


我必須擺弄內聯文檔,這些文檔被提取到 html 文件中以用作在線文檔,但文件的這些部分
在內聯形式中應該沒有 html 標籤,而僅在提取的 html 文件上。然而,由於這些文件部分也被​​提取到 .wiki 文件中,因此一些標籤已經存在,如下所示。

this is some text describing what is done
here are 
some line that will be shown as code in wiki 
but not on html cause they are shown on one line
in html output

some more describing text
another piece of code 
that shows up as multiple lines in the wiki
but not in htmls

透過 sed 輕鬆完成文件的這些部分的提取後,我想將提取的文件 sed 到此:

this is some text describing what is done
here are <br/>
some line that will be shown as code in wiki <br/>
but not on html cause they are shown on one line<br/>
in html output<br/>

some more describing text
another piece of code <br/>
that shows up as multiple lines in the wiki<br/>
but not in htmls<br/>

到目前為止我得到的是這條 sed 行:

sed -i '/\<code>/,/\<\/code>/{s/$/\<br\/>/}' file

但它也會將 html 標籤附加到程式碼區域之間的文本,如下所示:

this is some text describing what is done
here are <br/>
some line that will be shown as code in wiki <br/>
but not on html cause they are shown on one line<br/>
in html output<br/>
some more describing text<br/>
another piece of code <br/>
that shows up as multiple lines in the wiki<br/>
but not in htmls<br/>

這基本上是正確的,因為 sed 附加到第一個and the last標記之間的所有行,但這不是我想要的。



您的反斜線不正確。該表達式\<確實不是匹配文字左斷言 - 未轉義的<匹配本身很好,但是使用反斜杠,您可以將其更改為左字邊界零寬度斷言,這永遠不會發生在斜杠旁邊;所以這個表達式\</code>永遠不能匹配任何東西。


sed -i '/<code>/,\%</code>%s:$:<br/>:' file





awk '
  BEGIN{c=0} // initialize variable with zero
  /\<code>/{c=1} // if start pattern found set variable to 1
  {if (c==1) print $0,"<br/>"} // if variable is one, append tag
  {if (c==0) print $0} // if variable is zero just print line
  /\<\/code>/{c=0} //if endpattern is found set variable to zero

