DEB 相當於 RPM 的「替換」實用程序

DEB 相當於 RPM 的「替換」實用程序

replace我經常在我的 CentOS 伺服器上使用非常方便的命令:


即使在 RPM 方面,它也不是一個獨立的軟體包,我認為它是一個更大的實用程式包的一部分。不管怎樣,我想知道 Ubuntu 是否有類似的東西?我知道我可以使用grep和閒逛sed,但replace更方便。


這是另一種方法,replace 2.24它不是從原始碼使用alien來安裝 rpm 文件,因為這個應用程式已經是 Red Hat / CentOS 的一部分。


cd /tmp
sudo apt install alien
sudo alien replace2-2.24-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
sudo dpkg -i replace2_2.24-2_amd64.deb 


$ replace2 
replace 2.24 (C) Richard K. Lloyd 2004 - The sane person's alternative to sed

Syntax: replace2 [-?] [-A] [-b] [-c startcol] [-d tempdir] [-e] [-f]
                 [-h] [-i] [-L] [-l linenum] [-m maxreplines] [-n] [-P] [-p]
                 [-r|R] [-s] [-T] [-t maxtimes] [-u backupsuffix] [-v]
                 [-w] [-x suffix [-x...]] [-z]
                 old_str new_str [-a old_str new_str...] [filename...]

-? displays this syntax message.
-A forces the program to assume all files are text files. Normally, the first
   256 bytes are examined to auto-determine if a file is text or binary.
   This option is deprecated and may be changed or removed in a future release.
-a allows extra pairs of strings to be replaced in order.
-b forces the program to assume all files are binary files.
-c startcol starts the string replace from column 'startcol' rather than the
   first column.
-d specifies the temporary directory for storing modified files. If not
   supplied, the default directory is $TMPDIR or, if that isn't set, /tmp.
-e makes search case-sensitive. new_str exactly replaces old_str
   with no case-adjustment to new_str.
-f forces the update of files without any .cln backup.
-h indicates that replacement pairs are binary hex data.
-i interactively prompts the user to confirm if they want strings replaced in
   next file. Specifying -i -i switches to prompting for each replacement.
-L follows soft-links specified on the command line.
-l linenum starts the string replacement from line 'linenum' rather than the
   first line.
-m maxreplines specifies the maximum number of lines in a file that should
   have string replacements.
-n displays what strings would be replaced without actually replacing them.
   It also switches on verbose mode.
-P pre-pads new_str with leading spaces if it is shorter than old_str.
-p pads new_str with trailing spaces if it is shorter than old_str.
-r or -R recurses down the current directory tree (if no filenames are given),
   replacing strings in all files found. Use -x to narrow the recursion.
-s relaxes the condition that old_str has to match a 'word' i.e. it replaces
   old_str even if it is a substring of a 'word'.
-T retains the timestamps of the original unmodified files.
-t maxtimes states the maximum number of times a string can be replaced
   in any single line of a file.
-u backupsuffix specifies the backup suffix for the unmodified file.
-v increments (switches on) verbose mode, reporting a summary of replacements
   if specified once and all replacements if specified twice (i.e. -vv).
-w recursively replaces strings in all Web-related source files in the current
   directory tree. Equivalent to "-r -x .html -x .htm -x .asp -x .js -x .css
   -x .xml -x .xhtml -x .shtml -x .jsp -x .php -x .php3 -x .php4 -x .pl".
-x suffix specifies a case-insensitive filename suffix to look for when
   recursing. Multiple -x params can be supplied and have an "or" meaning.
-z Zero-terminate any binary replacement string.



mariadb-server-10.1mysql-server-5.7percona-xtradb-cluster-server-5.7軟體包包含 的版本,replace但這些版本似乎大多是舊的,有些甚至已被棄用。

該軟體有一個網站叫,不幸的是,那裡的下載連結已損壞,但您可以.tar.gz從以下位置下載最新版本(目前為 2.24)作為文件這裡:一直向下捲動並選擇最後一行的「HTTP」。請依照以下步驟replace從此文件安裝:

  1. 提取.tar.gz存檔:

    tar xf replace-*.tar.gz
  2. 切換到目錄:

    cd replace-*/
  3. 安裝需要gmake,但在Ubuntu中是呼叫的make,所以建立一個符號連結:

    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake
  4. 跑步gmake

  5. 將 shebang 更改tests/runtestsbash(因為它使用let,而sh沒有):

    sed '1s/sh/bash/' tests/runtests
  6. 運行測試:

    gmake test
  7. 將軟體安裝到/usr/local/bin/replace

    sudo gmake install


cd .. && rm -r replace-*/ replace-*.tar.gz && sudo rm /usr/bin/gmake
