cc1 記憶體不足錯誤

cc1 記憶體不足錯誤

我有一台運行 Xubuntu 64 位元的機器,我正在嘗試編譯我很長的 C 程式碼。我在用gcc

我在 raspbian 拉伸環境中進行了 chroot,因為可執行程式碼必須在我的 Raspberry PI 3 model B+ 上運行。對於 chroot,我遵循了以下說明:

sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt
sudo apt-get install qemu qemu-user qemu-user-static
sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static /mnt/usr/bin/ 
sudo chroot /mnt


gcc -Os $(python3-config --cflags --ldflags) Code.c -o ExecutableCode


cc1: out of memory allocating 32324 bytes after a total of 543821824 bytes



閱讀文件man 1 qemu-user-static::

qemu-user-static(1)                                   Debian                                  qemu-user-static(1)

       qemu-user-static - QEMU User Emulator (static version)

       qemu-user-static [options] program [program-arguments...]

       The  qemu-user-static emulator can run binaries for other architectures but with the same operating system
       as the current one.

       -h     Print this help.

       -g <port>
              Wait gdb connection to port port.

       -L <path>
              Set the elf interpreter prefix (default=/etc/qemu-binfmt/%M).

       -s <size>
              Set the stack size in bytes (default=524288).

       -d <options>
              Activate log (logfile=/tmp/qemu.log)

       -p <pagesize>
              Set the host page size to 'pagesize'.

       qemu-system(1) (in qemu-system-common package).

由於您沒有向 傳遞任何參數qemu,因此它使用記憶體和 cie 的預設值。我猜預設值相當低,而您的編譯任務超出了它。

在我的平台上使用-hswitch 運行會給出:

$ sudo chroot /tmp/root/ /qemu-arm-static
usage: qemu-arm [options] program [arguments...]
Linux CPU emulator (compiled for arm emulation)

Options and associated environment variables:

Argument             Env-variable      Description
-h                                     print this help
-g port              QEMU_GDB          wait gdb connection to 'port'
-L path              QEMU_LD_PREFIX    set the elf interpreter prefix to 'path'
-s size              QEMU_STACK_SIZE   set the stack size to 'size' bytes
-cpu model           QEMU_CPU          select CPU (-cpu help for list)
-E var=value         QEMU_SET_ENV      sets targets environment variable (see below)
-U var               QEMU_UNSET_ENV    unsets targets environment variable (see below)
-0 argv0             QEMU_ARGV0        forces target process argv[0] to be 'argv0'
-r uname             QEMU_UNAME        set qemu uname release string to 'uname'
-B address           QEMU_GUEST_BASE   set guest_base address to 'address'
-R size              QEMU_RESERVED_VA  reserve 'size' bytes for guest virtual address space
-d item[,...]        QEMU_LOG          enable logging of specified items (use '-d help' for a list of items)
-dfilter range[,...] QEMU_DFILTER      filter logging based on address range
-D logfile           QEMU_LOG_FILENAME write logs to 'logfile' (default stderr)
-p pagesize          QEMU_PAGESIZE     set the host page size to 'pagesize'
-singlestep          QEMU_SINGLESTEP   run in singlestep mode
-strace              QEMU_STRACE       log system calls
-seed                QEMU_RAND_SEED    Seed for pseudo-random number generator
-trace               QEMU_TRACE        [[enable=]<pattern>][,events=<file>][,file=<file>]
-version             QEMU_VERSION      display version information and exit

QEMU_LD_PREFIX  = /etc/qemu-binfmt/arm
QEMU_STACK_SIZE = 8388608 byte

You can use -E and -U options or the QEMU_SET_ENV and
QEMU_UNSET_ENV environment variables to set and unset
environment variables for the target process.
It is possible to provide several variables by separating them
by commas in getsubopt(3) style. Additionally it is possible to
provide the -E and -U options multiple times.
The following lines are equivalent:
    -E var1=val2 -E var2=val2 -U LD_PRELOAD -U LD_DEBUG
    -E var1=val2,var2=val2 -U LD_PRELOAD,LD_DEBUG
Note that if you provide several changes to a single variable
the last change will stay in effect.

See <> for how to report bugs.
More information on the QEMU project at <>.

