如果循環未按 Perl 腳本的預期工作

如果循環未按 Perl 腳本的預期工作

我正在嘗試創建一個 Perl 腳本,每小時自動檢查 data.list 中的更改,這 username/project/tota/datas/data.list是文件所在的位置,然後執行其餘代碼,在我的例子中,是計算其中的行數data.list並上傳使用CURL 訪問在線數據庫。

#Look for changes every 6 hours
If (changes to data.list)
   count number of lines,
   upload data
else ( no change )
 do nothing


新編輯:我從 cas 得到了這個答案,

use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
my $filename   = 'username/project/tota/datas/data.list';

my $old_mtime  = 0;
my $old_size   = 0;
my $old_digest = '';

while(1) {  # loop forever

  my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size,
      $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($filename);

  if ($mtime != $old_mtime || $size != $old_size) {
     # slurp in entire file and get its sha256 hash
     local $/;
     open(my $fh, "<", $filename) or die "couldn't open $filename: $!\n";
     my $digest = sha256_hex(<$fh>);

     if ($digest ne $old_digest) {

        print "change detected";

        $old_digest = $digest; 
        $old_mtime  = $mtime;
        $old_size   = $size
  } else {
    print "no change detected";

  sleep 3600; # sleep 1 hour between iterations of the loop

問題是每當我運行它時,它總是從檢測到變化開始然後它會進入 no偵測到變化每小時,知道如何更改這部分




例如使用 SHA256摘要::SHA:

use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
my $filename   = 'username/project/tota/datas/data.list';

my $old_mtime  = 0;
my $old_size   = 0;
my $old_digest = '';

while(1) {  # loop forever

  my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size,
      $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($filename);

  if ($mtime != $old_mtime || $size != $old_size) {
     # slurp in entire file and get its sha256 hash
     local $/;
     open(my $fh, "<", $filename) or die "couldn't open $filename: $!\n";
     my $digest = sha256_hex(<$fh>);

     if ($digest ne $old_digest) {
        # the file has changed. upload it
        #....your curl upload code here...

        # don't forget to update the old_* variables
        $old_digest = $digest; 
        $old_mtime  = $mtime;
        $old_size   = $size
  } else {
    # either the file hasn't changed or someone evil has modified it while
    # making sure the file size and mtime remains the same.
    # you'd need something like Digest::SHA to detect that :-)

  sleep 3600; # sleep 1 hour between iterations of the loop

您可以Digest::SHA從 CPAN 安裝,或者它可能已經打包到您的發行版中。在 Debian 上,它位於libdigest-sha-perl軟體包中。

我不確定為什麼你需要或想要在 Perl 中執行此操作。如果您只想檢查檔案是否每小時更改一次,那麼您最好只在 cron 中執行一個簡單的 shell 腳本,如下所示:

# run this as "/path/to/script-name.sh /path/to/data.list"



# cd to the directory containing data.list
cd "$(dirname "$filename")"

if [ ! -e "$checksumfile" ] || ! sha256sum --quiet -c "$checksumfile" ; then
  # upload your file with curl
  # ... your curl code here ...
  # generate sha256 checksum file
  sha256sum "$(basename "$filename")" > "$checksumfile"

  # make sure it's RW by everyone
  chmod a+rw "$checksumfile"
