了解 Linux 上 ps -ef 的輸出

了解 Linux 上 ps -ef 的輸出

當我在 Linux 機器上執行 ps -ef 時,我得到: UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD

請幫我解釋一下C,TIME 的意思。 TIME 是分配給進程的實際CPU 時間嗎?


如果您運行man ps然後輸入/SpaceShift+CSpaceEnter,您應該會看到這一行。

   C     pcpu         cpu utilization

但這是在OBSOLETE SORT KEYS標題下,所以不是我們要找的。


   c           C         processor utilization. Currently, this is the
                         integer value of the percent usage over the
                         lifetime of the process.
                         (see %cpu).


   %cpu        %CPU      cpu utilization of the process in "##.#" format.
                         Currently, it is the CPU time used divided by the
                         time the process has been running cputime/realtime
                         ratio), expressed as a percentage. ...
                         (alias pcpu).


   cputime     TIME      cumulative CPU time, "[DD-]hh:mm:ss" format. (alias time).

累積 CPU 時間是處理器運作過程所花費的時間量,也就是實際使用 CPU 週期,而不是休眠、等待運作或等待 I/O 的時間。

它是透過對中所描述的utime和值求和來決定的stimeproc(5) 手冊頁

  utime %lu   Amount of time that this process has been scheduled in user mode...
  stime %lu   Amount of time that this process has been scheduled in kernel mode...
