Gnome 3.26 不會尊重monitor.xml

Gnome 3.26 不會尊重monitor.xml

我在 Arch 上使用 Gnome-Shell 3.26 和 3 個顯示器(透過迷你顯示連接埠連接到 3 個 HDMI 集線器)。此硬體設定與早期版本的軟體配合良好。

我面臨的問題是 Gnome-Shell 不尊重我的monitors.xml,我只需透過 gnome 設定介面修改我的顯示設定就可以讓它產生新的monitors.xml,但是一旦我重新啟動 gnome shell (alt-f2 :r) 顯示配置完全重設。


<monitors version="2">
          <product>ASUS VS228</product>
          <product>ASUS VS228</product>

這是的輸出xrandr -q | grep " connected"

eDP-1 connected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP-1-1-1 connected 1920x1080+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 476mm x 268mm
DP-1-1-2 connected primary 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 598mm x 336mm
DP-1-2 connected 1920x1080+3840+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 476mm x 268mm

為什麼我的 Monitors.xml 不被尊重?有什麼東西可以覆蓋它嗎?


這個 GNOME Shell 擴充應該可以解決這個問題:

如果安裝不起作用,您也可以按照存檔副本),這建議刪除您的 Monitors.xml 檔案並讓 GNOME 重新建立它。

如果這也不起作用(我的情況是在節能後的 Arch Linux 下),請安裝xorg-xrandr,透過查詢您的顯示器xrandr並執行以下命令:

xrandr  --output <CON1> --pos 0x0 --output <CON2> --pos 1920x0 --output <CON3> --pos 3840x0

連接名稱在哪裡xrandr,例如DVI-0DisplayPort-0,我不知道您的識別碼monitor.xml(DP-1-2 等)是否也有效,或者它們是否相同。



# -------------------------------------------------
#  Get monitors configuration from monitor.xml and apply it for current user session.
#  In case of multiple definitions in monitor.xml only first one is used.
#  See
#  for instructions
#  Parameters :
#    $1 : waiting time in sec. before forcing configuration (optional)
#  Revision history :
#    19/04/2014, V1.0 - Creation by N. Bernaerts
#    10/07/2014, V1.1 - Wait 5 seconds for X to fully initialize
#    01/09/2014, V1.2 - Correct NULL file bug (thanks to Ivan Harmady) and handle rotation
#    07/10/2014, V1.3 - Add monitors size and rate handling (idea from jescalante)
#    08/10/2014, V1.4 - Handle primary display parameter
#    08/12/2014, V1.5 - Waiting time in seconds becomes a parameter
# -------------------------------------------------

# monitor.xml path

# get number of declared monitors
NUM=$(xmllint --xpath 'count(//monitors/configuration['1']/output)' $MONITOR_XML)

# loop thru declared monitors to create the command line parameters
for (( i=1; i<=$NUM; i++)); do
  # get attributes of current monitor (name and x & y positions)
  NAME=$(xmllint --xpath 'string(//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/@name)' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)
  POS_X=$(xmllint --xpath '//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/x/text()' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)
  POS_Y=$(xmllint --xpath '//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/y/text()' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)
  ROTATE=$(xmllint --xpath '//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/rotation/text()' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)
  WIDTH=$(xmllint --xpath '//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/width/text()' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)
  HEIGHT=$(xmllint --xpath '//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/height/text()' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)
  RATE=$(xmllint --xpath '//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/rate/text()' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)
  PRIMARY=$(xmllint --xpath '//monitors/configuration['1']/output['$i']/primary/text()' $MONITOR_XML 2>/dev/null)

  # if position is defined for current monitor, add its position and orientation to command line parameters
  [ -n "$POS_X" ] && PARAM_ARR=("${PARAM_ARR[@]}" "--output" "$NAME" "--pos" "${POS_X}x${POS_Y}" "--fbmm" "${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT}" "--rate" "$RATE" "--rotate" "$ROTATE")

  # if monitor is defined as primary, adds it to command line parameters
  [ "$PRIMARY" = "yes" ] && PARAM_ARR=("${PARAM_ARR[@]}" "--primary")

# if needed, wait for some seconds (for X to finish initialisation)
[ -n "$1" ] && sleep $1

# position all monitors
xrandr "${PARAM_ARR[@]}"


[Desktop Entry]
Name[en_US]=Update Monitors Position
Name=Update Monitors Position
Comment[en_US]=Force monitors position from monitor.xml
Comment=Force monitors position from monitor.xml

然後執行 update-monitor-position.desktop 在啟動應用程式首選項

