Tikz 外部化

Tikz 外部化

我在外部化 tikz 圖像時遇到一些問題。

我正在使用以下序言,並使用 lualatex 啟用了 -shell-escape:

% for splitting lines on maths
% these packages are for inserting graphics, allowing spaces in file paths and specifiying file path
% bibliography setup:
\usepackage[firstinits=true,backend=bibtex,style=authoryear,natbib=true,maxbibnames=99,urldate=long]{biblatex}% use "[style=authoryear]" alternatively.
\DeclareFieldFormat[article]{volume}{\bibstring{volume}\addnbspace #1}
\DeclareFieldFormat[article]{number}{\bibstring{number}\addnbspace #1}
%for landscape pages
% for wider margins
% for inserting Tikz Figures 


% setting output name same as input name
%   \tikzsetnextfilename{#1}%
%       \input{./TikzInput/#1.tikz}%
%for tables
% to include matlab scripts (make sure mcode.sty is in the master tex location)
% adjusting the margins
% for inserting Pages
% for inserting pdfs
% for making Tikz Pie charts
% for the tick symbol

% For the Title Page
  honours-prelim, % "honours-final" for the final report







!套件 tikz 錯誤:抱歉,系統呼叫「pdflatex -halt-on-error -interact ion=batchmode -jobname "TikzOutput2/FinalReport-figure0" "\def\tikzexternalreal job{FinalReport}\input{FinalReport}"」沒有產生可用的輸出檔案「T ikzOutput2/FinalReport-figure0」(預期為 .pdf:.jpg:.jpeg:.png: 之一)。請確認您已啟用系統呼叫。對於 pdflatex,這是“ pdflatex -sh ell-escape”。有時它也被命名為“write 18”或類似的名稱。或者命令可能只是失敗了?錯誤訊息可以在“ TikzOutput2/Fin alReport-figure0.log”中找到。如果你現在繼續,我會嘗試排版圖片。

