為什麼我的 crontab 腳本不工作?

為什麼我的 crontab 腳本不工作?

我試圖透過 crontab 運行儲存在我的主目錄中的腳本,但它不起作用。每次執行時,CRON 日誌都會顯示以下內容:

Sep  3 18:30:01 backup CRON[6778]: (root) CMD (/home/hannes/script > /tmp/yc.log)
Sep  3 18:30:01 backup CRON[6777]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)


*/1 * * * * /home/hannes/script > /tmp/yc.log

如果我嘗試添加 .sh 檔案副檔名,它不會改變任何內容。 yc.log 檔案保持為空。


cp -r -p mnt/main-nas/PATH-TO-FILE mnt/backup-nas/01/temp/server
zip -r mnt/backup-nas/01/1.19_Test.`date +%d.%m.%Y_%H.%M.%S`.zip mnt/backup-nas/01/temp/server
rm -r mnt/backup-nas/01/temp/server

任何幫助表示讚賞! :)


你的腳本實際上正在運行...但它在某個地方出錯了。由於您不捕獲stderr輸出,因此 stderr 會傳送cron給在本機執行腳本的使用者。 (也失敗了)


因為您之前沒有捕獲到它,所以 stderr 是通過郵件傳遞到的root- 但因為您沒有用於本地傳遞的本地MTA(郵件傳輸代理,又名本地郵件傳輸協議(LMTP) 伺服器),所以您收到了這些cron 錯誤。透過stderr捕獲,您現在將看到錯誤以及腳本無法正常運行的原因。



所以有幾個問題。首先,我忘記添加2>&1末尾/home/hannes/script > /tmp/yc.log,以便實際保存日誌。其次,我的腳本中有一個拼字錯誤,我忘記了所有路徑中的第一個斜線。事情就從這樣變成home/hannes/...這樣了/home/hannes/...。我希望這可以幫助其他遇到類似問題的人,並感謝所有回覆的人:)






now="$(date +%d.%m.%Y_%H.%M.%S)"
cp -r -p mnt/main-nas/PATH-TO-FILE mnt/backup-nas/01/temp/server/${now}
zip -r mnt/backup-nas/01/1.19_Test.${now}.zip mnt/backup-nas/01/temp/server/${now}
rm -r mnt/backup-nas/01/temp/server/${now}

文件鎖定方法有點複雜,但可以說更乾淨,因為它還確保您不會意外地因zip同時運行多個命令而淹沒系統。這涉及使用一個名為flock(Ubuntu 和 Debian 上的軟體包的一部分util-linux,已安裝)的命令,看起來像這樣(帶有註釋來解釋發生了什麼):

# All of this gets run in a subshell so we can hold a file descriptor open
# for all the commands. We're using file descriptor 9 here, but any number
# higher than 2 will work.
    # This flock command is what actually takes the lock. The lock itself 
    # persists until the file descriptor is closed when the subshell exits.
    # The -x means it's an exclusive lock (so only one instance can hold it).
    # The -w says to try for that many seconds before failing if something
    # else is holding the lock (this is an important safety net to ensure you
    # don’t get a long queue of these scripts waiting to run).
    # The -n indicates which file descriptor to take the lock on.
    flock -x -w 30 -n 9 || exit 1
    cp -r -p mnt/main-nas/PATH-TO-FILE mnt/backup-nas/01/temp/server
    zip -r mnt/backup-nas/01/1.19_Test.`date +%d.%m.%Y_%H.%M.%S`.zip mnt/backup-nas/01/temp/server
    rm -r mnt/backup-nas/01/temp/server
# And this line closes the subshell, and also sets the path to be used for
# the lock file by opening it as file descriptor 9 for the subshell. /run
# is generally the place you want to put stuff like this, because it will
# get cleaned up automatically every time the system reboots.
) 9> /run/backup-nas.lock
