OSCOLA BibLaTeX 註腳在精確點之前缺少逗號

OSCOLA BibLaTeX 註腳在精確點之前缺少逗號

我發現了 BibLaTeX 或 OSCOLA 風格中的錯誤。當在引用書籍章節後精確引用期刊文章(可能還有其他類型的來源)時,期刊文章的腳註並不總是用逗號將文章起始頁與精確頁分開。

這是一個 MWE:

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{book}


\usepackage[style=oscola,        citereset=chapter,     ibidtracker=true,          
   backend=biber,        babel=hyphen]{biblatex}
\title{Test Document}

 This is a reference to a book chapter.\autocite[]{Chapter}

This is a reference to a journal article, which should have a comma before the second page reference.\autocite[116]{Article}   



author = {Author, Chapter}, 
title = {Book Chapter}, 
booktitle = {Edited Collection}, 
editor = {Editor,Book}, 
publisher = {Publisher}, 
address = {}, 
pages = {}, 
year = {2014}, 
edition = {},

author = {Author, Article}, 
title = {Journal Article}, 
journal = {Academic Journal}, 
volume = {30}, 
number = {1}, 
pages = {114}, 
year = {2014}, 
location = {}

第二個引用應該是“114, 116”,但是(至少在我的系統上),它是“114 116”。逗號不見了。我怎樣才能恢復它?
