56) -- cycle(252.24,243.67) ..
  controls (252.42,243.67) and (252.65,243.69) .. (252.94,243.70) ..
  controls (254.82,243.79) and (255.07,244.68) .. (253.65,246.18) ..
  controls (252.14,247.78) and (250.64,246.39) .. (251.49,244.17) ..
  controls (251.63,243.79) and (251.71,243.68) .. (252.24,243.67) --
  cycle(250.22,252.18) .. controls (251.48,252.18) and
  (252.07,254.07) .. (251.07,254.91) .. controls (250.33,255.53) and
  (250.31,255.53) .. (249.66,255.09) .. controls (249.00,254.64) and
  (248.86,254.42) .. (248.86,253.80) .. controls (248.86,253.27) and
  (249.77,252.18) .. (250.22,252.18) -- cycle(233.00,272.72) ..
  controls (233.36,272.71) and (233.81,272.73) .. (234.37,272.73) ..
  controls (237.50,272.79) and (237.66,272.87) .. (237.72,274.63) ..
  controls (237.76,276.21) and (237.55,277.11) .. (236.94,277.93) ..
  controls (236.66,278.29) and (236.31,278.91) .. (236.14,279.30) ..
  controls (235.84,280.03) and (235.33,280.22) .. (234.88,279.77) ..
  controls (234.23,279.12) and (234.29,279.97) .. (234.95,280.81) ..
  controls (235.85,281.94) and (235.78,282.13) .. (234.39,282.20) ..
  controls (232.87,282.28) and (232.72,282.50) .. (232.70,284.66) ..
  controls (232.69,285.62) and (232.57,286.61) .. (232.44,286.85) ..
  controls (231.87,287.89) and (232.13,289.06) .. (233.11,290.00) ..
  controls (234.15,290.99) and (234.21,291.35) .. (233.71,293.31) ..
  controls (233.53,293.98) and (233.21,295.34) .. (232.99,296.33) ..
  controls (232.77,297.32) and (232.45,298.40) .. (232.29,298.71) ..
  controls (232.13,299.03) and (231.99,299.60) .. (231.99,299.98) ..
  controls (231.99,300.36) and (231.94,300.96) .. (231.87,301.31) ..
  controls (231.74,301.93) and (231.33,302.15) .. (231.07,301.73) ..
  controls (230.89,301.43) and (231.20,290.58) .. (231.40,290.04) ..
  controls (231.50,289.77) and (231.45,289.23) .. (231.28,288.67) ..
  controls (230.96,287.60) and (231.03,281.53) .. (231.40,278.10) ..
  controls (231.52,277.00) and (231.59,275.45) .. (231.56,274.65) ..
  controls (231.50,273.00) and (231.43,272.73) .. (233.00,272.72) --
  cycle(239.51,273.31) .. controls (241.25,273.31) and
  (242.16,275.09) .. (241.02,276.24) .. controls (240.84,276.41) and
  (240.59,276.54) .. (240.46,276.52) .. controls (240.33,276.51) and
  (239.90,276.45) .. (239.51,276.41) .. controls (237.76,276.21) and
  (237.76,273.31) .. (239.51,273.31) -- cycle(238.41,278.21) ..
  controls (238.47,278.21) and (238.53,278.22) .. (238.59,278.22) ..
  controls (239.43,278.31) and (239.52,278.99) .. (238.81,279.92) ..
  controls (237.77,281.28) and (236.87,281.23) .. (236.87,279.81) ..
  controls (236.87,278.89) and (237.54,278.22) .. (238.41,278.21) --
  cycle(234.40,283.25) .. controls (234.90,283.26) and
  (235.21,283.73) .. (234.72,284.38) .. controls (233.86,285.51) and
  (234.21,285.89) .. (235.29,284.98) .. controls (235.62,284.70) and
  (235.97,284.53) .. (236.07,284.59) .. controls (236.41,284.80) and
  (236.30,286.66) .. (235.94,286.79) .. controls (234.18,287.47) and
  (232.25,285.17) .. (233.41,283.78) .. controls (233.72,283.40) and
  (234.09,283.24) .. (234.40,283.25) -- cycle;
  \path[fill=black] (214.258,318.129) node[above right] (text3555) {0};
  \path[fill=black] (214.258,276.694) node[above right] (text3567) {1};
  \path[fill=black] (214.258,234.771) node[above right] (text3571) {2};
  \path[fill=black] (214.258,193.863) node[above right] (text3575) {3};
  \node[below left of=text3571] {$\frac{\overline{\mu}_z}{\mu_B}$};
\path[fill=black] (275.327,328.022) node[above right] (text3559) {1};
\path[fill=black] (321.834,328.022) node[above right] (text3563) {2};
\path[fill=black] (368.305,328.022) node[above right] (text3579) {3};
\path[fill=black] (417.295,328.022) node[above right] (text3583) {4};
\path[fill=black] (228.608,328.022) node[above right] (text3559-4) {0};
  \node[below of=text3563] {$\frac{B}{T}$(T/K)};

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