


左側是表中某列的一段文本,使用該\nohyphens{...}指令呈現。這留下了很多開放的空白區域。右側是由 vanilla XeLaTeX 排版的相同文字。正如你所看到的,它仍然在文本中間留下一個大的空白,並且它還引入了相當奇怪的連字符“or-phaning”,而不是例如更自然的“更正”。
根本沒有連字符 預設行為




所以基本問題是:我能否讓 LaTeX 自動為我執行此操作,例如指定最長可接受的詞間空格?

聚苯乙烯。另一個更複雜的解決方案是為表中的列指定“目標寬度”,例如,.25\textwidth然後讓系統優化以生成一個表,使我盡可能接近指定的空白分數和表寬度,同時最小化帶連字符的單字數...但我不知道LaTeX 是否可以在多個變數中進行這種動態優化!這是最後一張圖片,我通過轉到列來完全擺脫了連字符.27\textwidth。這似乎是迄今為止最具可讀性的版本。




在這種情況下設定 也很有幫助\righthyphenmin2。 (對於英語文本,此參數的預設值為3。)


  % \textwidth = 8.5"-2*3.38" = 1.74"
\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Linux Libertine O}
Quality control is handled with corrections and the ``orphaning'' mechanism in case 
of nonresponsive authors. Some articles are world-writeable, as in the wiki model.








\begin{tabular}{|*{3}{>{\hyphenpenalty0 }p{.25\textwidth}|}}
% \multicolumn{1}{p{.25\textwidth}}{\textbf{Relevance}}

Ultimately relevance depends on peer review, and irrelevant content
may be deleted. Mechanisms to ensure that relevant content
\emph{will} be added could be improved. &
People contribute articles about what
they're interested in; apart from this, rules like WP:WEIGHT come into

Anyone can upload projects (for ``full projects'', one time approval
is needed), but getting changes into the core requires considerably
more vetting. \\
Quality control is handled with corrections and the ``orphaning'' mechanism
in case of nonresponsive authors. Some articles are world-writeable,
as in the wiki model. & Automated tools for spam and vandalism detection
combined with a system of editorial oversight, in which Jimmy Wales
has last say. & In addition to bug reports and feature requests handled
through the issue tracker, modules can make use of an automated patch
testing system.\\
Peer review is distributed. Links are handled automatically. Caching
is deployed where relevant; in particular, interlinking features are
kept up to date. & The database and other infrastructure is massively
scaled. There are many bots that help with small tasks. & In theory,
anyone can join. Earl Miles, NYCCamp 2012 keynote: ``\emph{There are
no insiders, except Dries; there are no outsiders, only resumes.}''
% \multicolumn{1}{p{.25\textwidth}}{\textbf{Consistency}}
Although automatic links and corrections can help with consistency,
mainly PM relies on standards for proof and expository quality.
&NPOV is the key rule, which works together with templates and other
process tools to maintain community standards about style and
content. & The project issue queues are the place to go when one
module's changes breaks another's. The core of the project has
considerable oversight in these
% \multicolumn{1}{p{.25\textwidth}}{\textbf{Motivation}}
People are solving some of their learning, exposition, and social
needs on the site by writing and reviewing articles and posting in the
forums.& As of 2006, over 50\% of the site had been written by less
than 1\% of the users; these days, paid editing is somewhat
notorious.& Miles continued: ``\emph{To build a resume, find someone
who needs help, and help them. Find something that needs doing, do
it.}'' \\ \hline
\caption{As typeset ``out of the box''}





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