


2018 07 16 13:00:00,23,451
2018 07 16 13:10:00,26,452
2018 07 16 13:20:00,24,453
2018 07 16 13:30:00,23,454
2018 07 16 13:50:00,28,455
2018 07 16 14:20:00,20,456
2018 07 16 14:40:00,12,457
2018 07 16 14:50:00,22,458
2018 07 16 15:10:00,234,459
2018 07 16 17:50:00,23,845
2018 07 16 18:10:00,239,453
2018 07 17 10:10:00,29,452
2018 07 18 13:20:00,49,451
2018 07 19 13:30:00,28,456


2018 07 16,13,24.8,453
2018 07 16,14,18,457
2018 07 16,15,234,459
2018 07 16,17,23,845
2018 07 16,18,239,453
2018 07 17,10,29,452
2018 07 18,13,49,451
2018 07 19,13,28,456

請注意,資料會持續數天(100000+ 筆記錄),資料列會有所不同,有時會有超過 2 個欄位(即 data1、data2、...、dataX)。所以我希望即使有更多列,腳本也能夠進行計算。我們將非常感謝您的幫助。




use strict;

my $prev = '';
my (@sums,@avg) = ();
my $count = 0;

while(<>) {
  if (m/^Timestamp/) {
    my @headers = split /,/;
    # insert "Ave_" at start of each header
    @headers = map { "Ave_" . $_ } @headers;
    # replace Timestamp header with Date,Hour headers.
    splice @headers,0,1,qw(Date Hour);
    print join(",",@headers), "\n";

  my (@data) = split /,/;
  # extract and remove date and hour from first element of @data
  (my $current = shift @data) =~  s/^(.*) (\d\d):.*$/$1,$2/;

  if ($count == 0 || $current eq $prev) {
    # add each field in @data to the same field in @sums
    foreach my $i (0..$#data) { $sums[$i] += $data[$i] };
    $prev = $current;
    next unless eof;

  # calculate and print the averages for the previous hour
  foreach my $i (0..$#sums) { $avg[$i] = $sums[$i] / $count };
  print join(",", $prev, @avg), "\n";

  # special case handling for when there's a new date/hour on the
  # last line of file (otherwise it wouldn't get printed)
  if (eof && $prev ne $current) {
    print join(",", $current, @data), "\n";

  @sums = @data;
  @avg = ();
  $prev = $current;
  $count = 1;


另存為,例如,average.pl使其可執行chmod +x average.pl並運行如下:

$ ./average.pl input.csv 
2018 07 16,13,24.8,453
2018 07 16,14,18,457
2018 07 16,15,234,459
2018 07 16,17,23,845
2018 07 16,18,239,453
2018 07 17,10,29,452
2018 07 18,13,49,451
2018 07 19,13,28,456

map關於 perl 以及循環和迭代器的額外有趣的(IMO)內容:

僅供參考,foreach my $i ...可以重寫循環以使用 perl 的map函數(請參閱perldoc -f map,但簡而言之:map迭代列表,對每個元素執行操作,並返回新生成的列表或該生成列表中元素的計數) 。這是更慣用的 Perl 語言,但對於新的 Perl 程式設計師來說可能更難理解。例如

     foreach my $i (0..$#data) { $sums[$i] += $data[$i] };

could be written as:

     @sums = map { $sums[$_] + $data[$_] } 0..$#data;

這兩個都迭代指數@data 數組 ( 0..$#data) 的。 for 迴圈直接建立/修改 @sums 的元素,而map傳回一個新的 sum 數組,然後將其指派給 @sums 陣列。

該函數不使用$i迭代器變量,而是map自動建立並使用名為 的(本地化)標量變數$_$_在 perl 中隨處使用,並且在未提供參數時是大多數函數的隱式(即預設)參數。例如,print沒有參數實際上是print $_,並且split /,/實際上是split /,/, $_。它對於模式比對運算子也是隱式的,例如s/foo/baris 實際上$_ =~ s/foo/bar/

類似地,while (<>)實際上是類似的while (defined($_ = <>))(即從輸入檔案或標準輸入中讀取一行,如果有任何內容要讀取,則將其分配給 $_ 並評估為 true。否則評估為 false 並結束循環while)。

$_通常被非正式地稱為“當前事物”或“事物”。查看man perlvar並蒐索\$_更多詳細資訊。還有一個等效的數組@_,用於傳遞給子例程的參數。

  foreach my $i (0..$#sums) { $avg[$i] = $sums[$i] / $count };

could be written as:

  @avg = map { $_ / $count } @sums;

在這裡,foreach循環迭代指數@sums ( 0..$#sums),而map迭代價值觀數組的@sums。同樣,foreach循環直接修改數組的每個元素@avg,同時map傳回一個分配給 的新數組@avg

兩種形式在此腳本中產生相同的輸出,並且兩種形式都很有用,但是 Perl 程式設計師傾向於map隨著時間的推移使用它,因為它是迭代任何類型列表的通用工具。與執行相同操作的 for/foreach 迴圈相比,鍵入時間更短。因為,過了一段時間,用列表、陣列和雜湊來思考資料就會變得很自然。


順便說一句,map不必返回數組,其中的程式碼區塊{ ... }可以執行 perl 程式碼可以執行的任何操作,並且返回值可以被丟棄或(如果分配給標量變數)返回任何生成列表的計數。

例如,第一個 foreach 迴圈也可以寫成:

map { $sums[$_] += $data[$_] } 0..$#data;



map { $avg[$_] = $sums[$_] / $count } 0..$#sums;


離開GNU awk

#!/usr/bin/awk -f

NR == 1 {
    # Build the header here
    for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) oh = oh OFS "Ave_" $i
    print "Date", "Hour" oh

    # Split date and time and build a timestamp with it.
    # Set MM and SS to 0 to aggregate data from the same hour
    split($1, a, " ")
    sub(/:.*/, "", a[4])
    ct = mktime(a[1] " " a[2] " " a[3] " " a[4] " 00 00")

    # If the 'current time' differ from the 'old time' then
    # do the average and print the line
    if (ct != ot && ot) {
        for (i in avg){
            avg_h = avg_h OFS (avg[i] / cnt[i])
            delete avg[i]
            delete cnt[i]

        sub(/^,/, "", avg_h)
        print cd, ch, avg_h
        avg_h = ""
        saved = 0

    j = 0
    for (i = 2; i <= NF; i++) {
        avg[j] += $i
        cnt[j++] += 1

    # Do the assignment if and only something has changed
    if (!saved) {
        saved = 1
        ot = ct
        cd = a[1] " " a[2] " " a[3]
        ch = a[4]

    # There are something else? Print it
    for (i in avg)
        avg_h = avg_h OFS (avg[i] / cnt[i])

    sub(/^,/, "", avg_h)
    print cd, ch, avg_h

運行為:./script.awk data
