我將使用多個維基百科表重複執行此操作。我正在 Kumu.io 上創建路線圖。沒關係,任何解決方案都不能完成所有工作,我只需要一些接近的東西,因為我無法手動完成這一切。如果您需要更多信息,請告訴我。感謝您的幫助,這確實是一個很棒的資源。
我不知道這是否可以透過工作表函數來完成,但是這個 VBa 可以做到。
Option Explicit
Sub CrazyAirlines()
'************** There are things you may need to edit here
Dim currentRow As Integer
currentRow = 1 'I assume we start on row 1, if row 1 is actually headings, change this to the first row of data
Dim destinationRow As Integer
destinationRow = 1 ' assuming there is no heading again, if there is, change to a 2
Dim airlineCol As String
airlineCol = "A"
Dim destinationCol As String
destinationCol = "B"
Dim extraCol As String
extraCol = "C"
Dim origSheet As String
origSheet = "Sheet1" ' the name of of the sheet where the values currently live
Dim destSheet As String
destSheet = "Sheet2" ' this is the sheet name where the results will be
' *********** Hopefully you don't need to edit anything under this line!!
Do While (Worksheets(origSheet).Range(airlineCol & currentRow).Value <> "")
Dim airline As String
airline = Worksheets(origSheet).Range(airlineCol & currentRow).Value
Dim destinations As String
destinations = Worksheets(origSheet).Range(destinationCol & currentRow).Value
Dim extraInfo As String
Dim title As String
Dim spInfo() As String
spInfo = Split(destinations, ":")
If (UBound(spInfo) > 0) Then
title = spInfo(0)
End If
destinations = Replace(destinations, title & ":", "")
Dim spDest() As String
spDest = Split(destinations, ",")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(spDest)
Worksheets(destSheet).Range(airlineCol & destinationRow).Value = RemoveSquare(Trim(airline))
Dim des As String
des = RemoveSquare(spDest(i))
Dim containsExtra() As String
containsExtra = Split(spDest(i), "(")
If UBound(containsExtra) > 0 Then
title = Replace(containsExtra(1), ")", "")
des = containsExtra(0)
End If
Worksheets(destSheet).Range(destinationCol & destinationRow).Value = Trim(des)
If (title <> "") Then
Worksheets(destSheet).Range(extraCol & destinationRow).Value = title
title = "" 'kill it, kaboom, bang, boom (not good words considering this is about airlines, but hilarious
End If
destinationRow = destinationRow + 1
Next i
currentRow = currentRow + 1
End Sub
Function RemoveSquare(s As String)
Dim sp() As String
sp = Split(s, "]")
If UBound(sp) > 0 Then
RemoveSquare = sp(1)
RemoveSquare = s
End If
End Function
Sheet1 看起來像
在我運行上面的 VBa 後,我的 Sheet2 看起來像