Accessing network share through a debian OS

Accessing network share through a debian OS

I am trying to move the SVN backup files from the local directory to a NAS device via Putty and I am using the following syntax, however I am receiving the below error message -

debian@debianvm:~/svn-backups$ smbclient //IP/Volume_1/NAS/SVN_backups/ -U 'username' 'password'
Domain=[DLINK-88F0C6] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.2.8]
tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME

Could you please let me know what might be the root cause?


You must provide a share name to smbclient; a subdirectory is not supported.

smbclient //IP/Volume_1 -U username password

You should be able to verify this by mounting the share somewhere:

mount -t cifs //IP/volume_1 /mnt/tmp -o user=username,pass=password

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