管理 GNU radio 的依賴關係以從原始碼編譯

管理 GNU radio 的依賴關係以從原始碼編譯

Ettus 研究給了依賴項的大列表對於 18.04,它幾乎適用於從原始碼編譯 GNU Radio。

cmake 給出以下配置錯誤:

-- Python checking for PyQt5 - found
-- Checking for module 'Qt5Qwt6'
--   No package 'Qt5Qwt6' found
-- QWT Version: 6.1.3
-- Found Qwt: /usr/lib/libqwt.so  


apt-cache search qwt
libqwt-dev - Qt widgets library for technical applications (development, qt4)
libqwt-doc - Qt widgets library for technical applications (documentation)
libqwt-headers - Qt widgets library for technical applications (header files)
libqwt-qt5-6 - Qt widgets library for technical applications (runtime, qt5)
libqwt-qt5-dev - Qt widgets library for technical applications (development, qt5)
libqwt5-doc - Qt widgets library for technical applications (documentation)
libqwt5-qt4 - Qt4 widgets library for technical applications (runtime)
libqwt5-qt4-dev - Qt4 widgets library for technical applications (development)
libqwt6abi1 - Qt widgets library for technical applications (runtime, qt4)
libqwtmathml-dev - Text Engine for Qwt (development, qt4)
libqwtmathml-qt5-6 - Text Engine for Qwt (runtime, qt5)
libqwtmathml-qt5-dev - Text Engine for Qwt (development, qt5)
libqwtmathml6abi1 - Text Engine for Qwt (runtime, qt4)
libqwtplot3d-doc - 3D plotting library based on Qt/OpenGL (documentation)
libqwtplot3d-qt5-0 - 3D plotting library based on Qt5/OpenGL (runtime)
libqwtplot3d-qt5-dev - 3D plotting library based on Qt5/OpenGL (development)
python-guiqwt - efficient 2D data-plotting library - Python 2
python-guiqwt-doc - efficient 2D data-plotting library - Documentation
python-qwt - Pure Python implementation of Qwt - Python 2
python-qwt5-doc - Python Qwt5 technical widget library, documentation and examples
python-qwt5-qt4 - Python version of the Qwt5 technical widget library
python3-guiqwt - efficient 2D data-plotting library - Python 3
python3-qwt - Pure Python implementation of Qwt - Python 3
python-qwt-doc - Pure Python implementation of Qwt - Documentation

如何編輯 cmake 清單以正確找到它要查找的內容?



根據記錄,-DQWT_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/libqwt.so需要在 arch 上啟用 gnuradion cmake 腳本gr-qtgui

這裡,指的是 ArchLinux,但這並不意味著該解決方案與 ArchLinux 無關並且可以很好地為您工作。


我建議使用 APT 驅動的方法。 GNU 廣播電台是用插件打包的在Ubuntu上。首先使用二進位包開始,簡單如下:

sudo apt-get install gnuradio


  1. 開啟軟體和更新 ( software-properties-gtk) 並啟用原始碼儲存庫在這裡
  2. 使用簡單的命令安裝建置依賴項:

    sudo apt-get build-dep gnuradio

    上面的命令將為 GNU Radio 3.7.11-10 安裝建置時相依性(如 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)。這個版本並不是太新官方網站(2018年7月15日的新聞包含GNU Radio v3.7.13.4版本的公告)。

  3. 使用簡單的命令從 Ubuntu 儲存庫取得 3.7.11-10 的 GNU Radio 來源

    apt-get source gnuradio

