一個 biblatex 欄位中的多個字串——多個引用

一個 biblatex 欄位中的多個字串——多個引用

據我了解,biblatex-fields aseprintrelated接受一個且唯一的字串/鍵,儘管我希望它們引用兩個或多個項目/地址。

舉一個例子可以清楚地說明我的意思(這個例子需要運行三次:latex --> biber --> Latex):

  author =   {Rachel Barney},
  title =    {Notes on Plato on the \mkbibemph{Kalon} and the Good},
  journaltitle = {Classical Philology},
  year =     2010,
  commentator =  {Paula Gottlieb},
  eprint =   {10.1086/657026, 10.1086/659326}, %the first number is
                                     % the article, the second one the
                                     % comment, which I want to appear in one entry
  eprinttype =   {jstor},
  volume =   105,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {363-77, 378-80} % the same as with eprint

  author =   {Jacques Derrida},
  title =    {La pharmacie de Platon},
  journaltitle = {Tel Quel},
  year =     1968,
  volume =   32,
  pages =    {3-48}

  author =   {Jacques Derrida},
  title =    {La pharmacie de Platon},
  journaltitle = {Tel Quel},
  year =     1968,
  volume =   33,
  pages =    {18-59}

  title =    {La pharmacie de Platon},
  year =     1993,
  bookauthor =   {Jacques Derrida},
  author =   {Jacques Derrida},
  gender =   {sm},
  booktitle =    {La Diss{\'e}mination},
  bookauthor =   {Jacques Derrida},
  publisher =    {{\'E}dition Points},
  location =     {Paris},
  pages =    {77-213}, % perhaps: {77-148, 149-213}
  related =  {Derrida:Pharmacie1-1}, % both articles are reprinted in one book,
                   % the unity of the deconstructed separation, which might duly be called 
                          % the voice of the separated unification as voiced deconstruction
                          % of no-pposites
  related =      {Derrida:Pharmacie1-2},
  relatedstring ={Nachdruck von}
\usepackage[style=philosophy-modern, sorting=nyvt,
            backend=biber, citetracker=constrict,
            idemtracker=constrict, relatedformat=parens, 
            autolang=hyphen, clearlang=true]{biblatex}




要使這兩個crossrefs 正確,只需將它們放入同一crossref欄位即可。引用我上面的評論

你必須將兩個相關條目放入一個related字段中(當然,用逗號分隔),否則 Biber 將只獲取該字段的最後一次出現,並忽略所有先前的條目(我本以為 Biber 會發出警告,但有如果您author為條目添加第二個(不同的)字段,您可以非常清楚地看到此行為。

  title         = {La pharmacie de Platon},
  year          = 1993,
  bookauthor    = {Jacques Derrida},
  author        = {Jacques Derrida},
  gender        = {sm},
  booktitle     = {La Diss{\'e}mination},
  bookauthor    = {Jacques Derrida},
  publisher     = {{\'E}dition Points},
  location      = {Paris},
  pages         = {77-213}, % perhaps: {77-148, 149-213}
  related       = {Derrida:Pharmacie1-1,Derrida:Pharmacie1-2},
  relatedtype   = {reprintof},
  %relatedstring = {Nachdruck von}

既然你寫了relatedstring ={Nachdruck von}relatedtype = {reprintof}這裡似乎很適合。




          \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldsequal{savedvolume}{volume}} and test {\iffieldsequal{savednumber}{number}}}

更新 related:defaultibidem現在,如果相關條目的日記帳與父親條目的日記帳相同,則列印通知。

並將其處理Barney:Notes如下,注意Gottlieb:response是 a dataonly,並且引用的related字段Barney:NotesGottlieb:response

  author =   {Rachel Barney},
  title =    {Notes on Plato on the \mkbibemph{Kalon} and the Good},
  journaltitle = {Classical Philology},
  year =     2010,
  doi =   {10.1086/657026},
  volume =   105,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {363-377},
  relatedstring = {Commentary:},

  author =   {Paula Gottlieb},
  title =    {Response to Barney},
  journaltitle = {Classical Philology},
  year =     2010,
  doi =   {10.1086/659326},
  volume =   105,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {378-380},
  options = {dataonly},



\usepackage[style=philosophy-modern, sorting=nyvt,
            backend=biber, citetracker=constrict,
            idemtracker=constrict, relatedformat=parens,
            autolang=hyphen, clearlang=true]{biblatex}

  author =   {Rachel Barney},
  title =    {Notes on Plato on the \mkbibemph{Kalon} and the Good},
  journaltitle = {Classical Philology},
  year =     2010,
  doi =   {10.1086/657026},
  volume =   105,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {363-377},
  relatedstring = {Commentary:},

  author =   {Paula Gottlieb},
  title =    {Response to Barney},
  journaltitle = {Classical Philology},
  year =     2010,
  doi =   {10.1086/659326},
  volume =   105,
  number =   4,
  pages =    {378-380},
  options = {dataonly},

  author =   {Jacques Derrida},
  title =    {La pharmacie de Platon},
  journaltitle = {Tel Quel},
  year =     1968,
  volume =   32,
  pages =    {3-48}

  author =   {Jacques Derrida},
  title =    {La pharmacie de Platon},
  journaltitle = {Tel Quel},
  year =     1968,
  volume =   33,
  pages =    {18-59}

  title =    {La pharmacie de Platon},
  year =     1993,
  bookauthor =   {Jacques Derrida},
  author =   {Jacques Derrida},
  gender =   {sm},
  booktitle =    {La Diss{\'e}mination},
  bookauthor =   {Jacques Derrida},
  publisher =    {{\'E}dition Points},
  location =     {Paris},
  pages =    {77-213}, % perhaps: {77-148, 149-213}
  related =  {Derrida:Pharmacie1-1,Derrida:Pharmacie1-2},
  relatedtype = {reprintof},
  %relatedstring ={Nachdruck von}




          \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldsequal{savedvolume}{volume}} and test {\iffieldsequal{savednumber}{number}}}




