當 Windows 批次作業啟動程序(可執行檔)時,使用者可以按 Ctrl-C 來停止該程式。
這會導致 Windows 批次作業顯示「終止批次作業 (Y/N)」提示並等待按鍵。
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
program.exe & set SAVEDRC=!ERRORLEVEL! & call;
echo Return Code was %SAVEDRC%
exit /b %SAVEDRC%
函數在執行下一行之前將錯誤等級重設為 0。
最後(可選),我們使用已儲存的返回程式碼退出。如果它是 -1073741510 ( STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT
) 且父進程也是 cmd shell,那麼父進程將顯示該提示。
或者,似乎 ctrl-c 提示僅在另一個進程的回傳程式碼導致該退出程式碼時才會出現。所以創建一個功能直接退出而不更改 ERRORLEVEL 也會抑制提示:
program.exe & call:ignoreCtrlC
echo Return Code was %ERRORLEVEL%
exit /b
my_executable.exe && exit 0 || exit 1
這會抑制任何提示並使用代碼 0 或 1 退出批次作業,具體取決於可執行檔的退出代碼。
這對於 Ctrl-C 和 Ctrl-Break 都有效。
鑑於 CTRL-BREAK 或 CTRL-C 已經是按鍵,您可能正在尋找無需按 CTRL-C 或 CTRL-BREAK 即可停止批次腳本的答案。
在 Batch 中,您可以使用標籤和 IF 語句在腳本中跳轉。
@echo off
:: -- Lets print something to the screen.
echo This is a test before the loop starts
:: -- Lets set a counter variable to 0, just to be sure.
set counter=0
:: -- Set loop beginning point
:: -- Increase the counter by one but don't display the result to the screen
set /a counter=counter+1 >nul
:: -- now, write it to the screen our way.
echo Progress: %counter% of 10
:: -- pause the script for a second but without any displaying...
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
:: -- see if we reached 10, if so jump to the exit point of the script.
if %counter%==10 goto exit
:: -- if we reached this point, we have not jumped to the exit point.
:: -- so instead, lets jump back to the beginning point.
:: -- identation is used so the loop clearly stands out in the script
goto begin
:: -- set exit point for this script
:: -- lets print a message. We don't have to, but its nice, right?
echo End of the script has been reached.
假設我們寫了 c:\temp\counter.cmd,這會產生以下輸出:
This is a test before the loop starts
Progress: 1 of 10
Progress: 2 of 10
Progress: 3 of 10
Progress: 4 of 10
Progress: 5 of 10
Progress: 6 of 10
Progress: 7 of 10
Progress: 8 of 10
Progress: 9 of 10
Progress: 10 of 10
End of the script has been reached.