

我正在為我的班級寫一些論文,並希望將任務編號為兩到三個級別。第一級應該是一個簡單的數字,如 1),而下一級應該用數字標記。看著這個問題如何在頁邊空白處對段落(和章節)進行編號?它幾乎滿足了我的需要。我嘗試自己改變數字,但遇到了一些困難。


正如人們所看到的,第一個小段被跳過並被替換為 )。我不知道我的程式碼是否是最好的,如果有人有更好的方法來獲得類似的輸出,我會很高興聽到它。我發現將 \section 和 \subsection 等級與 \paragraph 等級混合有點奇怪。

\usepackage{amssymb,mathtools}      % Matematikk.
\usepackage{enumitem}                        % Mer muligheter for lister


% this length controls tha hanging indent for titles
% change the value according to your needs






\titlespacing*{\paragraph}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{0em}
\titlespacing*{\subparagraph}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{0em}



Given an element $x$, $x_v$ is its value and $x_s$ its unit. 
Let the set $D$ be a standard deck of $52$ cards. 

Find the cardinality of the following sets:
\item $S = \left\{ x \in D \mid x_s = \text{spades} \right\}$
\item $B = \left\{ \text{the set of court cards in } D \right\}$
\item $S \cap B$
\item $S \cup B$
\item $S\,\backslash\,B$
\item $S \times B$
\item $\left\{ (x,y) \in D \times D \mid x = y \right\}$

Fill in the correct symbol $\in,\,\subseteq\,\, \nsubseteq$

\item ace of hearts
\item ace of hearts
\item S D
\item S B

\subparagraph{Fee fuu foo}






% this length controls tha hanging indent for titles
% change the value according to your needs




\titlespacing*{\paragraph}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{0em}
\titlespacing*{\subparagraph}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{0em}



Given an element $x$, $x_v$ is its value and $x_s$ its unit. 
Let the set $D$ be a standard deck of $52$ cards. 

Find the cardinality of the following sets:
\item $S = \left\{ x \in D \mid x_s = \text{spades} \right\}$
\item $B = \left\{ \text{the set of court cards in } D \right\}$
\item $S \cap B$
\item $S \cup B$
\item $S\,\backslash\,B$
\item $S \times B$
\item $\left\{ (x,y) \in D \times D \mid x = y \right\}$

Fill in the correct symbol $\in,\,\subseteq\,\, \nsubseteq$

\item ace of hearts
\item ace of hearts
\item S D
\item S B

\subparagraph{Fee fuu foo}








\item Given an element $x$, $x_v$ is its value and $x_s$ its unit. 
Let the set $D$ be a standard deck of $52$ cards. 

  \item Find the cardinality of the following sets:
    \item $S = \left\{ x \in D \mid x_s = \text{spades} \right\}$
    \item $B = \left\{ \text{the set of court cards in } D \right\}$
    \item $S \cap B$
    \item $S \cup B$
    \item $S\,\backslash\,B$
    \item $S \times B$
    \item $\left\{ (x,y) \in D \times D \mid x = y \right\}$

  \item Fill in the correct symbol $\in,\,\subseteq\,\, \nsubseteq$

    \item ace of hearts
    \item ace of hearts
    \item S D
    \item S B

  \item Fee fuu foo

