pgfplots 繪製有理函數時傳回“維度太大”

pgfplots 繪製有理函數時傳回“維度太大”




    \begin{axis}[axis lines=middle, ymax=10, ymin=-10, xlabel=$x$, ylabel=$y$]
      \addplot[only marks, scatter, scatter src=explicit, point meta=y] coordinates {
        (-4, 4)
        (-3, 5)
        (-2, 10)
        (-1, -5)
        (0, 0)
        (1, 1)
        (2, 1.429)
      \addplot[smooth, domain=-10:-1.5, variable=\x, samples=301, unbounded coords=jump, variable=\x] {(5 * \x) / (2 * \x + 3)};
      \addplot[smooth, domain=-1.5:10, variable=\x, samples=301, unbounded coords=jump, variable=\x] {(5 * \x) / (2 * \x + 3)};
      \addplot[dashed, domain=-10:10] {5 / 2};
      \draw[dashed] ({axis cs:-1.5,0}|-{rel axis cs:0,0}) -- ({axis cs:-1.5,0}|-{rel axis cs:0,1});




unbounded coords只有當您獲得精確的inf座標時,鍵才起作用。但是,如果座標變得太大但inf它沒有嘗試處理該數字,則會出現此錯誤。為了避免此類問題,請使用restrict <x,y> to domain密鑰


    \begin{axis}[axis lines=middle, ymax=10, ymin=-10, xlabel=$x$, ylabel=$y$,restrict y to domain=-10:10 ]
      \addplot[only marks, scatter, scatter src=explicit, point meta=y] coordinates {
        (-4, 4)
        (-3, 5)
        (-2, 10)
        (-1, -5)
        (0, 0)
        (1, 1)
        (2, 1.429)
      \addplot[domain=-10:-1.5,samples=301, unbounded coords=discard] {((5*x)/(2*x + 3))};
      \addplot[domain=-1.5:10, samples=301, unbounded coords=discard] {((5*x)/(2*x + 3))};
      \addplot[dashed, domain=-10:10] {5 / 2};
      \draw[dashed] ({axis cs:-1.5,0}|-{rel axis cs:0,0}) -- ({axis cs:-1.5,0}|-{rel axis cs:0,1});

