正如 @Lucio 在聊天中報導的那樣,網上有垃圾郵件貼.ubuntu.com。我想舉報他們,但我沒有看到report spam
簡而言之,我如何報告paste.ubuntu.com 和其他Ubuntu 官方網站上的垃圾郵件。
- http://paste.ubuntu.com/8742111 現已刪除
- http://paste.ubuntu.com/8742112 現已刪除
- http://paste.ubuntu.com/8742116 現已刪除
- http://paste.ubuntu.com/8742117 現已刪除
- http://paste.ubuntu.com/8742118 現已刪除
Greetings, This message has been automatically generated in response to the creation of a trouble ticket regarding: "Spam on paste.ubuntu.com", a summary of which appears below. There is no need to reply to this message right now. Your ticket has been assigned an ID of [rt.ubuntu.com #25687]. Please include the string: [rt.ubuntu.com #25687] in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. To do so, you may reply to this message. Thank you,
我建議發送郵件[email protected]
(rt@ 是他們內部票務處理程序(請求追蹤器)的別名)。