У меня есть кластер Kubernetes в облаке ovh. Сегодня nginx внезапно ответил ошибкой 503 при вызове веб-сайта. Затем я проверил кластер Kubernetes с помощью kubectl get pods
и увидел, что все модули, связанные с определенным томом, больше не готовы. У всех модулей в событиях отображаются ошибки FailedAttachVolume и FailedMount. Вот пример журнала событий модуля:
Warning FailedAttachVolume 15m attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "example-managed-kubernetes-mrx2n8-pvc-ca435065-1111-aaaa-0123-543465516bb2" : rpc error: code = Internal desc = [ControllerPublishVolume] Attach Volume failed with error failed to attach 0655d400-3333-2222-1111-6fbcc2b62f94 volume to 5d51a18b-abcd-w2re-wfe2-a94d2b4ca988 compute: Bad request with: [POST https://compute.de1.cloud.example.net/v2.1/e2b2680af21e4q9n3e8hfoc39rpgowpd/servers/5d51a18b-abcd-w2re-wfe2-a94d2b4ca988/os-volume_attachments], error message: {"badRequest": {"code": 400, "message": "Invalid input received: Invalid volume: Volume 0655d400-3333-2222-1111-6fbcc2b62f94 status must be available or downloading to reserve, but the current status is in-use. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-b1820e9f-935b-442e-b68e-efe7de0feb35)"}}
Warning FailedAttachVolume 12m (x2 over 14m) attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "example-managed-kubernetes-mrx2n8-pvc-ca435065-1111-aaaa-0123-543465516bb2" : rpc error: code = Internal desc = [ControllerPublishVolume] Attach Volume failed with error failed to attach 0655d400-3333-2222-1111-6fbcc2b62f94 volume to 5d51a18b-abcd-w2re-wfe2-a94d2b4ca988 compute: Bad request with: [POST https://compute.de1.cloud.example.net/v2.1/e2b2680af21e4q9n3e8hfoc39rpgowpd/servers/5d51a18b-abcd-w2re-wfe2-a94d2b4ca988/os-volume_attachments], error message: {"badRequest": {"code": 400, "message": "Invalid input received: Invalid volume: Volume 0655d400-3333-2222-1111-6fbcc2b62f94 status must be available or downloading to reserve, but the current status is in-use. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-c6e51d31-8646-44a2-ba75-7069e3ed87fa)"}}
Warning FailedAttachVolume 10m attachdetach-controller AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "example-managed-kubernetes-mrx2n8-pvc-ca435065-1111-aaaa-0123-543465516bb2" : rpc error: code = Internal desc = [ControllerPublishVolume] Attach Volume failed with error failed to attach 0655d400-3333-2222-1111-6fbcc2b62f94 volume to 5d51a18b-abcd-w2re-wfe2-a94d2b4ca988 compute: Bad request with: [POST https://compute.de1.cloud.example.net/v2.1/e2b2680af21e4q9n3e8hfoc39rpgowpd/servers/5d51a18b-abcd-w2re-wfe2-a94d2b4ca988/os-volume_attachments], error message: {"badRequest": {"code": 400, "message": "Invalid input received: Invalid volume: Volume 0655d400-3333-2222-1111-6fbcc2b62f94 status must be available or downloading to reserve, but the current status is in-use. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-a5c9c89e-5578-4b6c-8722-acf583dea1a8)"}}
Warning FailedMount 3m18s (x4 over 12m) kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[files-volume], unattached volumes=[kube-api-access-q9pjc files-volume]: timed out waiting for the condition
Warning FailedMount 63s (x3 over 14m) kubelet Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[files-volume], unattached volumes=[files-volume kube-api-access-q9pjc]: timed out waiting for the condition
Warning FailedAttachVolume 11s (x5 over 8m21s) attachdetach-controller (combined from similar events): AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "example-managed-kubernetes-mrx2n8-pvc-ca435065-1111-aaaa-0123-543465516bb2" : rpc error: code = Internal desc = [ControllerPublishVolume] Attach Volume failed with error failed to attach 0655d400-3333-2222-1111-6fbcc2b62f94 volume to 5d51a18b-abcd-w2re-wfe2-a94d2b4ca988 compute: Bad request with: [POST https://compute.de1.cloud.example.net/v2.1/e2b2680af21e4q9n3e8hfoc39rpgowpd/servers/5d51a18b-abcd-w2re-wfe2-a94d2b4ca988/os-volume_attachments], error message: {"badRequest": {"code": 400, "message": "Invalid input received: Invalid volume: Volume 0655d400-3333-2222-1111-6fbcc2b62f94 status must be available or downloading to reserve, but the current status is in-use. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-39554882-3f5c-40e9-aad2-482ff427c632)"}}
ПВХ интегрируется во все развертывания следующим образом:
- name: ...
- name: files-volume
mountPath: /files
- name: files-volume
claimName: pv-files-claim
ПВХ выглядит так:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: pv-files-claim
storageClassName: csi-cinder-high-speed
- ReadWriteMany
storage: 1Gi
Как может возникнуть эта ошибка и как ее исправить? И как предотвратить возникновение этой ошибки в будущем?
В то же время все модули, кроме одного, сами по себе подключились к тому. Однако с одним модулем это, похоже, не работает.