![Raspberry Pi 上的 CUPS - 無法進行身份驗證](https://rvso.com/image/1605168/Raspberry%20Pi%20%E4%B8%8A%E7%9A%84%20CUPS%20-%20%E7%84%A1%E6%B3%95%E9%80%B2%E8%A1%8C%E8%BA%AB%E4%BB%BD%E9%A9%97%E8%AD%89.png)
Raspberry Pi 3b+ Linux 4.19.66-v7+ 上的 cups 2.2.1 #1253 SMP Thu Aug 15 11:49:46 BST 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux
當我嘗試透過 Web 介面進行身份驗證以執行管理功能時,系統會重複提示我進行身份驗證,但不允許新增印表機。我可以透過身份驗證來查看錯誤日誌,該日誌會在每次嘗試以 user=pi 身份登入失敗後產生以下錯誤。 pi 成為 lpadmin 群組的成員。 (sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin pi)
E [28/Sep/2019:12:08:03 -0400] [Client 10] Local authentication certificate not found.
E [28/Sep/2019:08:43:57 -0400] Unable to open listen socket for address [v1.::1]:631 - Address already in use.
E [28/Sep/2019:08:43:57 -0400] Unable to open listen socket for address - Address already in use.
我的 /etc/cups/cupsd.conf 如下圖所示。
# Configuration file for the CUPS scheduler. See "man cupsd.conf" for a
# complete description of this file.
# Log general information in error_log - change "warn" to "debug"
# for troubleshooting...
LogLevel warn
# Deactivate CUPS' internal logrotating, as we provide a better one, especially
# LogLevel debug2 gets usable now
MaxLogSize 0
# Only listen for connections from the local machine.
# Listen localhost:631
Port 631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock
# Show shared printers on the local network.
Browsing On
BrowseLocalProtocols dnssd
# Default authentication type, when authentication is required...
DefaultAuthType Basic
# Web interface setting...
WebInterface Yes
# Restrict access to the server...
<Location />
Order allow,deny
Allow @local
# Restrict access to the admin pages...
<Location /admin>
Order allow,deny
Allow @local
# Restrict access to configuration files...
<Location /admin/conf>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order allow,deny
Allow @local
# Restrict access to log files...
<Location /admin/log>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order allow,deny
# Set the default printer/job policies...
<Policy default>
# Job/subscription privacy...
JobPrivateAccess default
JobPrivateValues default
SubscriptionPrivateAccess default
SubscriptionPrivateValues default
# Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an administrator...
<Limit Create-Job Print-Job Print-URI Validate-Job>
Order deny,allow
<Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew- Subscription Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job Cancel-My-Jobs Close-Job CUPS-Move-Job CUPS-Get-Document>
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# All administration operations require an administrator to authenticate...
<Limit CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Modify-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Set-Default CUPS-Get-Devices>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# All printer operations require a printer operator to authenticate...
<Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule-Job-After Cancel-Jobs CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# Only the owner or an administrator can cancel or authenticate a job...
<Limit Cancel-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job>
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
<Limit All>
Order deny,allow
# Set the authenticated printer/job policies...
<Policy authenticated>
# Job/subscription privacy...
JobPrivateAccess default
JobPrivateValues default
SubscriptionPrivateAccess default
SubscriptionPrivateValues default
# Job-related operations must be done by the owner or an administrator...
<Limit Create-Job Print-Job Print-URI Validate-Job>
AuthType Default
Order deny,allow
<Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscription Cancel-Subscription Get-Notifications Reprocess-Job Cancel-Current-Job Suspend-Current-Job Resume-Job Cancel-My-Jobs Close-Job CUPS-Move-Job CUPS-Get-Document>
AuthType Default
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# All administration operations require an administrator to authenticate...
<Limit CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Modify-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Set-Default>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# All printer operations require a printer operator to authenticate...
<Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New-Jobs Deactivate-Printer Activate-Printer Restart-Printer Shutdown-Printer Startup-Printer Promote-Job Schedule-Job-After Cancel-Jobs CUPS-Accept-Jobs CUPS-Reject-Jobs>
AuthType Default
Require user @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
# Only the owner or an administrator can cancel or authenticate a job...
<Limit Cancel-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job>
AuthType Default
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
<Limit All>
Order deny,allow
新資訊(2019 年 9 月 29 日):cups-browsed 處於 CLOSE-WAIT 狀態。
pi@rpi3bp:~ $ sudo ss -lpn | grep -e ":631" -e "Netid"
Netid State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port
tcp LISTEN 0 5 *:631 *:* users:(("cupsd",pid=398,fd=9))
tcp LISTEN 0 5 :::631 :::* users:(("cupsd",pid=398,fd=10))
pi@rpi3bp:~ $ ps -ef | grep -e cups -e UID | grep -v grep
root 398 1 0 Sep21 ? 00:00:08 /usr/sbin/cupsd -l
root 15529 1 0 06:25 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/cupsd -l
root 15530 1 0 06:25 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/cups-browsed
lp 15545 15529 0 06:25 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
lp 15546 15529 0 06:25 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
lp 15547 15529 0 06:25 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
pi@rpi3bp:~ $ sudo ss -pn | grep -e "15530" -e "Netid"
Netid State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port
u_str ESTAB 0 0 * 429953 * 0 users:(("cups-browsed",pid=15530,fd=2),("cups-browsed",pid=15530,fd=1))
u_str ESTAB 0 0 * 430354 * 0 users:(("cups-browsed",pid=15530,fd=6))
u_str ESTAB 0 0 * 430356 * 0 users:(("cups-browsed",pid=15530,fd=8))
tcp CLOSE-WAIT 1 0 ::1:36556 ::1:631 users:(("cups-browsed",pid=15530,fd=4))
tcp CLOSE-WAIT 1 0 ::1:36554 ::1:631 users:(("cups-browsed",pid=15530,fd=3))
更深入地調查,有 2 個 cupsd 進程正在運行。我應該在上面編輯的(2019 年 9 月 29 日新資訊)條目中看到這一點。
pi@rpi3bp:/etc/cups $ ps -ef | grep cups | grep -v grep
root 398 1 0 Sep21 ? 00:00:14 /usr/sbin/cupsd -l
root 28049 1 0 21:14 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/cupsd -l
root 28050 1 0 21:14 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/cups-browsed
lp 28055 28049 0 21:14 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus://
檢查 /lib/systemd/system 發現了多個 cups 條目。刪除 org.cups.* 條目並應用關閉+重新啟動解決了該問題。
pi@rpi3bp:/lib/systemd/system $ ls -l | grep cups
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 234 Jun 16 2016 cups-browsed.service
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 142 Aug 21 03:51 cups.path
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 175 Aug 21 03:51 cups.service
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 136 Aug 21 03:51 cups.socket
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 152 Apr 7 08:30 org.cups.cupsd.path
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 214 Apr 7 08:30 org.cups.cupsd.service
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 146 Apr 7 08:30 org.cups.cupsd.socket
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 147 Apr 7 08:30 [email protected]
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 148 Apr 7 08:30 org.cups.cups-lpd.socket
我還添加了允許@local到 cupsd.conf 的 < Location /admin/log >