



\noindent Let us define:
  \item[$C_{DEP}$] (\euro) depreciation of the machine.
  \item[$C_{EN}$] (\euro) energy cost.
  \item[$CE$] (\euro /year) energy cost per year.
  \item[$CMAT_{(W \geq W_L)}$] (\euro\textcentoldstyle) cost of raw material regarding the ``conforming'' packages.
  \item[$CMAT_{(W < W_L)}$] (\euro\textcentoldstyle) cost of raw material regarding the ``non conforming'' packages.
  \item[$CS$] (\euro\textcentoldstyle) cost of sorting.
  \item[$CP$] (\euro\textcentoldstyle) cost of the packaging material.
  \item[$c_{pack}$] (\euro /kg) cost of the packaging material per kilogram.
  \item[$c_u$] (\euro\textcentoldstyle/g) cost of the raw material per gram.
  \item[$\delta$] dummy variable to consider both rework and scrap packages.
  \item[$DEP$] (\euro /year) depreciation of the machine per year.
  \item[$E(W|W \geq W_L)$] (g/package) expected weight value of the ``conforming'' packages.
  \item[$E(W|W < W_L)$] (g/package) expected weight value of the ``non conforming'' packages.
  \item[$LAB$] (\euro /h) labor cost per hour.
  \item[$n_B$] number of ``conforming'' packages.
  \item[$P$] number of packages produced in a specific time interval.
  \item[$Q_{pack}$] (kg/package) quantity of the packaging material per package.
  \item[$t$] (hours/package) production time.
  \item[$W$] (g/package) quantity of product delivered in each package, it can be modeled as a random variable with an unknown distribution.
  \item[$W_L$]              (g/package) legal weight of the package. The tolerable negative error in the contents of a prepackage is fixed in accordance with the table below:

    \captionsetup{font=small} % Set the caption font size
\begin{tabular}{cc | cc}

\multicolumn{2}{c}{$W_T$ in \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{Tolerable negative error}\\
from    &   to              &   as \% of $W_T$  &     \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}\\
5       &   50              &   9               &   -       \\
50      &   100             &   -               &   4.5     \\
100     &   200             &   4.5             &   -       \\
200     &   300             &   -               &   9       \\
300     &   500             &   3               &   -       \\
500     &   1000            &   -               &   15      \\
1000    &   \num{10000}     &   1.5             &   -       \\

\vspace{5pt} % a little space to shift the caption down
\caption{tolerable negative error}
  \item[$W_T$] (g) Target weight value of a package.
  \item[$TI$] (s) time used to take care of the ``non conforming'' packages.
\item[$WH$] (hours/year) working hours of the machine per year.






SYMBOL    (Units)    Long long long long long long long long long long long long long
SYMBOL_2  (Units)    Long long long long long long long long long long long long long
                     Long long long long long long long long long long long long long


這種可能的解決方案利用了中介紹的技術具有對齊描述的描述列表並為符號定義一個名為aboxbox 的宏,長度為 3cm,左對齊,以便建立第二列對齊。




\def\abox#1{\leavevmode\hbox to 3cm{#1\ \hfill}}


\noindent Let us define:
\begin{description}[leftmargin=6.2cm,labelwidth=\widthof{$E(W|W < W_L)$}]
\item[$C_{DEP}$]  \abox{(\euro)} depreciation of the machine.
\item[$C_{EN}$]   \abox{(\euro)}  energy cost.
\item[$CE$]       \abox{(\euro/year)} energy cost per year.
\item[$CMAT_{(W \geq W_L)}$] \abox{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of raw material regarding the ``conforming'' packages.
\item[$CMAT_{(W < W_L)}$]    \abox{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of raw material regarding the ``non conforming'' packages.
\item[$CS$]       \abox{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of sorting.
\item[$CP$]       \abox{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of the packaging material.
\item[$c_{pack}$] \abox{(\euro /kg)} cost of the packaging material per kilogram.
\item[$c_u$]      \abox{(\euro\textcentoldstyle/g)} cost of the raw material per gram.
\item[$\delta$]   \abox{} dummy variable to consider both rework and scrap packages.
\item[$DEP$]      \abox{(\euro /year)} depreciation of the machine per year.
\item[$E(W|W \geq W_L)$]\abox{(g/package)} expected weight value of the ``conforming'' packages.
\item[$E(W|W < W_L)$]   \abox{(g/package)} expected weight value of the ``non conforming'' packages.
\item[$LAB$]      \abox{(\euro /h)} labor cost per hour.
\item[$n_B$]      \abox{} number of ``conforming'' packages.
\item[$P$]        \abox{} number of packages produced in a specific time interval.
\item[$Q_{pack}$] \abox{(kg/package)} quantity of the packaging material per package.
\item[$t$]        \abox{(hours/package)} production time.
\item[$W$]        \abox{(g/package)} quantity of product delivered in each package, it can be modeled as a random variable with an unknown distribution.
\item[$W_L$]      \abox{(g/package)} legal weight of the package. The tolerable negative error in the contents of a prepackage is fixed in accordance with the table below:

\captionsetup{font=small} % Set the caption font size
\begin{tabular}{cc | cc}

\multicolumn{2}{c}{$W_T$ in \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{Tolerable negative error}\\
from    &   to              &   as \% of $W_T$  &     \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}\\
5       &   50              &   9               &   -       \\
50      &   100             &   -               &   4.5     \\
100     &   200             &   4.5             &   -       \\
200     &   300             &   -               &   9       \\
300     &   500             &   3               &   -       \\
500     &   1000            &   -               &   15      \\
1000    &   \num{10000}     &   1.5             &   -       \\

\vspace{5pt} % a little space to shift the caption down
\caption{tolerable negative error}
\item[$W_T$] \abox{(g)} Target weight value of a package.
\item[$TI$]  \abox{(s)} time used to take care of the ``non conforming'' packages.
\item[$WH$]  \abox{(hours/year)} working hours of the machine per year.






  \item[#1] \makebox[\twolen][l]{#2}%

\noindent Let us define:
  \myitem{$C_{DEP}$}{(\euro)} depreciation of the machine.
  \myitem{$C_{EN}$}{(\euro)} energy cost.
  \myitem{$CE$}{(\euro /year)} energy cost per year.
  \myitem{$CMAT_{(W \geq W_L)}$}{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of raw material regarding the ``conforming'' packages.
  \myitem{$CMAT_{(W < W_L)}$}{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of raw material regarding the ``non conforming'' packages.
  \myitem{$CS$}{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of sorting.
  \myitem{$CP$}{(\euro\textcentoldstyle)} cost of the packaging material.
  \myitem{$c_{pack}$}{(\euro /kg)} cost of the packaging material per kilogram.
  \myitem{$c_u$}{(\euro\textcentoldstyle/g)} cost of the raw material per gram.
  \myitem{$\delta$}{} dummy variable to consider both rework and scrap packages.
  \myitem{$DEP$}{(\euro /year)} depreciation of the machine per year.
  \myitem{$E{(W|W \geq W_L)}$}{(g/package)} expected weight value of the ``conforming'' packages.
  \myitem{$E(W|W < W_L)$}{{(g/package)}} expected weight value of the ``non conforming'' packages.
  \myitem{$LAB$}{(\euro /h)} labor cost per hour.
  \myitem{$n_B$}{} number of ``conforming'' packages.
  \myitem{$P$}{} number of packages produced in a specific time interval.
  \myitem{$Q_{pack}$}{(kg/package)} quantity of the packaging material per package.
  \myitem{$t$}{(hours/package)} production time.
  \myitem{$W$}{(g/package)} quantity of product delivered in each package, it can be modeled as a random variable with an unknown distribution.
  \myitem{$W_L$}{(g/package)} legal weight of the package. The tolerable negative error in the contents of a prepackage is fixed in accordance with the table below:

    \captionsetup{font=small} % Set the caption font size
\begin{tabular}{cc | cc}

\multicolumn{2}{c}{$W_T$ in \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{Tolerable negative error}\\
from    &   to              &   as \% of $W_T$  &     \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}\\
5       &   50              &   9               &   -       \\
50      &   100             &   -               &   4.5     \\
100     &   200             &   4.5             &   -       \\
200     &   300             &   -               &   9       \\
300     &   500             &   3               &   -       \\
500     &   1000            &   -               &   15      \\
1000    &   \num{10000}     &   1.5             &   -       \\

\vspace{5pt} % a little space to shift the caption down
\caption{tolerable negative error}
  \myitem{$W_T$}{(g)} Target weight value of a package.
  \myitem{$TI$}{(s)} time used to take care of the ``non conforming'' packages.
  \myitem{$WH$}{(hours/year)} working hours of the machine per year.




如果您只想使用description清單並執行以下操作大衛建議,將所有內容填入項目描述中,您可以使用\rlap和獲得便宜的對齊方式\phantom。 (請注意,兩個\phantom指令的參數應分別是「符號」和「單位」欄位中最長的條目。)


\newcommand\itemd[2]{\item[\rlap{#1}\phantom{$CMAT_{(W<W_L)}$} \rlap{(#2)}\phantom{\euro{}
/ package}]}

\noindent Let us define:
  \itemd{$C_{DEP}$}{\euro{}} depreciation of the machine.
  \itemd{$C_{EN}$}{\euro{}} energy cost.
  \itemd{$CE$}{\euro{} /year} energy cost per year.
  \itemd{$CMAT_{(W \geq W_L)}$}{\euro{}} cost of raw
material regarding the ``conforming'' packages.
  \itemd{$CMAT_{(W < W_L)}$}{\euro{}} cost of raw
material regarding the ``non conforming'' packages.
  \itemd{$CS$}{\euro{}} cost of sorting.
  \itemd{$c_{pack}$}{\euro{} /kg} cost of the packaging material per
  \itemd{$c_u$}{\euro{}/g} cost of the raw material per
  \itemd{$\delta$}{none} dummy variable to consider both rework and scrap
  \itemd{$DEP$}{\euro{} /year} depreciation of the machine per year.
  \itemd{$E(W|W \geq W_L)$}{g/package} expected weight value of the
``conforming'' packages.

(發布 CW 因為我不太喜歡這個輸出:對於許多不同長度的符號和單位,任何對齊的輸出都會看起來很尷尬。)



使用它tablex支援的alongtable和 a 一樣tabularx可能有分頁符號:

\captionsetup{font=small} % Set the caption font size

\noindent Let us define:

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}r X@{}}
$C_{DEP}$ (\euro) & depreciation of the machine.\\
$C_{EN}$  (\euro) & energy cost.\\
$CE$      (\euro /year) & energy cost per year.\\
$CMAT_{(W \geq W_L)}$ (\euro\textcentoldstyle) & cost of raw material regarding the ``conforming'' packages.\\
$CMAT_{(W < W_L)}$ (\euro\textcentoldstyle) & cost of raw material regarding the ``non conforming'' packages.\\
$CS$ (\euro\textcentoldstyle) & cost of sorting.\\
$CP$ (\euro\textcentoldstyle) & cost of the packaging material.\\
$c_{pack}$ (\euro /kg) & cost of the packaging material per kilogram.\\
$c_u$ (\euro\textcentoldstyle/g) & cost of the raw material per gram.\\
$\delta$ & dummy variable to consider both rework and scrap packages.\\
$DEP$ (\euro /year) & depreciation of the machine per year.\\
$E(W|W \geq W_L)$ (g/package) & expected weight value of the ``conforming'' packages.\\
$E(W|W < W_L)$ (g/package) & expected weight value of the ``non conforming'' packages.\\
$LAB$ (\euro /h) & labor cost per hour.\\
$n_B$ & number of ``conforming'' packages.\\
$P$ & number of packages produced in a specific time interval.\\
$Q_{pack}$ (kg/package) & quantity of the packaging material per package.\\
$t$ (hours/package) & production time.\\
$W$ (g/package) & quantity of product delivered in each package, it can be modeled as a random variable with an unknown distribution.\\
$W_L$ (g/package) & legal weight of the package. The tolerable negative error in the contents of a prepackage is fixed in accordance with the table below: 

\begin{longtable}{cc | cc}\toprule
\multicolumn{2}{c}{$W_T$ in \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}} & \multicolumn{2}{|c}{Tolerable negative error}\\
from    &   to              &   as \% of $W_T$  &     \si{\gram} or \si{\ml}\\
5       &   50              &   9               &   -       \\
50      &   100             &   -               &   4.5     \\
100     &   200             &   4.5             &   -       \\
200     &   300             &   -               &   9       \\
300     &   500             &   3               &   -       \\
500     &   1000            &   -               &   15      \\
1000    &   \num{10000}     &   1.5             &   -       \\\bottomrule
\caption{tolerable negative error}\label{tab:legislation} \\

\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}r l X@{}}
$W_T$ (g) & Target weight value of a package.\\
$TI$ (s) & time used to take care of the ``non conforming'' packages.\\
$WH$ (hours/year) & working hours of the machine per year.\\


