

如果我捲曲到某個網站,我可以直接得到 json:

curl http://httpbin.org/ip

{ "origin": ""}


curl http://httpbin.org/ip | jq

   "origin": ""


curl http://httpbin.org/ip | jq > output.txt

   "origin": ""

(23) Failed writing body



我很驚訝您在最後一個範例中獲得了 JSON 輸出,但這可能是問題中的剪下和貼上錯誤。


$ curl "http://httpbin.org/ip" | jq >file
jq - commandline JSON processor [version 1.5]
Usage: jq [options] <jq filter> [file...]

        jq is a tool for processing JSON inputs, applying the
        given filter to its JSON text inputs and producing the
        filter's results as JSON on standard output.
        The simplest filter is ., which is the identity filter,
        copying jq's input to its output unmodified (except for
        For more advanced filters see the jq(1) manpage ("man jq")
        and/or https://stedolan.github.io/jq

        Some of the options include:
         -c             compact instead of pretty-printed output;
         -n             use `null` as the single input value;
         -e             set the exit status code based on the output;
         -s             read (slurp) all inputs into an array; apply filter to it;
         -r             output raw strings, not JSON texts;
         -R             read raw strings, not JSON texts;
         -C             colorize JSON;
         -M             monochrome (don't colorize JSON);
         -S             sort keys of objects on output;
         --tab  use tabs for indentation;
         --arg a v      set variable $a to value <v>;
         --argjson a v  set variable $a to JSON value <v>;
         --slurpfile a f        set variable $a to an array of JSON texts read from <f>;
        See the manpage for more options.
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100    33  100    33    0     0    115      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   136
(23) Failed writing body


寫入終端以外的任何東西,jq1.5 需要一個過濾表達式。最簡單的過濾器是.(點),它的作用類似於“直通”過濾器(上面的使用資訊稱為“身份過濾器”):

$ curl "http://httpbin.org/ip" | jq . >file

