儘管工作負載很輕或沒有工作負載,但任務管理器顯示磁碟利用率為 100%,且系統可能會延遲或變得無回應。此外,系統事件日誌包含大量事件 ID 為 129 的事件,這些事件代表磁碟控制器的重設。
雖然設備重置可能由多種因素引起,但我們知道某些高級主機控制器介面PCI-Express (AHCI PCIe) 型號存在問題,這些問題會在使用內建StorAHCI.sys 驅動程式運行時在Windows 10 中導致這些症狀。由於韌體錯誤,啟用訊息訊號中斷 (MSI) 模式時,固態硬碟 (SSD) 無法正確完成輸入/輸出。因此,Windows 儲存堆疊在等待無回應的讀取或寫入一段時間後會嘗試重設裝置。
可以透過登錄機碼停用特定裝置的 MSI 模式:
1. Identify if you are running the inbox AHCI driver (StorAHCI.sys):
1. Open a command prompt with administrator privileges. Then type the following command in the command prompt window and hit Enter: devmgmt.msc
2. Under IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers right-click on the AHCI controller node and select Properties. This node is usually called “Standard SATA AHCI Controller.”
3. Navigate to the driver tab and click Driver Details.
4. If you see “StorAHCI.sys” in the list, you are running the inbox driver.
2. Disable MSI for the controller in the registry:
1. In the same properties window opened in step 1.2, navigate to the Details tab and select Device instance path from the Property drop-down menu. Note this path.
2. Open the registry editor by typing regedit in the previously opened command prompt.
3. Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\ <AHCI Controller>\Device Parameters\Interrupt Management\MessageSignaledInterruptProperties, where <AHCI Controller> refers to the device instance path you noted in step 2.1.
4. Change the value of the MSISupported key from “1” to “0”.
5. If you don’t know which controller your boot device is attached to, repeat steps 2.1 through 2.4 for all AHCI controllers found under 1.2.
3. Reboot the machine.