Bash 腳本幫助 - 文字解析與輸出

Bash 腳本幫助 - 文字解析與輸出


a  b   c               d
-- -- --              --
1  ok device issue   Some Action which 
                     has to be taken which 
                     is split into many lines
                     under d.

我嘗試使用 grep 來表示“問題”,但是只列印了“d”的第一行。我得到的輸出是:

1  ok device issue   Some Action which 

不過我想要 d 中的完整輸出。當我嘗試將檔案儲存為 csv 時,它顯示 d 列的第二行作為新行。




這裡需要多行 grep。為此,我們需要啟用 PCRE-P 選項。由於 grep 將在 slurp-z模式下輸出 Null 分隔記錄,因此我們透過 tr 指令刪除這些記錄。

$ < file grep -Pzo '.*\S.*issue.*\n(?:\h+.*\n)+'  | tr -d '\0'



...grep 在每個文件中搜尋模式。 PATTERNS 是一個或多個由換行符號分隔的模式,grep 列印與模式相符的每一行...

所以,它應該會出現在符合 a 的文字中regex。線條由控製程式碼劃分newline,這解釋了您所看到的行為。除了使用-z回復中提到的選項之外。假設“issue”是您想要匹配的正規表示式(如果您實際上想要匹配,請替換為'Device Degraded'or'\sDegraded'或);'\sError'並且「糾正措施」列是機器生成的並且一致,即始終跨越 4 行,您也可以簡單地運行grep -A 3 '\sissue' > issues來保存僅您感興趣的線路到一個文件中。您必須能夠產生如下所示的輸出:

1  ok device issue  Some Action which 
                        has to be taken which 
                        is split into many lines 
                        under d.
10  ok device issue Some Action which
            has to be taken which 
            is split into may lines
            under d. 
211 ok device issue Some Action which
            has to be taken which 
            is split into many lines 
            under d.

檢查 grep 的手冊頁以了解有關這些選項的更多資訊。



$ sed '/issue/!d; :a; n; /^[0-9]\{1,\} /d; $!ba' file
1  ok device issue   Some Action which 
                     has to be taken which 
                     is split into many lines
                     under d.


這可能就是您想要的,在每個 UNIX 機器上的任何 shell 中使用任何 awk:

$ cat tst.awk
/^[0-9]/ { prt() }
{ rec = rec $0 ORS }
END { prt() }

function prt() {
    if ( rec ~ regexp ) {
        printf "%s", rec
    rec = ""

$ awk -v regexp='issue' -f tst.awk file
1  ok device issue   Some Action which
                     has to be taken which
                     is split into many lines
                     under d.
