我在設定腳註格式時遇到問題。它們看起來非常凌亂而且錯誤。我找不到改變它的方法,但我認為它是某種屬性,例如 \usepackage[] 命令或類似的東西。我使用線上Latex編輯器和編譯器writelatex.com,所以這不可能是我的編譯屬性的問題。
有人提示我如何解決這個問題嗎?這是凌亂腳註的螢幕截圖。我用於腳註的命令只是 \footnote{Title.關聯:http://www.link.li。 [日期]
包裹, 在其他人中。如果地址中沒有很長的字母串,那麼這些字母將跨行,無需進一步操作。
Some text\footnote{Some interesting homepage on the web. Accessible at
\url{http://www.w3.org/standards/webdesign/htmlcss} [12th December,
2009]. More text to demonstrate the shape of the footnote paragraphs.
More text to demonstrate the shape of the footnote paragraphs.
More text to demonstrate the shape of the footnote paragraphs.} and
more text.
Some text\footnote{Some interesting homepage on the web. Accessible at
\url{http://www.w3.org/standards/webdesign/htmlcss} [12th December,
2009]. More text to demonstrate the shape of the footnote paragraphs.
More text to demonstrate the shape of the footnote paragraphs.
More text to demonstrate the shape of the footnote paragraphs.} and
more text.