

我正在寫一篇文獻綜述,並且想添加作者和出版年份的索引(即兩個分離指數)。現在,我可以手動輸入適當的\index{}命令,但似乎這可以由 biblatex 自動處理。這肯定會讓維護變得更加容易,這是一個重要的考慮因素,因為我打算在未來幾年隨著我的研究進展而不斷更新評論。

我一直在使用 biblatex 中內建的索引選項,但不知道如何使其與多個索引一起使用(甚至僅按年份索引)。同樣,我一直在研究諸如此類的問題這個正在編寫自訂\cite命令,但我正在努力了解它們是如何工作的。

手動索引的最小工作範例(使用 biblatex 和 multind)顯示了我所追求的最終結果:


    author="Author, A and Writer, B",
    journal="Slackers Monthly",
    title="An overly long treatise on procrastination",
    author="Writer, B and Scribe, C",
    journal="Fake Online Journal",
    title="Waste of time or time of waste: procrastination in a modern society",
    author="Writer, B",
    title="Procrastination for dummies",
    publisher="Procrastination House",




\chapter{Introductory works}

\section{An overly long treatise on procrastination}

\index{authors}{Author, A!An overly long treatise on procrastination (2010)}
\index{authors}{Writer, B!An overly long treatise on procrastination (2010)}
\index{years}{2010!An overly long treatise on procrastination}

This paper was really useful in telling me how to waste more time rather 
than doing real work.

\section{Waste of time or time of waste: procrastination in a modern society}

\index{authors}{Writer, B!Waste of time or time of waste: procrastination in a modern society (2011)}
\index{authors}{Scribe, C!Waste of time or time of waste: procrastination in a modern society (2011)}
\index{years}{2011!Waste of time or time of waste: procrastination in a modern society}

Applies post-modern philosophical theory to procrastination.

\section{Procrastination for dummies}

\index{authors}{Writer, B!Procrastination for dummies (2003)}
\index{years}{2003!Procrastination for dummies}

A classic reference book for anybody starting a research position.

\printindex{authors}{Author index}
\printindex{years}{Year index}


和一個 Makefile 來編譯它:

    xelatex mwe
    bibtex mwe
    xelatex mwe
    xindy -M texindy -M page-ranges -L english -C utf8 authors.idx
    xindy -M texindy -M page-ranges -L english -C utf8 years.idx
    xelatex mwe

那麼這是否可以透過自訂 cite 命令(或內建命令)來實現?或者我最好編寫一個腳本來解析 BibTeX/biber 輸出以產生 xindy 的輸入?





  • 我原來的程式碼並沒有很好地處理空虛的歲月:這確實如此。

  • 我的原始程式碼「hardwired」multind的語法和您選擇的索引名稱:在此版本中,索引名稱位於巨集中,這表示它們可以更改。

  • 我的原始程式碼沒有使用indexsorttitleindextitle字段:這確實如此,因為它應該。

  • 我的原始程式碼可能會導致某些巨集出現問題(例如\TeX在索引標題中使用,正如奧黛麗正確指出的那樣)。




    author="Author, A and Writer, B",
    journal="Slackers Monthly",
    title="An overly long treatise on procrastination",
    author="Writer, B and Scribe, C",
    journal="Fake Online Journal",
    title="Waste of time or time of waste: procrastination in a modern society",
    author="Writer, B",
    title="Procrastination for dummies",
    publisher="Procrastination House",
  hyphenation = {american},
  sortyear = {1986-1},
  sorttitle = {Computers & Typesetting B},
  indexsorttitle = {TeX: The Program},
  author = {Knuth, Donald E.},
  title = {\TeX: The Program},
  shorttitle = {\TeX},
  maintitle = {Computers \& Typesetting},
  volume = {B},
  publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
  location = {Reading, Mass.},
  date = {1986},
  annotation = {The second volume of a five-volume book. Note the
    \texttt{sorttitle} and \texttt{sortyear} fields. Also note the
    \texttt{indexsorttitle} field}
  author = {Lazy B. Ugger},
  title  = {I Can't Be Bothered with Years},
  publisher = {Equally Lazee},

% For the "years" index, we redefine the ordinary bibmacro
% which indexes titles, so that it indexes into the years
% index instead


% For authors we just redefine the field format (so that it
% includes title and year information
      { (\thefield{year})}}}
% ... and modify the relevant bibmacro to add the extra information
         \ifblank{#4}{}{#4 }%
         \@firstofone #2% remove spurious braces
         \ifblank{#5}{}{ #5}%
         \ifblank{#3}{}{, #3}%
         \ifblank{#4}{}{\MakeCapital{#4} }%
         \ifblank{#5}{}{ #5}%
         \ifblank{#3}{}{, #3}!#6
         \@firstofone #2% remove spurious braces
         \ifblank{#5}{}{ #5}%
         \ifblank{#3}{}{ #3}%
         \ifblank{#4}{}{ #4}!#6\actualoperator
% redefine this if the index for years is differently named, or if using
% index or imakeidx

% redefine this if the index for authors is differently named, or if
% using index or imakeidx

% undated entries



\chapter{Introductory works}

\section{An overly long treatise on procrastination}


This paper was really useful in telling me how to waste more time rather 
than doing real work.

\section{Waste of time or time of waste: procrastination in a modern society}


Applies post-modern philosophical theory to procrastination.

\section{Procrastination for dummies}


A classic reference book for anybody starting a research position.

\section{The Awkward Squad}


An author who uses a title that indexing programs find hard to cope
with, but certainly no procrastinator.


An author so lazy that he cannot be bothered to put a year of publication.

\printindex{authors}{Author index}
\printindex{years}{Year index}


(如果需要,您可以哄騙 biblatex 進行非常複雜的索引:我剛剛完成了樣式的第一個版本,它可以生成很多很多索引(超過 33 個!),並且這些索引不僅僅基於標題字段,但使用後注來設定子項,設定起來並不令人興奮,但按照biblatex 的立場,它絕對是可行的。


感謝 Maieul 的功能請求和 Paul 的回饋,2.3 中引入了許多輔助命令和巨集biblatex來幫助索引,特別是使用子條目運算符進行索引!。文件 ( 22-indexing-subentry.tex) 中的範例 22 示範了使用該套件的帶有子條目的多個索引imakeidx。這是一個使用 的類似範例multind


% Define indices

% Name indexing directive for names with title subentries

% Based on index:name:title macro defined in biblatex.def, takes the arguments:
%   {<index command>}{<last name>}{<first name>}{<first initials>}{<last name prefix>}
% The index:name:subentry macro (also defined in biblatex.def) takes two more:
%   {<plain entry>}{<formatted entry>}
% and forms the subentry: !<plain entry>@<formatted entry>

% Title indexing directive for years with title subentries
       \mkbibindexentry{0}{Not dated}%


% Index entries accessed via \fullcite


\printindex{authors}{Author and Title Index}
\printindex{years}{Year and Title Index}


我使用 python 腳本來解決類似的問題http://geekographie.maieul.net/Un-index-des-sources-primaires-3

