

Plain TeX 有一種創建懸掛標點符號的方法,其中緊鄰某些文字左側的標點符號/字元有效地位於頁邊距中。


``Lord Bacon, in 'the true marshalling of the sovereign degrees of
  honor,' assigns the first place to 'the Conditores Imperiorum, 
  founders of States and Commonwealths'; and, truly, to build up from 
  the discordant elements of our nature the passions, the interests, 
  and the opinions of the individual man, the rivalries of family, clan, 
  and tribe, the influences of climate and geographical position, the
  accidents of peace and war accumulated for ages,– to build up from these 
  oftentimes warring elements a well-compacted, prosperous, and powerful 
  State, if it were to be accomplished by one effort or in one generation
  would require a more than mortal skill.''


{}\hspace{-5pt}{``}Lord Bacon, in 'the true marshalling

would require a more than mortal skill.''   




因此,解決這個問題的一種方法是將該巨集放入自己的巨集中\def,呼叫它\andIquote,這樣,就像我的 MWE 的第一個範例一樣,人們只需將 on\andIquote作為引用中的第一項進行調用。



\andIquote Lord Bacon, in 'the true marshalling

would require a more than mortal skill.''   

Lord Bacon, in 'the true marshalling

would require a more than mortal skill.   




\noindent\llap{``}Lord Bacon, in 'the true marshalling ...


除了 Steven Segletes 的回答之外,您可能(就介面而言)考慮使用cs報價包,它提供了各種掛鉤來產生顯示報價的自動環境。這樣做的潛在好處是,它避免了\andIquote在任何引文開頭添加的需要:假設您希望所有引文都採用這種方式,它會自動為您完成。



\mkbegispquote使用和提供的“掛鉤” \mkenddispquote,您可以安排在每個顯示的報價周圍自動放置開始和結束引號。 (我還展示了史蒂文在頁邊空白處放置引號的方法的替代方法,儘管他的方法同樣有效。)


% #1 is closing punctuation, #2 is citation. 
% We don't use them in this instance, but they
% need to be "catered for"
% #1 is closing punctuation, #2 is citation.
% again, we provide for them if needed

Here is a displayed quotation, which should be long enough to go over a number
of lines. In this case I have not specified any closing punctuation or citation
for the quotation.

Here is another displayed quotation. In this case there is some specified
punctuation which goes at the end of the quotation before the closing mark.

Here is yet another displayed quotation, this time with a citation to be included
in the mix, which will be printed at the end of the quotation, after the quotes 
are closed.


