我剛剛購買了我的第一台 GoPro (Hero 6),我希望它能夠作為標準 USB 設備使用,就像當今幾乎所有數位相機和手機連接到 PC 時所做的那樣。很遺憾它似乎事實並非如此,它需要 Linux 上不可用的特定軟體。
目前是否有任何第三方解決方案,或者我必須永遠直接從 SD 卡複製文件?
我已經安裝了 gphoto2 2.5.9 但gphoto2 -L
*** Error ***
Could not detect any camera
*** Error (-105: 'Unknown model') ***
關於如何讓我的 GoPro Hero 6 正常使用 USB 有什麼建議嗎?
$ gphoto2 --version
gphoto2 2.5.15
Copyright (c) 2000-2017 Lutz Mueller and others
gphoto2 comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may
redistribute copies of gphoto2 under the terms of the GNU General Public
License. For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.
This version of gphoto2 is using the following software versions and options:
gphoto2 2.5.15 gcc, popt(m), exif, cdk, aa, jpeg, readline
libgphoto2 2.5.16 all camlibs, gcc, ltdl, EXIF
libgphoto2_port 0.12.0 iolibs: disk ptpip serial usb1 usbdiskdirect usbscsi, gcc, ltdl, USB, serial without locking
$ gphoto2 --list-cameras | grep -i gopro
"GoPro HERO"
"GoPro HERO +"
"GoPro HERO 3+"
"GoPro HERO 4"
"GoPro HERO4 Silver"
"GoPro HERO5 Black"
"GoPro HERO5 Session"
GoPro 6 似乎沒有列在那裡。