Windows 上的循環憑證“安全性警報”

Windows 上的循環憑證“安全性警報”

Windows 10 一次又一次地向我顯示安全警報。如果說

The identity of the web site or the integrity of its connection cannot be verified.

~Certificatte was issued by a company that you have chosen not to trust.
~Security certificate date valid.
~Name on certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site
~The security certificate has a strong signature.

Do you want to proceed?


This CA Root certificate is not truster. To enable trust, install this certificate in Trusted Root Certificate Authorities store.

Issued to: ORname_Jungo: OpenRG Products Group
Issued by: ORname_Jungo: OpenRG Products Group
Valid from 03/06/2004 to 29/05/2024

我嘗試使用 Fiddler 來查看是否可以找到正在聯繫的站點,但是當 Fiddler 打開時我沒有收到警報,關閉 Fiddler 後我立即再次收到警報。 (我不是一個有經驗的 Fiddler 用戶,所以這可能是正常行為,也可能不是,我不知道。)


這是一台 Sagem F@st 3464(即使盒子看起來不同),運行 Jungo Openrg 的定製版本。
