無法使用 LuaLaTeX 和 chemnum 套件更改字體

無法使用 LuaLaTeX 和 chemnum 套件更改字體

我似乎無法使用 chemnum 作為套件來更改 LuaLaTeX 中的字體。我想使用 Calibri (而不是 Times New Roman),就像現在的情況一樣。這是我的程式碼:


\linespread{1.3}%1.5 line spacing


\chapter{This is your chapter title}

\section{This is your section title}

\subsection{Here is an example}

\vspace{-20pt} % removes 'white-space'
\cmpdref{benzene} % replaces TMP1

Add any text here and use \refcmpd{benzene} to refer to the compound. This way if you add a new figure in front of this one the numbering will automatically be changed. \\
Not totally sure if .eps is require or if only benzene would be sufficient.\\

Note: you need lualatex --shell-escape  -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex in the configure texmaker for the lualatex. 






Add any text here and use to refer to the compound. This way if you add a new figure 
in front of this one the numbering will automatically be changed. 

Not totally sure if .eps is require or if only benzene would be sufficient.


如果您想要更改整個文件的預設字體,Herbet 的答案是正確的。但是,如果chemnum您只是要變更產生的標籤,請載入fontspec並定義要使用的字體,並將其名稱放置在複合標籤的格式中,如下所示:



但是,您還需要它才能與psfrag和 一起使用auto-pst-pdf。這需要小心地切換進出軟體包:主文件運行在lualatex支援的文件上fontspec,但運行在不支援的auto-pst-pdf文件上。latex您應該按以下順序載入ifluatex測試:





\linespread{1.3}%1.5 line spacing


\replacecmpd{benzene} % replaces TMP1

Add any text here and use \refcmpd{benzene} to refer to the
compound. This way if you add a new figure in front of this one the
numbering will automatically be changed. Here is another compound


