
  author = {John, Oliver P. and Donahue, E. M. and Kentle, R. L.},
  title = {The Big Five Inventory--Versions 4a and 54},
  date = {1991},
  langid = {american},
  publisher = {Berkeley, {CA:} University of California, Berkeley, Institute of
    Personality and Social Research}

  author = {John, Oliver P. and Naumann, Laura P. and Soto, Christopher J.},
  editor = {John, Oliver P. and Robins, Richard W. and Pervin, Lawrence A.},
  title = {Paradigm Shift to the Integrative Big Five Trait Taxonomy: History,
    Measurement, and Conceptual Issues},
  booktitle = {Handbook of personality: theory and research},
  date = {2008},
  edition = {3},
  publisher = {Guilford Press},
  location = {New York},
  isbn = {9781593858360},
  pages = {114-158},
  langid = {american}

這兩個 BibLaTeX 條目在同一括號內引用...

\parencite{john_big_1991, john_paradigm_2008}


(約翰、多納休和肯特爾,1991 年,2008 年)


我的 Babel 和 BibLaTeX 設定如下:

\DeclareLanguageMapping{ngerman}{ngerman-apa} % for language switching
\DeclareLanguageMapping{american}{american-apa} % for language switching

我還抑制了一些字段,例如 url 並重新定義了一些參考書目字串,但我認為這不應該是所報告問題的根源。


\parencite{john_paradigm_2008, john_big_1991}


(約翰、諾曼和索托,2008 年,1991 年)

我錯過了任何 BibLaTeX 設定來解決此問題還是這是預期的行為?


(約翰、多納休和肯特爾,1991 年;約翰、諾曼和索托,2008 年)

我真的不知道具有相同參考文獻的後續多次引用應該是什麼樣子。正如 moewe 在下面的回答中所述,以下內容至少看起來很奇怪:




在 APA 風格中,第一個引文必須包含完整的作者列表,而後續引文只有一個非常短的截斷標籤,通常是第一作者加上「等人」。這是apa.cbx透過一種非常特殊的labelname格式實現的,labelname但不會在第一次出現時列印。此行為會導致顯示的名稱和namehash(基於labelname)在某些情況下有所不同。



% Multiple cites in one command
% Single cite
% No author/editor
% Normal cite

% Multiple cites in one command
% Single cite
% No author/editor
% Normal cite

% Compact cite - more than one thing for same author
% New cite
  % No author/editor or patent
    % Cite using title
    % Cite using shorthand
  % Normal cite with author/editor
  % Normal full cite
    % Normal full cite
    % Cite using short author
  % Year
  % Put the shortauthor inside the year brackets if necessary
  % Actual year printing
  % Save name hash for checks later




\usepackage[style=apa, backend=biber]{biblatex}
\DeclareLanguageMapping{ngerman}{ngerman-apa} % for language switching
  author = {John, Oliver P. and Donahue, E. M. and Kentle, R. L.},
  title = {The Big Five Inventory--Versions 4a and 54},
  date = {1991},
  langid = {american},
  publisher = {Berkeley, {CA:} University of California, Berkeley, Institute of
    Personality and Social Research}
  author = {John, Oliver P. and Donahue, E. M. and Kentle, R. L.},
  title = {The Big Five Inventory--Versions 4b and 5},
  date = {1992},
  langid = {american},
  publisher = {Berkeley, {CA:} University of California, Berkeley, Institute of
    Personality and Social Research}

  author = {John, Oliver P. and Naumann, Laura P. and Soto, Christopher J.},
  editor = {John, Oliver P. and Robins, Richard W. and Pervin, Lawrence A.},
  title = {Paradigm Shift to the Integrative Big Five Trait Taxonomy: History,
    Measurement, and Conceptual Issues},
  booktitle = {Handbook of personality: theory and research},
  date = {2008},
  edition = {3},
  publisher = {Guilford Press},
  location = {New York},
  isbn = {9781593858360},
  pages = {114-158},
  langid = {american}



% Multiple cites in one command
% Single cite
% No author/editor
% Normal cite

% Multiple cites in one command
% Single cite
% No author/editor
% Normal cite

% Compact cite - more than one thing for same author
% New cite
  % No author/editor or patent
    % Cite using title
    % Cite using shorthand
  % Normal cite with author/editor
  % Normal full cite
    % Normal full cite
    % Cite using short author
  % Year
  % Put the shortauthor inside the year brackets if necessary
  % Actual year printing
  % Save name hash for checks later










