我想使用 來揭示其內容\onslide
- 列p
)這會在 - 列中產生特殊的垂直空白X
First line & A very long sentence that takes up more than one line because of its length\\
\onslide<2->{Second line} & \onslide<2->{A slightly longer sentence that takes up more than one line because of its length} \\
- 列:
First line & A very long sentence that takes up more than one line because of its length\\
\onslide<2->{Second line} & \onslide<2->{A slightly longer sentence that takes up more than one line because of its length} \\
您需要避免將 beamer 特價商品(或任何特價商品)放在 parbox 的開頭:
First line & A very long sentence that takes up more than one line because of its length\\
\onslide<2->{Second line} & \leavevmode\onslide<2->{A slightly longer sentence that takes up more than one line because of its length} \\