

我的筆記型電腦配備 Windows 10 Fall Creators Update(一周前安裝),其主磁碟 SSD OCZ Vertex 128GB + 輔助內部磁碟 Samsung SSD 512GB,後者作為 DVD 驅動器的替代品,使用合適的托盤(戴爾Latitude E6520) 。

今天,重新啟動後突然無法存取輔助磁碟,而該裝置在 Windows 資源管理器中可見,顯示正確的已使用資料量和可用空間,但是嘗試存取該裝置會拋出錯誤「要求由於I/O 裝置錯誤而無法執行」;嘗試 CHKDSK 會表示檔案系統是 RAW。

我已經執行 SMART 測試,得到以下附加結果。然後我運行了 Easus 恢復工具,發現了很多文件,但不是全部。非常擔心我訪問了同時恢復的磁碟。回到 NTFS,完全可以訪問,沒有 CHKDSK 給出的錯誤。






問題又出現了。下載了三星魔術師,在裝置上沒有偵測到錯誤,我懷疑問題出在控制器或作業系統。我已經拔掉了托盤的插頭並取出了硬碟,將其連接到外部 USB 電纜。目前正在測試中。請問是否會出現內部控制器損壞的狀況?


現在是第 2 天,磁碟透過 USB 連接線連接到外部。沒有任何故障,還有另一個重要方面:筆記型電腦鍵盤在過去幾個月停止工作,必須關閉並打開電腦電源才能將其恢復工作。由於我已從磁碟盒中取出磁碟,因此這種情況不再發生。球童會不會有缺陷?還是控制器?或者內部磁碟可能從控制器消耗了太多能量?

*** DiskCheckup V3.4 Build: 1003 Report ***

SysInfo DLL Version:                                                  SysInfo v1.0 Build: 1122
Time of export:                                                       17:38:13 02-mar-2018

Device information:                                                   
   Device ID:                                                         1
   Interface:                                                         SATA
   Device Capacity:                                                   476937 MB
   Serial Number:                                                     S2RBNCAJ186494B
   Model Number:                                                      Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB
   Firmware Revision:                                                 EMT02B6Q
      E:         476837 MB

ATA information:                                                      

   Disk geometry:                                                     
      Cylinders:                                                      60801
      Tracks/Cylinder:                                                255
      Sectors/Track:                                                  63
      Bytes/Sector:                                                   512
      Total disk sectors:                                             976773168
      Logical sector size:                                            512
      Physical sector size:                                           512
      Media rotation rate:                                            SSD
      Buffer size:                                                    N/A
      ECC size:                                                       N/A

   Standards compliance:                                              
      ATA8-ACS Supported:                                             Yes
      ATA/ATAPI-7 Supported:                                          Yes
      ATA/ATAPI-6 Supported:                                          Yes
      ATA/ATAPI-5 Supported:                                          Yes
      ATA/ATAPI-4 Supported:                                          Yes
      SATA Compliance:                                                Yes
         SATA Gen3 Signaling Speed (6.0Gb/s) Supported:               Yes
         SATA Gen2 Signaling Speed (3.0Gb/s) supported:               Yes
         SATA Gen1 Signaling Speed (1.5Gb/s) supported:               Yes
      Transport Type:                                                 Serial
         SATA 3.0 Transport Compilance:                               Yes
         SATA 2.6 Transport Compilance:                               Yes
         SATA 2.5 Transport Compilance:                               Yes
         SATA II: Ext Transport Compilance:                           Yes
         SATA 1.0a Transport Compilance:                              Yes
         ATA8-AST Transport Compilance:                               Yes
   World Wide ID:                                                     5002538D704CB9DD

   Feature support:                                                   
      SMART supported:                                                Yes
         SMART enabled:                                               Yes
      SMART self-test supported:                                      Yes
      SMART error log supported:                                      Yes
      LBA supported:                                                  Yes
      IORDY supported:                                                Yes
      CFast supported:                                                No
      DMA supported:                                                  Yes
         Maximum Multiword DMA mode supported:                        2
         Multiword DMA selected:                                      None
         Maximum UltraDMA mode supported:                             6
         UltraDMA selected:                                           5
      Maximum PIO mode supported:                                     4
      SATA Compliance:                                                Yes
         NCQ priority information supported:                          No
         Unload while NCQ commands are outstanding supported:         No
         Phy Event Counters supported:                                Yes
         Receipt of power management requests supported:              No
         NCQ feature set supported:                                   Yes
         Software Settings Preservation:                              Supported, Enabled
         In-order data delivery:                                      Not supported
         Initiating power management:                                 Supported, Disabled
         DMA Setup auto-activation:                                   Supported, Disabled
         Non-zero buffer offsets:                                     Not supported
      Trusted Computing supported:                                    Yes
      Host Protected Area (HPA) supported:                            Yes
      Read look-ahead supported:                                      Yes
         Read look-ahead enabled:                                     Yes
      Write cache supported:                                          Yes
         Write cache enabled:                                         Yes
      Power management supported:                                     Yes
      Security mode supported:                                        Yes
         Security mode enabled:                                       No
      Device Configuration Overlay (DCO) supported:                   Yes
      48bit Addressing supported:                                     Yes
      Auto Acoustic Managment (AAM) supported:                        No
      Power-up in Standby (PUIS) supported:                           No
      Advanced Power Management (APM) supported:                      No
      CompactFlash Association (CFA) supported:                       No
      General Purpose Logging (GPL) supported:                        Yes
      Streaming supported:                                            No
      Media card pass through supported:                              No
      Extended power conditions supported:                            No
      Extended status reporting supported:                            No
      Write-read-verify supported:                                    Yes
         Write-read-verify enabled:                                   No
      Free-fall control supported:                                    No
      TRIM command supported:                                         Yes
      SCT command transport supported:                                Yes
      NV Cache enabled:                                               No
      NV Cache Power Management supported:                            No

 ID Description                             Status      Value       Worst       Threshold   Raw Value   TEC                 
  5 Reallocated Sector Count                OK          100         100         10          0           N/A                 
  9 Power On Time                           OK          99          99          0           1354        N/A                 
 12 Power Cycle Count                       OK          99          99          0           688         N/A                 
177 Used Reserved Block Count (Chip)        OK          99          99          0           2           N/A                 
179 Used Reserved Block Count (Total)       OK          100         100         10          0           N/A                 
181 Program Fail Count (Total)              OK          100         100         10          0           N/A                 
182 Erase Fail Count (Total)                OK          100         100         10          0           N/A                 
183 Runtime bad block (Total)               OK          100         100         10          0           N/A                 
187 Reported Uncorrectable Errors           OK          100         100         0           0           N/A                 
190 Air Flow temperature                    OK          63          47          0           37          N/A                 
195 ECC Error Rate                          OK          200         200         0           0           N/A                 
199 UltraDMA CRC Error Count                OK          100         100         0           0           N/A                 
235 Power Recovery Count                    OK          99          99          0           10          N/A                 
241 Total LBAs Written                      OK          99          99          0           2584173079  N/A                 

Attribute ID: 5     Attribute Name: Reallocated Sector Count
                     Date   Value       Worst       Raw       
No history

Attribute ID: 9     Attribute Name: Power On Time
                     Date   Value       Worst       Raw       
No history

Attribute ID: 12    Attribute Name: Power Cycle Count
                     Date   Value       Worst       Raw       
No history

Attribute ID: 177   Attribute Name: Used Reserved Block Count (Chip)
                     Date   Value       Worst       Raw       
No history

Attribute ID: 179   Attribute Name: Used Reserved Block Count (Total)
                     Date   Value       Worst       Raw       
No history

Attribute ID: 181   Attribute Name: Program Fail Count (Total)
                     Date   Value       Worst       Raw       
No history

Attribute ID: 182   Attribute Name: Erase Fail Count (Total)
                     Date   Value       Worst       Raw       
No history

Attribute ID: 183   Attribute Name: Runtime bad block (Total)
                     Date   Value       Worst       Raw       
No history

Attribute ID: 187   Attribute Name: Reported Uncorrectable Errors
                     Date   Value       Worst       Raw       
No history

Attribute ID: 190   Attribute Name: Air Flow temperature
                     Date   Value       Worst       Raw       
No history

Attribute ID: 195   Attribute Name: ECC Error Rate
                     Date   Value       Worst       Raw       
No history

Attribute ID: 199   Attribute Name: UltraDMA CRC Error Count
                     Date   Value       Worst       Raw       
No history

Attribute ID: 235   Attribute Name: Power Recovery Count
                     Date   Value       Worst       Raw       
No history

Attribute ID: 241   Attribute Name: Total LBAs Written
                     Date   Value       Worst       Raw       
No history



我不會再信任 OCZ 處理我的資料。
