![vim 無法下載拼字文件,netrw?](https://rvso.com/image/1604663/vim%20%E7%84%A1%E6%B3%95%E4%B8%8B%E8%BC%89%E6%8B%BC%E5%AD%97%E6%96%87%E4%BB%B6%EF%BC%8Cnetrw%EF%BC%9F.png)
我買了一台裝有 Debian 10 的新筆記型電腦,並將.vimrc
檔案從舊筆記型電腦 (Linux Mint) 移除。
當我運行 vim 時,它說
Warning: Cannot find word list "de.utf-8.spl" or "de.ascii.spl"
到目前為止還很平常,但是:set spell
在 vim 中輸入會給出:
:set spell
Cannot find spell file for "de" in utf-8
Do you want me to try downloading it?
Downloading de.utf-8.spl...
shell returned 127
**error** (netrw) /bin/bash: ftp: command not found
**warning** (netrw) file </tmp/v3pJNib/0.spl> not readable
Could not find it, trying de.ascii.spl...
shell returned 127
**error** (netrw) /bin/bash: ftp: command not found
**warning** (netrw) file </tmp/v3pJNib/0.spl> not readable
Sorry, downloading failed
Warning: Cannot find word list "de.utf-8.spl" or "de.ascii.spl"
Press ENTER or type command to continue
我不知道那裡出了什麼問題。我使用這個 .vimrc 檔案很多年了。